View Full Version : Can't let go of anxiety

04-28-2014, 10:29 AM
First of all, I would like to thank everyone who is helping me out by reading this post. It means a lot me :).

I have been suffering from pretty bad anxiety and signs of derealization for about 5 months now. Here's the back story; My life has been in somewhat of a mess since I joined college. I failed most of my subjects in the first year and was not qualified to go to the second year. (I had to redo the subjects and go back a year from my friends). As I am from India, and there is so much competition its a HUGE deal to get a year back. Moreover, this has damaged my relationship with my parents and my closest friends. I slowly saw myself become a loner, an introvert (deep thoughts, over thinking etc.)

But around 5 months ago, midway through my repetition year, for the first time in my life, I got high by smoking 2 joints of weed. The next morning I did not feel the same, everything became somewhat of a 'blur' and I started to feel as if I was dreaming. But it did not severely affect my everyday life. I ignored this feeling and moved on with my life (although the effects were still present). But a few weeks later, I made a stupid mistake of smoking weed again, but this time did it for 2 nights in a row. This was on 1 Jan, 2014. Right after this dreadful experience, things got worst. The next day I experienced my first panic attack. My heart wouldnt stop beating fast, my palms would be get sweaty, my feet would started shivering. I developed a sort of fear in my heart. I feared that I was still high of the weed and that I would be high forever. As this feeling grew, my fear expanded and took over my life. In a week after the incident, I was scared of every single thing, every noise I would hear would scare me. I had a hard time remembering things as it seemed to me that I was dreaming or in a 'high' state ALL THE TIME. I could not sleep, I kept thinking and thinking about the endless possibilities of how I was completely fucked. I tried out a pysch, wasnt much of a help. I had this feeling for months at a stretch.

Around a month ago, I started experiencing change. I started thinking positively, was trying my best to let ago of stress and anxiety and have been trying to do so till this date. I just needed help from you guys to know how can I let go? How can I stop the fear of anxiety? I want to feel normal again... :/ Thanks again!

04-28-2014, 01:44 PM
Hello and welcome to the forum,
It sounds like you have one hell of a lot of stress going on and this only adds to your anxiety. As for the weed, i have smoked my share and some claim it's relaxing for them and it might just be but everyone is different. A lot of people will have panic attacks with the stronger weed. I gave it up when I had kids, no big deal. Just don't smoke it, sounds like it was bothering you anyhow. You have a lot of stress and I think if you have the time read around this forum a little and you will get some relief. It has help a lot of people including myself.
Good luck and never hesitate to ask a question.

04-28-2014, 03:05 PM
Welcome to the forums, I dont have a direct answer for you but I want you to know that I am going through what you are going through now.

Anxiety. This is what I am learning and how I am dealing with it. We can try methods together and see how it works

With my Anxiety I always ask what am I anxious about? Usually its either about having a panic attack, or I am afraid of the scary thoughts that pop in my head (Negative thoughts or suicidal). With the anxiety of the panic attack, since I have now learned how to deal with them, I constantly remind myself that I need not worry of the Panic Attacks anymore. This sounds silly but everyday I remind myself that its nothing. We have to do it because we programmed ourselves for a while that the Panic attack was something bad and it would bother us. So we need to deprogram it.

Next is the anxiety of the negative thoughts. I have not been having bad thoughts at all lately but I tell myself. I have had bad thoughts before, way before the anxiety and nothing has ever come of them. I have never been affected by them. Even the really bad thoughts, I asked so what if something bad happens to me? Have I done what I could do with my life at this very moment. I have I remind myself that everyday I need to do something so that if my time comes I am happy with what I have accomplished up to this point. Even if I havent reached all my goals have I done what I could up to that day! The answer is always yes!

Simple silly things help too, Did I have a bowl of that capt crunch cereal or did I make someone smile today. Simple silly things. Those large goals like school, work, marriage, life..... those come in time and "when we are ready to accomplish them". Things take time in life so why stress and put time on them. Who says it takes 4 years to graduate college, who says you have to get married by 30. The only person that says that is yourself..... You do it at the pace your life can handle it =)

Anxiety is when we are afraid of something..... but really ask yourself are we really afraid of it or are we just making ourselves afraid of something! Thats when you realize..... I made those thoughts something....when its really nothing!