View Full Version : Roommate and Emetophobia

04-26-2014, 05:48 PM
Hi everyone! I was hoping I could get some advice from you guys. Today is springfest at my college and, as expected, my roommate has had a lot to drink. However, half an hour ago something unexpected happened: He threw up on his bed. This made me panic because I have emetophobia. I managed to take him to the bathroom, clean him up and make him functional again. However, I am having trouble dealing with the fact that there is intense vomit smell and soiled sheets in the small room we share. (I am typing this in my floor's common room as we speak, since I'm terrified to enter the room again. I've also showered INTENSELY after the incident.)

I was stigmatized pretty badly for my anxiety back in middle school. Since then I have met new people and tried my best to move past my anxiety. I haven't had a serious bout of it in years, and my friends are none the wiser that I have any issues. This, however, has triggered the anxiety again and I'm freaking out in a way I haven't since middle school. I'm hesitant to talk to anybody since I don't want to draw attention to myself, but I know I'm going to have to go back in my room eventually. Any advice?

04-26-2014, 05:59 PM
Why do you think you have emetophobia? I don't know much about it, does it stem from some kind of hypochondria or just being terrified by the vomit?

04-26-2014, 06:02 PM
I honestly don't know how it began, I've been terrified of vomiting for as long as I can remember. The smell of it is almost unbearable for me. I have OCD as well. I keep myself and everything around me as clean as possible, so vomit is a big trigger. Not only am I afraid of the smell, I'm afraid to deal with the dirty sheets.

(I should mention that my roommate isn't the cleanest person to begin with. If I don't clean the sheets, they'll likely sit in the corner until the end of the semester.)

04-26-2014, 06:03 PM
Think of it as something that is good for your body, especially when drunk. And also, there won't be any germs or viruses in there for you to take on since it was brought on by alcohol. I think my best advice for you is to try and think of it as something natural, but nasty, that we sometimes have to deal with. And when it comes to the part where you're afraid people will judge you: they won't. Most people don't enjoy vomit.

04-26-2014, 06:06 PM
I used to be terrified both of vomiting myself and other people doing it, but then on New Years my friend got black out drunk and if she wouldn't of puked, I am not sure she would've made it through the evening. So since then, I am not afraid of handling other people vomiting. I still don't enjoy it myself though (eh).

04-26-2014, 06:06 PM
Thanks for the advice! I've been trying to think of it as a learning experience, since vomit is one of the few fears that I have yet to conquer. I'll head up to the room now and at least try to move the sheets out Hopefully then the room will air out for when I go to sleep.

My biggest concern is "what is the smell never leaves??" but I recognize that as a symptom of OCD/anxiety in general so I'm doing my best to ignore it.

04-26-2014, 06:13 PM
Lock away the dirty sheets somewhere and open the windows and all will be well. ;) happy to help. I just told you my way of handling it, but I don't have OCD or anything so I probably don't have the same fear of it as you do.

04-26-2014, 06:38 PM
My RM's moving the sheets now - I opened a window and doused the room in febreeze. The smell isn't actually that bad, once the sheets are gone there probably won't be any at all. Thanks for all the support guys - sometime's I just need to be reminded that dirty things don't bring about the end of the world :)

04-26-2014, 07:00 PM
Hello, I feel for you on the vomit thing. I remember a lot of that in my college years but I lived off campus since I was a little older when I went to college and I could just leave when someone vomited. I know its a natural thing but still gross. I can gut and butcher a deer but I run and get my wife when one of the kids throw up. LOL. My wife just laughs at me and calls me a big baby.
Good luck and hope your RM will clean up good

04-27-2014, 03:46 AM
Well they don't, especially if the vomit wasn't caused by some virus or something, so it won't catch you. :)