View Full Version : face numbness anybody?

05-12-2008, 08:02 PM
just had another bad, sleepless night with feeling like I was about to faint and stiffness/numbness on mouth, more like in jaw, that was some resistance when I wanted to open mouth wide. Weird feeling, going nuts I guess.
Anybody had something like that?

05-12-2008, 08:37 PM
Yes I have had this. It happens almost daily. I would have to say its quite normal with anxiety

05-13-2008, 12:27 PM
thanks, glad I didn't go nuts yet then.

The Melody of Rain
05-13-2008, 05:19 PM
A friend of mine who had suffered from anxiety in the past had this symptom. He later found out it was a syndrome called Bells Palsy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell%27s_palsy). His doctor told him his was due to nothing more than high stress levels, and with the reassurance that it wasnt anything too serious he was able to relax enough for it to fade away within 3-4 weeks.

05-13-2008, 06:20 PM
hey, thanks!
good info, I'll have to check out this Bells Palsy thing...

The Melody of Rain
05-15-2008, 07:01 PM
Well coincidentally enough, this is the same friend I want to find out off about the elixir I mentioned in the other thread. I'm 90% certain its Bells Palsy you have, because its either that or you're after having a stroke - in which case you definitely wouldn't be sitting at a computer. You probably don't have the full blown syndrome, but it'll be on the way if you dont get something for it. Go to your GP and he'll give you a prescription for something to calm you down so it doesn't develop into the full condition. He'll probably only sort you out with 1-2 weeks supply at best depending on how you present the issue to him because their qualifications will limit them in the amount they can actually hand out - not being fully qualified in terms of psycho-analysis. I mean, they'd know what questions to ask and what answers to find, but thats only to determine wheither you're in need of referral to a specialist.

Man you must be highly stressed if Bells Palsy is the issue. Don't worry about it though, I know its not 'normal' (if normality even exists, which is extremely questionable) but its a sign that you, at least physically, are healthy...as is the same for anxiety. As I said, my friend had it for about two months and it completely went away. He also came out of his anxiety shortly afterwards, as I think it scared the living shite out of him. Although I dont want to get your hopes up.

05-15-2008, 08:29 PM
Hi Melody of Rain,
I don't have Bells Palsy because I don't have any facial paralysis
as I read about symptoms, and I have this feeling come and go since 4 months so stroke also doesn't fit. Had brain CT. My doc and neurologist
saying it's stress, depression an anxiety...
thanks anyway

The Melody of Rain
05-16-2008, 12:14 PM
Its just that 'numbness/stiffness' and 'paralysis' as I define them are virtually indistinguishable, but I suppose definitions differ from person to person. If my tongue was stiff and numb, I certainly wouldn't be able to move it, likewise with paralysis. Can you move the area at all? The symptoms you describe exactly match the those experienced by my aforementioned friend and an Irish doctor's diagnosis was Bells Palsy syndome. But then again, I suppose diagnoses differ from doctor to doctor.

05-16-2008, 12:47 PM
Its just that 'numbness/stiffness' and 'paralysis' as I define them are virtually indistinguishable, but I suppose definitions differ from person to person. doctor.

no, paralysis is when you cannot move some part of you body at all, and with numbness/stiffness you can move it but with some greater effort. Neurologist check my reaction, I could smile, move my tongues etc. BTW, since yesterday it's gone again. I agree though terminology can be confusing.

05-16-2008, 01:04 PM
A friend of mine who had suffered from anxiety in the past had this symptom. He later found out it was a syndrome called Bells Palsy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell%27s_palsy). His doctor told him his was due to nothing more than high stress levels, and with the reassurance that it wasnt anything too serious he was able to relax enough for it to fade away within 3-4 weeks.

You know what? When my daughter was born, (my first) she had Bells Palsy, specifically on the mouth. It was from pressure on her, while she was coming thru the birth canal. Doctor said it was temporary, not to worry. Everything will go back to normal. He was right.