View Full Version : Extreme Anger

05-11-2008, 11:17 PM
Hi just wondering if anybody else has this problem. I get extremely angry very easily, I get easily agitated and have a very short fuse. I never used to be like this before. I have had anxiety on and off for about 5 years I am very snappy and grumpy towards everyone in my family I dont know how they put up with me. Will I ever feel normal again? :(

The Melody of Rain
05-12-2008, 06:36 PM
I'm positive you will, but we need to establish the reasons behind your inability to control your temper. Anger is essentially down to a lack of emotional stability.

What kind of thoughts do you encounter leading up to and throughout your fitful rage?

05-17-2008, 10:27 PM
I just feel completely trapped and suffocated in my life.

05-19-2008, 02:34 PM
Hi just wondering if anybody else has this problem. I get extremely angry very easily, I get easily agitated and have a very short fuse. I never used to be like this before. I have had anxiety on and off for about 5 years I am very snappy and grumpy towards everyone in my family I dont know how they put up with me. Will I ever feel normal again? :(

I have a short fuse as well, ....it's volatile at times......but I am pretty sure it's from having to always be 'nice' and on super good behaviour, even as a child and teenager because otherwise my father would go out on a drinking binge for weeks..............WEEKS I SAY!! Now what teenager do you know of who can't be themselves?....Who can't laugh and dance and joke around or speak of their problems that are bothering them?.....Who can't even invite a friend over because things might go wrong and the father will go out and drink....and drink....and drink........and break furniture.....and will have delusions.......and it goes on...and on.....and on.........for years!!!!!!!

Yes, that is why I have an anger problem. I feel so exhausted at times and when I do alienate someone else AGAIN.....I feel sad and lonely and regretful!!!!!

05-19-2008, 05:27 PM
Hi arbonb,
I understand exactly what you mean about the short fuse. I go through this on and off. It tends to scare me when I get that way and it makes me feel out of control. I have never been a very patient person anyway, but after I developed anxiety my level of patience declined even more. My anxiety will get really bad and than it will get better and than bad again. During the times that my anxiety is bad is when I feel that anger. I think that it is because I get so frustrated with the anxiety itself. I get angry with going through the days at work with anxiety attacks but pretending like everything is fine because I have to work. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I understand where you are coming from. Read the anxiety symptoms list and you will see anger as one of the many symptoms. Take care :)

05-19-2008, 09:19 PM
I just feel completely trapped and suffocated in my life.

That suggests that you need to take steps to change the things in your life that make you feel trapped and suffocated. They might be drastic changes that you're unwilling to take but until you do those feelings won't just go away. Or you might be able to change your life in smaller ways that lighten the load and make your feelings more bearable.

You could try meditation to look at your feelings of anger objectively so you might be able to deal with them better.

05-20-2008, 01:28 PM
Hi All
I suffer from extreme anger and have been to anger management a number of times,which I dont think did any good at all. I think the reason why I suffer these anger episodes is all down to frustration,because of our illness we are probably not where we want to be in life,and are frustrated by feeling ill all the time.There are ways of getting rid of some of this anger,and I used to find doing things like swimming and walking helped,but now I have these horrible heartbeat things,I have even had to stop that.You find that you usually take it out on the people who are closest to you and I find that the slightest thing ,like somebody saying the wrong thing to me will send me into a complete rage,but when I calm down I feel a sense of guilt about loosing my temper. At the end of the day I think it is all due to frustration about the way we feel.

05-20-2008, 08:52 PM
Ditto Stevie......how we gonna change this? Seeing others 'click' with others so easily......it makes me feel sometimes so alone, so different.

05-21-2008, 02:55 PM
Hey Dixxie any time that you want to chat ,just say,I am a married man and would like to help in anyway I can.Its a horrible thing that we live in with our problems, but I think we help one another. If you ever want to let of steam, just PM me. If you want to check out any of my posts, you will know that I am not a fake or anything like that? Its Horrible to suffer with this rage,BUT!!! I still believe that it is to do with the FRUSTRATION !!,of how? we are feeling. It seems to me like you just cant get on with your life the way that you want to,because you feel so unwell most of the time.
Take Care and All the BEST!!