View Full Version : Weirdest symthom yet

05-12-2008, 05:34 AM
Hey all,this is goin to probably sound pretty stupid but i am constatly aware of my body all of a sudden,every move i make aware of it and when i look in the mirror and think i look weird...its kinda like im trapped in my own body..

can sum1 please put my mind to rest and tell me its just over thinking as i have done in the past eg aware of gravity,time,eye sight

thx guys

05-12-2008, 05:41 PM

Yes, it is probably a symptom of overthinking.

When my anxiety was at its worst I used to have days when I would describe it as "feeling like my body didn't fit me properly".

If you are worried about something specific that may be wrong with your body, please go and see a doctor to put your mind at rest.

If not, put it down to over-analysis and try not to think about it so much.

Best wishes


The Melody of Rain
05-12-2008, 06:45 PM
Hey all,this is goin to probably sound pretty stupid but i am constatly aware of my body all of a sudden,every move i make aware of it and when i look in the mirror and think i look weird...its kinda like im trapped in my own body..

can sum1 please put my mind to rest and tell me its just over thinking as i have done in the past eg aware of gravity,time,eye sight

thx guys

This doesn't sound stupid in the least of ways and makes complete sense. Rabid was correct in his reckoning - you're over analysing. This, more often than not, occurs from high stress levels and is nothing at all to be worried about. Basically, because of stress your body has become oversensitive. You're over stimulated.

How is your short term memory?
Can you still hold a conversation without pulling a mind blank?
Would I be right in presuming you have a lot of muscle tension?

05-13-2008, 05:51 AM
at the moment my short time memory isnt great but im assuming it wont last long as my anxiety symptoms change weekly

and ye i dont normally have a problem holding a conversation at all but i do seem to get muddled up on my words from time 2 time

and i actually do have a little muscle tention...

im just worried a little as iv had anxiety for 5 years and it doesnt seem to get any better..the only time when i feel normall is when i have a few drinks

buit this is by far the craziest symptom iv ever had...how can u freak out at the site of ur own body lol? this cant be normall.....

anyway thx for the replys guys

05-15-2008, 07:03 AM
its totally normal dude i have been suffering anxiety since i can remember im now 25 years of age, its only really gotten worse these las tfew years because of stress and shit and i recently couldnt get out of bed cause of panic attacks, and for some time probally 8 years i couldnt look in the mirror very rarely on days which i feel ok which arnt many i also have outer body feeling like im looking out from inside my head sort of like a first person shooter when you can only see your hands and weapon.........keep fighting dude

05-15-2008, 01:26 PM
Hi AngryScotsman
I also get those strange out of body feelings and hate the way I look, somedays its worse than ever!! I also start thinking that I must have done something bad and I am being paid back.Its real wierd because it feels like my life is a big jigsaw puzzle, and every so often something or one finds a bit and slips it into place and something else bad will happen.I also see things in the time for eg: on a digital clock the number 52 is a reverse copy of itself and if I see this I am nearly always bad,but it now seems like everytime I look at the clock it is there again 52!! 52!! 52!!.
The only time like yourself that I get any relief is when I have a drink,but that is only at night,and the problem with the drink is that I think it makes these horrible extra heartbeats worse, so i panick over that and I just cant win. I know exactly were you are coming from,but weve just gotta hang in there. It's nice to know that we are not alone.
Take Care