View Full Version : How to know when you're getting better?

Irish Sammie
05-01-2014, 02:37 PM
Hey guys,

I'm actively working on my anxiety as we speak. I've started to volunteer around my area doing free odd jobs and labour to whoever needs it. I thought it would get me out more and allow me to get physical which are two aspects that are required to treat this. I'm curious though, how do you know you're getting better? I'm talking more specifically when you feel anxiety like anyone without a disorder would. Today when I was out, I was feeling anxious and a bit nervous over helping someone clean up their yard, wondering was I doing a good/proper job of it. Is that normal? It frustrates me a little because I'm not sure if that's a normal feeling anymore, or if that's still my anxiety flowing through like normal.

It would be hard to gauge your recovery time when you still have to face situations that have anxiety naturally occuring. Is this just me? or do other people not experience pangs of anxiety when doing things for people?

Thank you :)