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04-27-2014, 05:28 PM
What could cause forgetfulness and confusion? Could I be losing it? Could it be a tumour? I'm quite worried about it!!!

04-27-2014, 05:30 PM
Stress. That's the simple answer. And worrying about things. Which you're kind of doing since you're worried about being confused. :) I have anxiety and I've found that lately I'm unable to remember simple things or even keeping track of what someone is talking about, like my attention span is shortened.

04-27-2014, 05:38 PM
Stress. That's the simple answer. And worrying about things. Which you're kind of doing since you're worried about being confused. :) I have anxiety and I've found that lately I'm unable to remember simple things or even keeping track of what someone is talking about, like my attention span is shortened.

I was thinking it was maybe stress as i am a bit worried the now. Like today i was looking at a 5 digit number & i got it muddled up if that makes sense.. it kinda got me worried.

04-27-2014, 05:43 PM
May I guess that you're the kind of person who finds a bruise on your leg that you don't recall and then you suddenly have leukemia? Because I am that kind of person. And you know, most of the time it's nothing. My father and I spoke about my anxiety, and he said that maybe I just have this general uncomfortable feeling of anxiety and I try to give it a "face" because I want to have something to worry about rather than just being worried. For instance, I would probably be worried about feeling confused too, then I'd go online on a binge-quizzing for schizotypal disorders, and then I'd find out that I was schizoid and then I'd have "something" to worry about. This is what anxiety is at it's core, when you take away all the things you could possibly worry about, you're just... worried. And that sucks. So therefor, you try to find a "face" to your anxiety.

Hope that made sense to you... :)