View Full Version : These thoughts are killing me...

04-29-2014, 06:54 PM
Hi I'm new here and this is my problem.

Everything in life is about acquisition built on how attractive you are. People have friends because of their looks as it is their appearance that moulds their personality type over time. We look at a picture of a person and we are able to assume what their life is like. We then evaluate 'Will I benefit from befriending them or not'. A human being is a mathematical formula limited by attractiveness and intelligence. It's very simple. Those two things will and are determining the outcome of your life. A human being, when conceived, is kind of like an empty page on which the story of their life is written out over time. The quality of the paper on which this story is written, is determined by these two things: attractiveness and intelligence and this is an analogy for the quality of your life.

Even those people who insist on being liberal and accepting make choices based on aesthetics of people and places because this is fundamental to nature and evolution has instilled the desire to 'need' and 'acquire the best of X' throughout time. I accept this because for life to evolve there has to be competition in needing and acquiring the most suitable 'stuff' for it to thrive in whatever conditions of its environment. However, what I am irked about is our reaction to this and how our views of people's neediness change depending on their social status. Those people who are apparently 'educated' are equally as needy as the poor but their need manifests itself in different ways. Our need is so overwhelmingly great that when it comes to mating, choosing partners and having children, why do we lie to those people who are perceived to be 'ugly' by convincing them they are equal to the attractive person and will also experience these things when they are won't. Shouldn't we tell them 'You will most likely live and die alone' so how will you deal with this? Society seems to have a habit of telling these people they are equal, then in a trice, telling them they are not. This disparity is what I cannot fathom nor cope with.

It is our nature to treat those who appear to be 'educated' with greater respect than the poor but why? They are needier? Are we respecting the way by which they have acquired this need? This is ridiculous if so because many rich people are ruthless and calculating and the way they have acquired their fortune is likely to have impeded the lives of others more than how a poor person would have sated their need. Those who see poor people as threats are deluded when it is in fact the middle/upper class who are the threats in our society. And to those who think the upper class are 'better' than the poor, let me tell you, they are worse. Their neediness is shrouded amidst their eloquence. They go about needing and acquiring stuff in what we perceive to be a more 'appropriate' way when compared to the poor who are forced to beg. Both ways are rooted in need and selfishness. No one is better than any other person because we are equally selfish and needy but it is the way by which we deal with our need that determines how obvious it is to others.

Should an 'ugly' person be born then their success in life is immediately determined by their face and 'genetic quality' yet we lie to them by convincing them they are 'equally' likely to achieve success. There are a lot of distractions in society, one of them being its complexity, which make this realization less obvious and more oblique. So what you get is the formation of 'many different' qualities of life emerging throughout time. There are transparent gates in society which limit what we can achieve like attractiveness and intelligence. They are very discrete and almost impossible to detect because of how our society functions. It functions in a way which 'convinces people they are equal, yet when people try and achieve, small obstacles that determine your attractiveness and intelligence start impeding success' such as your social ability, which is determined by your looks throughout time. I bet you that if you had person A) who is very attractive and person B) who is very ugly, place them within the structures of society for 20 years, you will see that person A) will have succeeded more than person B) - in most cases, though of course, exceptions do exist. Nature operates in probabilities, from what I can see, what is more likely and what is less likely. It is more likely that person A) will go on to reproduce and it is more likely person B) will live and die alone. Whether you decide to make an effort to befriend someone is based on their appearance even if their personality appears friendly, their face has moulded this personality over their life. It is only when you sit back and look at your position in life do you see how successful or unsuccessful you are.

A human being is the most mathematical entity that I have seen. We are a walking equation limited by our attractiveness i.e. by how much does our face conform to the golden ratio and our intelligence. If we had the power to change these two things, and we can change one of them considerably through plastic surgery, then the vast majority of mental health issues would evaporate. Some people are mentally ill because their appearance does not synergize with their personality and so this disparity is recognizable to them. These people realize that society is ruthless and that there are gates designed to organize people into different groups based on monetary gain. But for one to increase their wealth, they need a face derived from some kind of blueprint, from which the faces of all successful people are built from. They must be a coherent and functional unit such that when placed within the structures of society, people naturally gravitate towards them. However most people who are ugly simply recede quietly into the recesses of society and live a life in which poverty, mental health and failure dominate. What I'm saying that there is a very strong correlation between quality of life and attractiveness.

I sometimes look at a person and I can immediately establish their background based on all facets of their appearance. Genetic factors such as height, body type, skin colour, facial features to environmental factors like clothing. If there is cohesion between the two then they are likely to be a 'distinguishable' coherent unit without any visual conflict and so they will then find a specific group that welcomes their appearance. Some groups happen to be more widely thought of than others and it is the people in these groups who are likely to be more successful in their life. Now the intelligent people recognize this and are intent on procreating so that their intelligence gets merged with attractiveness and a child is born who is more likely to achieve within the structures of society. These are often the people from middle/upper class families.

I am only young but this realization is making me very upset because by treating everyone as a statistic, we take away our humanity. 'He has X' attribute, so I will choose him' instead of her even though she has different but equally valuable skills. You see it all of the time. Attractive people are less likely to develop mental health problems because they aren't as suppressed as the ugly person. Their life is more involved and they have more opportunities than the ugly person for both jobs and relationships. A lot of attractive people or indeed normal looking people are able to find this perfect equilibrium in their life because they have done and experienced more stuff than the suppressed person who still questions 'who am I' and lives their life holding on to a false belief like 'I'm not really ugly'. Should they start talking to someone, however, reality hits home and they realise their inadequacies are what is preventing self contentment as seen in the normal to attractive people. They are then more likely to develop depression and all of the other garbage that comes with feeling inadequate in the presence of others.

When I am in the company of people who are consider attractive and successful, I think 'Maybe they can see that I have the potential to be successful to'. This assumption is what drives me to keep going. My entire life is built upon assumptions that I haven't had the chance to determine whether they are true or false. And as time passes, I age and become more supressed whilst the normal/attractive people are finding out who they are simply by trial and error. This is very experimental, like relationships etc and they are able to find a persona that fits their appearance. Some people however, continue to live a life in which nothing is proven to be true or false and their reality begins to shatter. What was rational begins to become irrational to all but you. Like this post for example, yet it holds a resounding truth to you because you are not equipped to engage in life normally and try out many different thinks which converge on self contentment.

Maybe you can't help me on this? Who do I talk to because I feel like people don't understand or maybe there isn't anything to understand? Why do I feel constantly depressed over these thoughts all of the time? Moderators please do not delete this without giving me a reason. This will only increase the ambiguity I have over these thoughts and make things worse.

There is more below...

04-29-2014, 07:41 PM
Some of the more 'real' problems I have happen daily such that I find going to the mall or shopping incredibly difficult because I am with people who are far more attractive and successful than I am. They have attraction. They have money. They have created a family. None of which I could possibly do as I am not equipped to be like this. I cannot accept this and will not accept this. This is what causes depression because I can see the ordered structure of society and I have no place within it. I walk around with a lot of assumptions which convince me otherwise like 'Maybe people can see the potential I have' but these are inevitably shattered by others. Should I talk to someone, I can see the look of confusion on their face, as though my face and words contradict each other. I assume they think 'He shouldn't be talking like this if he looks as he does'. He comes from the recesses of society and he should accept this. A lot of people become criminals because they realize this and rebel against it. I for one, have never been a violent person but...

Then in a trice, I can turn this around and think the converse. I question why I have these thoughts and by doing so, reason and logic begin to de-materialize and I am left feeling utterly confused over everything. Then sometimes I think that I enjoy feeling inferior and that I could, if I wanted to, change my ways but the fact that I haven't affirms that I am 'indirectly' enjoying being unique in this sense. A more disturbing thought of mine is the idea of homelessness and how I would actually enjoy it because I enjoy people making false assumptions over who I am. I enjoy them thinking that I am homeless but really, I could have been so much more. I enjoy the failure and perhaps I am a person who will always be intent on destroying anything good in their life. I enjoy walking next to successful people and have them laugh at me, mock me or whatever. Secretly I think I am actually one of these people but I like to think for some ridiculous reason that I am not.

Then I think in rational terms which leaves me feeling embarrassed and ashamed over such terrible thoughts. This puts me into a state of denial and confusion where I try and purify my mind from all of this doubt and turmoil only to lapse back into the cycle once again. The cycle is indefinite which means I will always feel like this but the intensity of the thoughts might increase and this might influence me to do bad things that I will later regret. I seem to get a buzz from contradiction and juxtaposition. Like having a girlfriend who isn't of my ethnicity just so others would look on. Maybe this is attention seeking? I enjoy being successful but then I also enjoy being unsuccessful too. The problem is the successful people are able to see that I am one of them. I have had lots of chances in my job when I should have been fired but maybe they would if they read this. I actually enjoy them seeing me fail and underachieve because this is what my face suggests.

I am reaching the point where I want to 'feel' what it is like to have control over these types of people. Given that I a not a violent person, I try and abstain from this by clinging on to those assumptions like 'Maybe they can see that I am successful too'. But why do I think like this? It is because I am lonely. If I were to have regular social interaction then I will have a 'firm footing' on reality. I will be able to evaluate myself and explore who I am, like most people are able to do. My personality type means that I cannot accept failure and should I fail then I will give up entirely. I cannot bare the fact that there are better people than me who are deemed as more successful. I avoid going near places like Universities because the people there are mostly successful, having come from those middle/upper class families I talked about. I can walk down the high street and I can feel my face grate on reality as though it is like a cancerous growth. When I walk down the street, I can feel people's eyes burning into me because I am not worthy of being there or living even. This is obviously quite an insane feeling but at the time I know it is the reason why I have no friends and why I am ultimately depressed.