View Full Version : Need some advice guys

04-30-2014, 05:35 PM
Hey guys! :)

I'm completly out of my "anxiety-bubble", the only thing that is left is some minor things that are not affecting my life daily. So, tomorrow I'm heading to my cousin; where it all started. Where I got my first and worst panic attack. I'm afraid my brain might go full retard-mode and I'll get all anxious, because I will get flashbacks. My friend also smokes MJ aloot, so the smell of it is there. If I smell it, it'll remind me of some bad sh*t. How should I deal with this?

Hope you're all doing great! :)


04-30-2014, 05:44 PM
we cannot predict how our bodies will react, you may feel fine or a little anxious.

The best thing to do is to take each moment as it comes. It may have been where you experienced your first panic attack and remind of times that you did not enjoy. But instead of thinking about them In a negative way think of them positively, for example " I had my first panic attack here and at the time it was unpleasant, it's great to think how far I have come and how much better I am feeling"

04-30-2014, 08:06 PM
I kind of can see the situation when I stand there, at that position and see that exact "view" I had when I got my panic attack. I will remember that MJ smell and at the same time I'm gonna smell it at that moment...

But you're right, I can't predict how my body will react to that situation. Maybe it's my irrational thoughts coming up again.

Thing is, it's not all thoughts... it's the feelings that are the worst...


04-30-2014, 08:52 PM
Hi friend!! Glad to hear things are going good!!

My only advice would be to talk to your cousin?? Maybe tell him you don't smoke anymore & you don't like really being around it.. Idk if he smokes in front of you or not. Let him know before you head there..

I think it's a good idea because you're not avoiding something like the store or anything like that. You're avoiding weed which a lot of people do!!

Good luck :)

Niicole Lynne
04-30-2014, 10:48 PM
For a while there music and movies and such were causing me anxiety and they r some of my favourite things. I know were different but as iv started to feel better iv been able to crank my tunes and sing again and watch whatever movies I want.
I do notice the signs and symptons of panic now tho and instead of letting it get to me I make sure I have an exit even if that's just leaving the room, playing a quick game on my phone, playing sudoku or cross word etc. so my advice is don't leave urself vulnerable. Make sure to have an escape route so to say and just be aware of any panic signs