View Full Version : does this ever go away?

04-27-2014, 07:04 AM
i guys, been fine for about a week now however, just been for my dinner today came back and have a horrible sharp pain on the left side of my chest, so now the panick has set in and the dizzyness ect. just wondering does this ever go away, ive suffered for 5 year now and see posts on here from people that have suffered 20+ years wich makes me feel like its never going to go away

04-27-2014, 07:12 AM
Glad you've been doing better. I want to tell you yes it does go away, but honestly after 20+ years of this I don't know.

What I do know however is that even after many months and even years you simply get better at handling it. Even getting to the point of acknowledging it for what it is and then carrying on.

Just return to whatever helps you feel better, stay focused on today and don't worry about tomorrow. It will take care of it self.


04-27-2014, 07:14 AM
The answer to your question (in my own personal opinion) is that it CAN go away.

Often the problem is that once the psychological aspect of anxiety has subsided, it takes much longer for the physical symptoms to calm down, and ends up re triggering the psychological (and ends up keeping it going).

The strength to overcome it (or significantly improve it), is depending on accepting anxiety for what it is.

For example the pain and dizziness today is most likely from eating (indigestion and then panic over the sensation).

This is uncomfortable, inconvenient but non life threatening, becoming annoyed at the symptoms rather than afraid is one step towards devaluing the effects of anxiety.

It's easier said than done, but if you can maintain a calm approach to everything it throws up, it will eventually fade away.

Some people are simply genetically hard wired to nerves (me included) and many will never be totally rid of it altogether, but I'm sure as you will read through the threads of those living with it for many years, it's not always bad times. :)

Wishing you well

04-27-2014, 07:28 AM
I think that You can get use to it or handle it better but i suppose that some people may get it during a really stressful part of their life and never see it again. Unfortunately I am not one of those people. I am learning to handle better and this forum is one of my best tools.

04-27-2014, 07:32 AM
thanks for the replys guys :) it seems such a hassle to do daily tasks, all i think about when i go out is what if i faint or become illl, i constantly think about my heart and my health, it seems all my heart does is pound and give me pain