View Full Version : Anxiety destroying me

04-28-2014, 05:31 AM
Been suffering anxiety since I was a young teen and I have gone through good and bad days. Lately though it has really hit me hard. My intrusive thoughts have really gotten darker and I'm really struggling. Feeling depressed and the anxiety and thoughts are so strong that I continually question my past and how true they are, at times questioning what is really happening/has happened in fear that the thoughts are true. Death and murder seem to be very strong intrusive thoughts at the moment and I often question if I have done something like that to someone which is so stupid and irrational I know because I wouldn't hurt a fly. I guess this is why these thoughts are hurting me so bad and the panic and anxiety is so high. Seeing a doctor tomorrow. Can anyone offer me any advice on what to say to the doc? I really need help. This is slowly ruining my life and I am only 18.

04-28-2014, 07:43 AM
Hi ejr I would write a list out exactly how your feeling and take it with you to your appointment. That way if you struggle telling them anything you can just hand it over.


04-29-2014, 10:43 PM
Have you been/are you still on medications?

04-30-2014, 03:04 AM
Been suffering anxiety since I was a young teen and I have gone through good and bad days. Lately though it has really hit me hard. My intrusive thoughts have really gotten darker and I'm really struggling. Feeling depressed and the anxiety and thoughts are so strong that I continually question my past and how true they are, at times questioning what is really happening/has happened in fear that the thoughts are true. Death and murder seem to be very strong intrusive thoughts at the moment and I often question if I have done something like that to someone which is so stupid and irrational I know because I wouldn't hurt a fly. I guess this is why these thoughts are hurting me so bad and the panic and anxiety is so high. Seeing a doctor tomorrow. Can anyone offer me any advice on what to say to the doc? I really need help. This is slowly ruining my life and I am only 18.

Hello there intrusive thoughts are scary I know
But they will go in time,treat them for what they are and that's just thoughts,thinking something does not make you a bad person,and no one can control there thoughts,

Everyone has These thoughts No matter if they Suffer from anxiety or not.

It's just we that suffer from anxiety panic attacks get the thoughts which then in turn fuels the panic and then that makes you question why your having them etc
You think oh I must be a turning in to a nut case to think like that and why can't I stop thinking about this thought.

The thing to stop them is to let
Them come,don't fight them coming as you will find it only makes them worse.

I don't mean you have to accept what your thinking and believe your going to do something bad as your NOT
I mean except them for what they are and that's just a silly thought,a thought can't harm you.

Your doing the right thing by going to your doctor as when I got the thoughts they scared me loads to and I went straight to my doctor and they have me 50mg setraline (Zoloft) and it was really good and they went away.
I'm not saying they won't come back and if they do don't let them scare you,just think oh not you again your a lier.

A good book I got on my kindle in the imp of the mind,that's all about intrusive thoughts and it's really good :)
Let us know how you get on,I hope what I've said helps you
Take care Emma :)