View Full Version : Anxiety, Insomnia, and Zopiclone.

04-29-2014, 11:43 AM
About 4 months ago, I had a lot of life changes.

Got married, moved out of my parents home into my home with my wife, had a miscarriage, stress with work, etc.

I have always had some issues with anxiety and OCD, like washing my hands, not touching doors, checking doors before sleep, etc. But nothing that made life difficult for me.

When we moved into the new house, I noticed I was nervous about leaving my parents, and all the new changes. Almost immediately, I noticed my sleep was being affected. I was having trouble sleeping, and just assumed it was adjusting to the new house/bed.

I'm now doing CBT, taking Zopiclone, trying to exercise, and hoping I will eventually get through this.

I worry about my dependency to the Zopiclone on a daily and nightly basis, and I think this is causing a lot of my anxiety. That along with the idea that I won't sleep a minute, if I don't take the pill.

Has anyone been here?

04-29-2014, 12:26 PM
I am on Zoplicone for ten years, do not worry get help, do you take whole pill?

04-29-2014, 12:33 PM
I am on Zoplicone for ten years, do not worry get help, do you take whole pill?

I started the first 2 1/2 months taking 2.5mg. Then needed more so went up to 5mg.

I've been taking 7.5mg for about the last month or so.