View Full Version : Help! Panic rising

04-30-2014, 11:50 AM
My legs are feeling weak and I feel a little...out of reality? Not great, anyway. Please help me to stay calm. I don't know what has set this off.

04-30-2014, 12:12 PM
Hey snowberry

04-30-2014, 02:02 PM
Hi Jessed03. My leg muscles feel very weak. I feel like they could collapse in on themselves. I have an essay that needs to be finished by tomorrow but I can't concentrate. This is getting very frustrating. :( I just want to feel normal.

04-30-2014, 02:22 PM
Hi snowberry,
Hang in there, sounds like your getting really stressed. Do you know how to do the breathing exercise that's posted around this forum? It seems to really help lower my stress and anxiety.

04-30-2014, 02:43 PM
Hi JohnC, I have done some breathing. I am feeling calmer but my muscles still feel a little weak. I have typed some of my assignment which has made me feel better about getting it in on time. I am also listening to some calming brain wave stuff on youtube, which is hopefully helping.

This stuff just seems to come from nowhere. It's tiring. My right kidney seem a little sore and warm, plus I'm urinating more frequently so I probably have a freakin' kidney infection or something that's making me feel worse, not to mention my stomach is warm and churning a little. I've been sick pretty much constantly this year, which doesn't help my health anxiety. I've decided once my studies finish I may as well put myself on some meds, because it's getting out of control now. I feel depression more often than not, and no matter how hard I am working at keeping it together, I'm only able to cope, not feel better, so I think it's time for some professional help.

Tomorrow I will go for a long walk, try to exercise and sort my head out. :(