View Full Version : breathing!

05-12-2008, 05:16 AM
i think i found the cure

and it was so simply all along


whenever you have bad anxiety or anxiety attacks you usually breathe really fast, really short breathes

just take a deep breath in, count down from 3, and breath out slow

thats all i do and it works!! havent had an attack for 2 days ever since i found out about this

its easy, just repeat until the attack subsides:

step 1 - take a big breath in through the nose
step 2 - count 3, 2, 1
step 3 - breathe out nice and slowly

it works even general anxiety

05-12-2008, 11:01 AM
Yes, it does work, when you feel tense & anxious all the time not enough fresh oxygen gets into your mind for it to work properly. Drinking water helps too.

The Melody of Rain
05-12-2008, 06:49 PM
Congratulations on finding your method. How long were you suffering?

05-13-2008, 12:02 PM
I suffered for 7 years after a malicious & vindicative violent assault by people who I thought were normal & O.K. After that I couldn't trust anyone but I somehow had to face the world & go to work just to stay alive. I'd count down the hours until I could go back to bed alone & be away from everyone, but even then I'd have violent nightmares about the assault.

Then I began to think rationally & realised it was just a one-off attack & not everyone was like that, so I began to relax & smile around people again and wake up feeling confident & just 'being myself', and I started breathing better, & in the end that was the cure.

05-15-2008, 02:35 PM
Well Done Kev
I think that breathing has so much to do with anxiety states and panic and everything that goes with it,but I find it so hard to try to retrain myself,even though Ive been seeing counsellers for the last 15 years.
Besides my other probs I suffer from sleep apnea which I think has alot to do with how I feel in the daytime,but when I mention it to the Dr he never takes it serious.I had tests and they said I had sopped breathing about 50-60 times in about 4 hours of broken sleep. I know a chap who had a heart attack at 42 and they reckon that was bought on by sleep apnea. He now sleeps with an oxygen mask and has told me that he does'nt feel as tired or anxious as he used to.So theres got to be something in it.