View Full Version : NEW Learning System

04-26-2014, 06:48 PM
Hey what is going on guys. I am a person that has suffered from anxiety for a while now. I recently started up a website that functions as a blog and community that enables viewers to see the life of a person just like you guys that suffer from anxiety and low self esteem. Definitely check it out. revolutionary-learn.com

Lets get our lives back !

04-26-2014, 07:04 PM
Hello Bryan,


I took a moment to look at your web site, nice job.

I do however wish to let you know that around here we tend to frown upon the promotion of specific brands of supplements, unless the information has been specifically requested by someone.

I'm certain you could be a good source of information for many here, but please give us a chance to get to know you a bit before trying to promote your own site/blog.

Senior member.

04-26-2014, 08:07 PM
Oh alright, sounds good. I will certainly like to get to know this website first.