View Full Version : Anxiety while sitting

04-28-2014, 06:15 AM
Newbie here,
Over the past few months my anxiety has been getting really bad. I've always been nervous with the normal things (speaking in front of a crowd ect.) but now I find myself getting really bad anxiety when sitting down. It happens a few times a day while at work but almost always when I'm out to dinner in a restaurant. I'll be fine for about 5-10 minutes then start to feel dizzy and the biggest symptom that's hard for me to explain is I'll "forget" to breathe. I'll be sitting there and will be looking at something up close like the menu then get a gradual but quick feeling of pressure behind my eyes so I'll quickly look up to something farther away and will find myself taking a huge intake of air as if i stopped breathing for a few minutes. At the same time I'll also get a dizzy spell and I'll find myself swaying a little bit. After that happens I will have to consciously keep a track on my breathing or I pretty much wont breathe.

Its weird and I wonder if it might have to do with something physical because its worse when on a high chair (Buffalo Wild Wings bar tables) but if I stand I don't get the dizzy spells. I still feel anxious but it gets a little better.

I think it would be described as social anxiety because most times once I walk outside or even just walk to the bathroom I calm down. Occasionally I'll get a dizzy spell while walking but its pretty rare.

I've talked to my primary care physician but from what I've read and self diagnosed I believe it my be due to fatigue. I work 60 miles one way from home and I get up at 3:30 Mon-Fri and sometimes Sat and wont get home till about 4 or later depending on how busy it is at work. I try to get to bed by 7:30-8 but now in the summer its hard to do that.

Basically I just want to know if anyone else out there has had similar experiences and if they have found something to help them. The last thing I want to do is take medication. I've been trying to at the very least go for walks or workout at the gym and I also have been trying beginners yoga at home from an app of my phone.

Any suggestions would be appreciated and feel free to ask for clarification on my back story/symptoms. I know it might be hard to follow.

04-28-2014, 07:07 AM
Sometimes I feel like I forget to breath and ill they go weird and panic it happens when I sit it happens more when I'm out but does happen at home but soon as I go in the fresh air it helps me I just try to take my mind of it by playing with keys or something.

04-28-2014, 08:10 AM
I've had that happen to me in a restaurant setting as well. I felt I just needed to get the hell outta there. When it happened ..... I went to the bathroom and tried to regroup. It was a small place with low ceilings.... So I don't know if that played a part or not. Hang in there....... It happens .... But it's not dangerous.

04-28-2014, 08:17 AM
I felt like that today out shopping. I just wanted to run out and leave my shopping in the trolley I wasn't sitting I was walking around. I had a crap nights sleep last night so I'm thinking lack of sleep didn't help.
If I get the feelings of panic I just try my best to just push them away or try and distract myself.

You should have a look at dahlias thread on meditation there is some great links on there.
There's also a website I think it was gene or 14 told me about called brain sync which is fab :-)

04-30-2014, 06:45 AM
I get this too, I could be laying down and feel like I forgot to breathe and like I have to make myself breathe otherwise I wouldn't. I then manage to take a massive breath and it's horrible. I try to breathe and sometimes can't and then all of a sudden I manage to take a breathe x