View Full Version : Constant shortness of breath *all day* is it anxiety?

04-30-2014, 11:04 AM
Im 23 year male and very healthy life style and don't smoke. All day I get shortness of breath where breath doesn't go all the way down. It seems to go away when I eat like crazy as in full my stomach.EVEN WHEN IM NOT HUNGRY I EAT FOR NO REASON WHICH IS RUNING MY DIET I did a surgrey tummy tuck 2012 and it kidna started from there but has gotten worse. Checked with surgeon and it had nothing to do with surgery he said. Can it be anxiety. Got a chest and lat xray showed no lung problem and checked oxygen which was normal doctor said... I have a over thinking problem where I think all day non stop worrying about things? any ideas?

04-30-2014, 11:06 AM
Sure sounds like it could be anxiety. It's certainly where I'd put my money.

04-30-2014, 03:08 PM
I would put my money on it being anxiety. I have had long stretches of time during the day where I've felt like there's an elephant sitting on my chest or I couldn't quite catch my breath on high anxiety days. The fact that you said you spend most of your day worrying is a good indicator to me that it's most likely anxiety.

04-30-2014, 09:48 PM
I would put my money on it being anxiety. I have had long stretches of time during the day where I've felt like there's an elephant sitting on my chest or I couldn't quite catch my breath on high anxiety days. The fact that you said you spend most of your day worrying is a good indicator to me that it's most likely anxiety.

wow yeah it makes me go to kitchen and eat but im never hungry man... this kills me and feeling that the AIR ISNT TOUCHING UR STOMACH kills me even more!

anxious aussie
05-01-2014, 12:38 AM
I get this too. I also feel like pressure on my chest or a squeezing sensation that makes me worry about my heart. Of course I'm hyper sensitive to every sensation so once I feel one thing I go off on an anxiety tangent where I constantly feel like something is wrong with me. It frustrates me to no end. Even when I try to rationalize I'm just aware if every twinge, pain or feeling I have constantly.

05-01-2014, 03:13 PM
I'm currently having that pressure in my chest/heaviness in my chest feeling. I know its anxiety though. I wish it would go away.

05-01-2014, 04:59 PM
Hi! I have shortness of breath too, it comes and goes and the moment I think about it I have it..my doctor said it's just anxiety..

05-02-2014, 02:10 PM
well mine is 80-90% all day..... when im out I always get it and it scares me to death... I end up eating something when it comes till it goes away (eating until point of stuffed) this kills me for many reason... 1 being im a gymmer and train al lday and diet all year.... 2nd.... im never hungry when it comes which make me ruin everything....

05-03-2014, 04:47 PM
anyone? any other ideas?>

05-03-2014, 04:54 PM
I have to agree with everyone it really sounds like anxiety. As anxiety makes you aware of the sensations in your body it feels more pronounced. I agree though chest pain has to be one of the most scariest anxiety symptoms.

Why don't you try distraction if you haven't already. Instead of heading to the kitchen why don't you head out for a walk or something?
Or do some training. I no it's easier said than done but try and relax as the more you worry about it the more it's going to be there.

05-04-2014, 12:04 PM
tried but it just gets shortness of breath in worst ways.... I don't wanna live like this.... someone said asthma.... but I did surgery like I said above like a year ago... no way I got it at 22 u know? I just want it gone....

05-04-2014, 06:14 PM
Id rule out some kind of inflamation causing it. Its possible its anxiety. But it can also be things like gerd, it seems like the dangerous things have been ruled out. But dont be afraid to get a second opinion. Not everything can be attributed to anxiety but the problem with those of us who have anxiety is we dont beleive the doctors when they say we are healthy. Just rule out all the possibilties with an open mind and go from there.

05-04-2014, 08:01 PM
I did take scans of chest and lungs seem fair... surgeon said nothing after surgrey had to do with it... I did feel it since after surgrey.... very lost and tired of eating to escape it all day.... its running me life..... where to start from now?

05-04-2014, 11:07 PM
What surgery did you have

05-05-2014, 08:28 AM
I see this as a control issue, as well as definite anxiety. What do you think? Do you try to control things, people, places, events? Are there past events you wish you had control over? Do you think constantly, feel the need to perform any rituals? Check doors, count, recall numbers, letters? Do you weigh yourself a lot, check blood pressure? Trying to control breath? You do know you will breathe without thinking about doing it? So how do you stop this breathing thing? You don't. How do you stop this eating thing? You don't. You watch it!
When the need to worry comes what other thoughts feelings, fears, worries are present? Don't judge them, let them be there, watch them, and see what it is you are feeling, feeling will point to what you need more than thought. Thoughts are fleeting and uncontrollable. They are not you. By letting go and watching alone you will see they lose their grip. Learn some patience and compassion for yourself. You're good enough, do you equate your worth at all with being fit, muscle bound or slim? Get rid of that if so. Well actually you can't get rid of it that easy once again, let go of the need to be anything other than as you are, in the background truth is you're just the watcher of these eating and thinking, and breathing things. Replace and reassure yourself with thoughts of how you're much more than a body. That background watcher of all this that perceives the stuff, is the real you. The emotions are the actions springing forth from the subconscious mind, I suspect it's an overall not feeling good enough about who you are with all these other things, weight, breath, thoughts. The body always acts out the below the surface going on's of the mind. Right now you're stuck in mind, there is no reason or peace there, just a limited mechanism to figure things out that is useful, when overused due to anxiety it becomes our master instead of vise versa. Do not try to stop anything, or change anything, start new habits, be gentle non judgmental of you. You'll find a lot of space to be clear and your relations with other will improve as well. Love thyself, and be true to you. Until we get comfortable with the uncomfortable in life we will fight and scream and flail like a child, so give up, surrender, admit it, you're okay. Fat, thin, muscular, or not, trim and fit or a couch potato you're just fine. Here is where your breathing comes back to normal and things become easier. This is just my experience, and it's so much easier. As I let up on myself I opened up the gates to peace of mind, and acceptance. I also didn't judge others as harshly either, and actually enjoy all people regardless of their shapes size color.



05-05-2014, 10:34 AM
I did a tummy tuck to tighten skin after major weight loss.

I have no patience whats so ever, always getting mad quick, and don't like waiting ON ANY THING AND ALWAYS IN HURRY FOR STUFF TO GET THEM DONE.... I HAVE NO IDEA WHATS GOING ON BUT IM TIRED OF IT....

05-05-2014, 10:35 AM
some people said it could be asthma? I doubt that?

05-07-2014, 12:09 PM
or a food anxiety