View Full Version : looking for help.

04-30-2014, 06:04 PM
Hey everyone!

So, looking for some help to see what you think it is more or less. I've had for the last 3 years anxiety on and off. I have klonopin and take it as needed, which I don't use a lot. Lately, I've felt horrible. So in a nut shell, I have this dull pain really not pain but pressure on my left breast not in the center but close to my armpit maybe? Around that area. Sometimes it gets me so excited... that I feel like I can't breathe, that can lead to me not be able to sit still, antsy, and I'm always left touching or holding the area. Sometimes I think I can touch the area and make the pain worse... I'm just talking regular.. and my mind is always thinking about the worst case scenario.. I can tell you that. That is without question. Then I start going on google and reading different stuff, trying to be a doctor and so on, which is horrible.

There can be nights where I wake up in the wee hours of the morning very dehydrated or dry, meaning I drink a lot of water like a Poland Spring bottle 12oz and feel better and then tend to stay up even longer until my body is extremely tired..... and knock out. That is very common.

About me: I'm 26, male, overweight about 230lbs, 5'8.... Not the best shape what so ever so.. But I want to get in better shape but just can't find the motivation to do it with all this negatives in my head. A few years I had my run with panics attacks into the hospital, e-k-g's, echo's, chest x-ray, blood..... They all come clean.

I'm so nervous... and life before this use to be so great.... I can't remember how a nice night was without thinking when the next attack will be. What is wrong?

04-30-2014, 08:24 PM
Hey! :)

If you've seen a doc and everything came back fine, then you're fine. I also used to get chest pains, all kinds. If the pain gets worse or ease off when you touch it, I'm pretty sure it's not your heart. It's probably your muscles being sore because when you're anxious, you're tense without you even noticing it.

The biggest mistake, that even I still do sometimes is using google as a doctor. I mean, it could be good. Sometimes it's your best friend.. but sometimes it's your worst enemy. I would say stay away from google. If you happen to be very curious and you can't stop yourself, google "problem" and add anxiety to that lol. But try to avoid google, for your own sake.

Yea the dehydration; your brain is working 24/7, thinking something is wrong. It takes alot of your energy, both mentally and physically. So it's going to demand alot from you. Water, food, rest etc

You need a way to deal with this. Medication, self-help, therapy etc. The untreated kind of anxiety is the worst kind. Setup a way to get rid of this, it won't go away by whining and complaining about how f*cked up life is :P

Hey man, try to not worry about this sh*t. Don't make anxiety a lifestyle. It's a barrier/obstacle in your life that will only make you stronger. Learn to say f*ck it.

Wish you the best! :)

anxious aussie
05-01-2014, 12:40 AM
Hey everyone! So, looking for some help to see what you think it is more or less. I've had for the last 3 years anxiety on and off. I have klonopin and take it as needed, which I don't use a lot. Lately, I've felt horrible. So in a nut shell, I have this dull pain really not pain but pressure on my left breast not in the center but close to my armpit maybe? Around that area. Sometimes it gets me so excited... that I feel like I can't breathe, that can lead to me not be able to sit still, antsy, and I'm always left touching or holding the area. Sometimes I think I can touch the area and make the pain worse... I'm just talking regular.. and my mind is always thinking about the worst case scenario.. I can tell you that. That is without question. Then I start going on google and reading different stuff, trying to be a doctor and so on, which is horrible. There can be nights where I wake up in the wee hours of the morning very dehydrated or dry, meaning I drink a lot of water like a Poland Spring bottle 12oz and feel better and then tend to stay up even longer until my body is extremely tired..... and knock out. That is very common. About me: I'm 26, male, overweight about 230lbs, 5'8.... Not the best shape what so ever so.. But I want to get in better shape but just can't find the motivation to do it with all this negatives in my head. A few years I had my run with panics attacks into the hospital, e-k-g's, echo's, chest x-ray, blood..... They all come clean. I'm so nervous... and life before this use to be so great.... I can't remember how a nice night was without thinking when the next attack will be. What is wrong?

I get this exact feeling. Left side of my chest. Sometimes pressure sometimes a pain. And I always have to touch it or be aware of it

05-01-2014, 03:47 AM
Thanks.. Yeah I mean I got it checked a while ago with a few doctors. They never see anything wrong which always pushes towards anxiety. I just don't get it. I guess I just have to start to push myself to start hitting the gym and all that good stuff because like this I feel like I'm just giving in.. The most peaceful time for me in sleep - since I don't remember any of my dreams... Like I said I do have Klonopin and use it as needed but sometimes I feel so off... out of person (like I'm in the 3rd person), off balance, whoa it just keeps going on and on! I'm one to just complain and so on.. I have to make maybe another appointment.