View Full Version : Zoloft question

05-01-2014, 01:37 PM
Hey all. Got a question/concern I'd like to ask you all. I've been on 50 mg's of Zoloft for a little over one week. I started out on 12.5 mg's for a week and then went to 25 mg's for a week and finally ended up where I'm at now. My anxiety is still high. Not constantly...it comes and goes. Sometimes it's high enough that I feel panic building but I'm pretty much able to come out of it.
Anyway, Tuesday when I saw my pdoc, she seemed surprised I was still feeling so much anxiety. I told her ssri's do that to me and I figure it's a side effect and my body is still trying to adjust but she didn't think so. She said she thinks I need to up the dose to 100 mg's. I'm fairly sure I'm not adjusted to the 50 because I'm also still having bowel issues too. I'm going to do as she says (she has the education) but how long does it take before you start feeling better on Zoloft? I thought 3-4 weeks on a 50 mg dose. Is this wrong?
What are your experiences with it?
Thank you to any who take the time to read and comment. :)

05-01-2014, 02:28 PM
Hi Jgirl I am on 100mg of Sertraline I used to be on 50mg the first 2 weeks of taking sertraline i felt terrible my anxiety was extreme. It was a massive improvement when I was put up to 100 I am so pleased how sertrlaine has worked for me. Also it's very nice to meet you! I hope stuff improves for you soon.

05-01-2014, 03:37 PM
Hi Jgirl I am on 100mg of Sertraline I used to be on 50mg the first 2 weeks of taking sertraline i felt terrible my anxiety was extreme. It was a massive improvement when I was put up to 100 I am so pleased how sertrlaine has worked for me. Also it's very nice to meet you! I hope stuff improves for you soon.

Good to meet you too! Can you tell me about how long it took to kick in and make you feel better?

05-02-2014, 02:04 PM
Hi again I started to feel a bit better after about 2 weeks but on 50 I was still suffering bouts of anxiety. It wasn't until I got onto 100mg that it really dealt with it! my dosage was changed in november and I have been really good since christmas.