View Full Version : Your anxiety.........

04-28-2014, 09:52 PM
I just wanted to ask if anyones anxiety here has evolved or changed throughout the time that you have experienced it. If it has I would really appreciate it if you would be willing to describe how...... has it changed into a different type from say social to Generalised or has the symptoms you experience changed over months..... years that type of thing. It would give me some piece of mind


04-28-2014, 10:04 PM
2 years ago, I out of nowhere started having panic attacks.. I avoided place that made me panic & left work..

I would still randomly get anxious but I thought for the most part, I was better..

Late February, I had a horrible attack that pushed me into agoraphobia. I couldn't leave the house. Thank God I got on medication before it got too bad..

I am now about 2 months on meds & 1 month counseling & I'm doing way better. The only thing I'm fighting off now is the anxious thoughts. Like always still expecting an attack.