View Full Version : Post Nasal Drip

04-26-2014, 06:35 PM
So, kind of off topic lol, but I was wondering if anyone has this? I seem to have a lot of it lately because I think I have silent reflux so that causes it, but what's worrying me is there are times when I clear my throat of it and there's streaks of blood in it. My nose is super dry and I feel stuffed up all the time in my sinuses so I'm wondering if the dryness is causing the bleeding? I don't have nosebleeds but this seems to be similar, just back into my throat. I feel constant drainage from the back of my nose I to my throat almost all day long. Of course I'm avoiding google so it doesn't convince me in have cancer haha. It could also be from a tooth that was pulled a few weeks ago. It seems to keep bleeding a little. Anyone experience this stuff before?