View Full Version : Can't see the light at the end of the tunnel

04-29-2014, 02:47 AM
I'm starting to get frustrated.

The Doc put me on 50mg of sertraline 4 weeks ago and I'm not feeling any different. The only reason I seem brighter to others is because I'm working from home 3 days a week so am more rested. I'm still having nightmares but now with the added 'bonus' of scratching myself until I bleed whilst asleep. Last night was so bad I can't lean back against my chair!

Obviously these things take time but surely I should be feeling something?

I had an assessment for therapy last week and start 'psychological intervention' on Friday. If I'm honest I think the assessment has made me worse. It felt like sitting in a room naked. I hated every moment of it.

Going to see the Doctor tomorrow and will tell her how I'm doing. My prescription runs out on Thursday so maybe she'll try something else or up the dose?

Don't know where I'm going with this, it just feels good to vent. It's either moaning on here or kicking something and I don't fancy adding a broken foot to the list of things getting me down.

04-29-2014, 03:12 AM
Hello there,setraline is a really good med,it I'll take anywhere from 8/12 weeks to kick in,it's far to soon for you to feel the full affect of it,you have got over the worst part,stick with it

04-29-2014, 03:17 AM
My Doc said I'd be feeling it by now. Everyone says different things, it's confusing.
All I know is I feel terrible and for the first time ever I'm hurting myself. I'm like a freaking child it's so embarrising. I missed one dose last week and the next day was spent on the loo in pain, thats after weeks of feeling like hell.

It has to get better soon. I can't cope

04-29-2014, 03:22 AM
[QUOTE="Sassybot;182114"]My Doc said I'd be feeling it by now. Everyone says different things, it's confusing. All I know is I feel terrible and for the first time ever I'm hurting myself. I'm like a freaking child it's so embarrising. I missed one dose last week and the next day was spent on the loo in pain, thats after weeks of feeling like hell. It has to get better soon. I can't cope[/QUOTE

And it will get better,I know how hard it can be
I've been there and back again.
Is this the first time you have been on something ?

04-29-2014, 03:38 AM

I've not been on anything before. Guess I've always suffered from anxiety but this is the first time it's ever been like this

04-29-2014, 03:50 AM
Thanks. I've not been on anything before. Guess I've always suffered from anxiety but this is the first time it's ever been like this

How long have you had it? Do you know why you got it as bad?

04-29-2014, 05:17 AM
Guess I've always been quite nervous but tried covering it up.

It's got worse since jan/feb really. Went the Drs about 6 weeks ago after waking up having a massive panic attack.

04-29-2014, 12:20 PM
Guess I've always been quite nervous but tried covering it up. It's got worse since jan/feb really. Went the Drs about 6 weeks ago after waking up having a massive panic attack.

How do you feel everyday? Does it go away in the and get worse at night ? Do you know why you started having them ?

04-30-2014, 05:03 AM
Everyday? Mostly down. There are moments were I'm happy but mostly its sad or pissed off.

Been to the drs and she has upped me to 100mg starting tomorrow. She said it can take a while to find the right dose for someone so not to worry. Just cba with it all at the moment. Just want to hide somewhere only no one will let me. I know everyone is just trying to help and do whats best for me but, jeez, would be nice to spend a day without everyone giving me 'that look'.

04-30-2014, 07:49 AM
Everyday? Mostly down. There are moments were I'm happy but mostly its sad or pissed off. Been to the drs and she has upped me to 100mg starting tomorrow. She said it can take a while to find the right dose for someone so not to worry. Just cba with it all at the moment. Just want to hide somewhere only no one will let me. I know everyone is just trying to help and do whats best for me but, jeez, would be nice to spend a day without everyone giving me 'that look'.

Do you mean your family giving you that look?
Yes it can take a while to get your dose right
You will get there in the end and then look back and think what was that all about