View Full Version : Hypnotherapy for Anxiety

04-28-2014, 11:52 AM
So I've been to see a hypnotherapist 3 times now for my anxiety attacks. The first time was a consultation, and the last 2 she put me in a trance. It was quite hard to open up to someone about why I have these episodes after being let down by my other councillors. Being put in a trance is nothing like what you imagine, it's not like the films at all. She put on some soft calming music, and she made me lie down and close my eyes... If I was comfortable with it. She would start by getting control of my breathing. Next she asked me to relax the muscles in my face, jaw etc all the way down to the tip of my toes. Once I was relaxed she would describe a beautiful peaceful place... Which became so vivid in my mind. She made me think of a colour. This colour now calms me and makes me feel warm when I feel myself getting anxious. I don't know how she did it but I think you really have to go in with an open mind and believe that it will work. She gradually got me out of the trance. I felt calm and relaxed (kind of a bit floaty haha). It's still early days yet, I have to tell her all the good things that I have done during the days when I don't see her. I find it hard to think of things but eventually I can name a few... Even if it's a conversation I've had or something I have seen. Apparently theres a 'method to her madness' and I will believe it. I will try my best to do exactly what she says... If this doesn't work then God knows what I shall do.

04-28-2014, 03:24 PM
Awesome news Yazzy! I did a little bit of "Youtube" Hypnotherapy. I liked it, it was good guided imagery and helps to remove the unconscious thoughts that linger. Keep us posted on how it works for you. Its a little weird for some to take down your natural protective defenses but once you find that comfort it should really start work well!

04-28-2014, 03:33 PM
PS. for those that want to give it a try this is the ones I have been using that is pretty good!


04-28-2014, 03:33 PM

04-28-2014, 04:12 PM
Awesome news Yazzy! I did a little bit of "Youtube" Hypnotherapy. I liked it, it was good guided imagery and helps to remove the unconscious thoughts that linger. Keep us posted on how it works for you. Its a little weird for some to take down your natural protective defenses but once you find that comfort it should really start work well!

Oh YouTube therapy! Never thought of that... I will take a look :D glad u find it helps you.

04-28-2014, 04:27 PM
Well I am glad this has worked for you. I recall you were a bit apprehensive too. Too much television always leaves a bad impression, false images and subtle messages that it's a weird thing and something is going to control you or you may act out of character. LOL I laugh but know the play it can have on our minds. I think you are a great candidate for this therapeutic tool. So many think they can't be hypnotized, not true. There are some people who can't though. Even ones who think they can. All in all I think it's a safe bet to say it will add to your life in more ways than one. Keep us posted and thanks for being brave and doing it. It inspires others too.


04-29-2014, 01:08 AM
Well I am glad this has worked for you. I recall you were a bit apprehensive too. Too much television always leaves a bad impression, false images and subtle messages that it's a weird thing and something is going to control you or you may act out of character. LOL I laugh but know the play it can have on our minds. I think you are a great candidate for this therapeutic tool. So many think they can't be hypnotized, not true. There are some people who can't though. Even ones who think they can. All in all I think it's a safe bet to say it will add to your life in more ways than one. Keep us posted and thanks for being brave and doing it. It inspires others too.


Hello ;)

Yes I wasn't sure about the whole thing first of all. Posting my thoughts on here helped. The hypnotherapist gave me the giggles when she started... Then I told myself that I have to believe in it otherwise nothing will work.
Yes I will :) Thank you. I really hope it will work and my conscious mind will overpower my unconscious. Xxxx