View Full Version : Anxiety?

04-28-2014, 01:54 AM
I'm new to this whole thing. the fear, the feelings of dread/doom.
I guess I've always felt anxious, about everything! But it has gotten bad, the past few weeks.
I'm recently afraid of driving, being in any store around other people.

My mom was/is schizophrenic, so I have this HUGE fear that I'm going crazy, losing control of my thoughts, and having horrible racy thoughts of how my life would be ruined, if that were true. I don't have any of the symptoms of that particular illness, yet I can't seem to shake the fear, of "what if?"

My heart rate is constantly elevated, my scalp tingles, have a horribly upset stomach, and can't fall asleep on my own, without the use do sleeping pills, or melatonin.

I am incredibly forgetful, and can't focus on anything else. I don't know what to do? Any response would help me greatly.

04-28-2014, 02:03 AM
How long has this been going on?New onset?you should seek professional help if it is starting to affect your daily life.

04-28-2014, 02:20 AM
Thanks for the reply, and sort of. I've always been an anxious person, and have had bouts of anxiety that go away over a short period of time, over certain things. This particular bout has lasted longer than usual, and without cause.
Even the thought of having anxiety, gives me anxiety.