View Full Version : Negative thoughts 24/7

04-28-2014, 09:13 AM
As you may no from my past posts I've been really struggling with thoughts that make me depressed anxious and panicky which is really getting hard to live with, I've been taking sertraline 50mg for a month and been having some good moments and bad I just want the med to work, went to my go last Friday and he told me he didn't want to up dose as he is confident that these will work he said he wanted to give it another 2 months to see how I am, I just prey that things start to pic up as I can't handle these really bad negative thoughts which are robbing my happiness for another 2 months. Sorry for the sob story just wanted to get it off my chest

04-28-2014, 06:22 PM
I have really negative, scary, dreadful, weird thoughts all the time too. Constantly. But I ask myself this, what's the big deal, it's just a thought. So ask yourself that and maybe you will see how silly it is to let thoughts have so much power over you. Sometimes it works for me sometimes it doesn't. But I'm right there with ya! Feel better :)

04-28-2014, 07:39 PM
I suffer from those same thoughts and have unfortunately passed that gene to my 7 year old son. In his therapy session today we played memory with feelings faces. When you got a match you had to talk about a time you had that feeling. He got worry and started to list what he worries about. His first worry was was silly and not very realistic. So I said to him "Now think about that, what is the possibility that that will really happen?" I had to stop right then and ask myself the same question on some of my worries. As many times as I have said that to myself, I never really got it until I was coaching him... really think about what you worry will happen and try to see yourself from the outside looking in. We may just see that what scares us is not justifiable

04-28-2014, 09:18 PM
Don't worry about these stupid thoughts. Get healthy, get eating right and excercising. Once you are in good health, your body will be healthy and so will your mind. The thoughts are caused by anxiety or depression, people who feel perfectly normal dont bother dwelling or worrying about any of these stupid thoughts.
I had Pure O, its mental torture. It's all a bunch of crap, once you get out of this dark phase you look back and think wow how stupid. I just started learning meditation a couple of weeks ago, it helps a lot! But it wont get you very far with out living an overall very healthy lifestyle, I believe.

A key factor in getting rid of these thoughts is to let them flow freely, aka dont wonder why you're having them, or dont try to reason with what they could mean or any of that dumb shit. They dont mean anything, its just anxiety. So, when you do get the thoughts, you let your mind blow up with them but you keep doing what you're doing - plain and simply. If you're at work or talking to a friend and the thoughts come up, keep talking to your friend or keep working.. It'll be hard, but I promise they fade away once you give them less and less attention. The problem is, the suffering for me (because of the Pure O cycle) was at its absolute worst when I was trying to ignore the thoughts.. I thought I would have just died of anxiety for how much I was thinking, or that I lost the meaning of life - not the case, all crap.

Anyways, I hope I helped a bit but anyways you'll be better just stay strong :)

04-28-2014, 10:13 PM
Great response Michael

04-29-2014, 03:20 AM
Hello there I so can relate to this post,tho your doctor is so right they will
Work, believe me I know I was in the same
Place,also taking setraline 50mg,it's a great med
To be on for those dam thoughts and the anxiety

As Michael said they thoughts do go,don't fight with them,let them come and go and they soon will fade.

I know your in a scary place right now but this won't Always be the case.
You will look back and think what the hell was that all about :)
People with anxiety etc don't realise how strong they are as a person,give yourself come credit and realise that you are that strong person and you are helping yourself feel better
Take care :)

04-29-2014, 01:47 PM
Thank u very much people very comforting and inspiring, I've had a good day today as we'll so that's a positive

04-29-2014, 01:55 PM
Thank u very much people very comforting and inspiring, I've had a good day today as we'll so that's a positive

A good book I read on intrusive thoughts was called the imp of the mind it may help you :)

04-29-2014, 10:34 PM
That's great to hear Tomo, just stay strong you'll get better if you live a healthier lifestyle, I promise.

One way to really distinguish the fact that it's simply your anxiety/depression making you think this way is this;
talk to some of your friends about the thoughts (or general ideology of the thoughts), and see how they react. For example, I see dozens of people with Pure O that have self-harm or religiously centered blasphemous thoughts, and it causes them so much distress - another even more hectic form of this is existential OCD. As a more specific example, existential OCD would revolve around questioning the purpose of life and its' components, for us with anxiety, questions like this will keep the mind highly active and keep us highly anxious - but when you bring something like this up to a normal person (anxiety free I should say, not that people with anxiety aren't normal), they'll typically brush it off within seconds, or forget about it moments later, or even talk about it for an extended period of time but then wont even remember talking about it an hour later.. Why? Because it's not important.

Just remember, the brain is very complex and it can attach strange feelings and emotional responses to thoughts that really dont mean anything. I'm beginning to realize (through extended research) that many people who cant overcome these anxious thoughts just aren't truely believing that they don't mean anything at all, and thats simply due to the way our anxious brain is perceiving them. It really comes down to learning how to 1)Cope with the anxious thoughts for the time being 2)Be strong enough to continually give them the attention they deserve, which is none at all; a cycle of acceptance and reaction. Afterwards, they begin to die down and eventually vanish.

Anyhow, I hope I've offered more help and good luck always :)