View Full Version : Unusual symptoms

04-30-2014, 01:11 PM

I dont know what is going on with me for the last few days. My symptoms are basically very versatile, but the most dreadful and terrifying of them are related to pressure in my nose that comes and goes and a strange symptom that reminds ringing in the ears but it comes with feeling that my head will explode. Generally I feel a lot of pressure in my head with buzzing and tension and I hate it. Sometimes pressure in nose gets so bad that it hurts. With these symptoms I really fear that it's my BP skyrocketing, although I did check my BP lately and it was as usual, a little high, but still not worrisome. I have read that it might be related to sinuses, but it's quite strange because when I am calm I don't have this pressure but when I am under stress I do get it. Is anybody familiar with these symptoms? What could it be? How to relieve it?

04-30-2014, 02:25 PM
Hi tabs,
I do not know where you live but here in the U.S. the tree polled is at it's peek and I think that I saw a post from the UK that said tree pollen was very high. The reason i ask is because the symptoms you describe are just like my bad hay fever/ allergy.

04-30-2014, 03:21 PM
Hi JohnC,
Well, I don't live in countries you mentioned but here where I live we do have a similar condition. I am still quite hesitant that I have allergies to spring substances in the air. But thanks for your thoughts, I'll study this option.

04-30-2014, 03:37 PM
Hi tabs

It might be sinusitis.
The symptoms you describe like the pressure in your nose could be that. When your anxiety levels are high it would make you more aware of the symptoms too.
