View Full Version : Not sure what is wrong with me... help?

04-26-2014, 12:48 PM
Hey everyone,

New to the forum; not new to anxiety.

My body goes through this weird cycle, and I was hoping someone might be able to help me figure it out.

Basically, I will be doing fine, then something in my life will happen to trigger my anxiety. I get really consumed with fears, emotionally overwhelmed, obsessed with the problem. My energy starts to tank, I feel exhausted all the time, and it peaks with me going to bed and sleeping for 24 hours. One time I slept for 36 hours.

I was actually doing really well for nearly a year - this didnt happen to me at all, but in March I had a really stressful month and it began again and now it keeps happening.

Just wondering if anyone has ever heard of this?

Thanks! Hugs <3

04-26-2014, 01:02 PM
Hi and welcome,
I have had a bout like you just had. I went about 11/2 years of not doing to bad then my dad got sick twice so I was stressed and doing alot of driving back and fourth then some other really stressfull stuff and then I had lump removed from lip for a biopsy ( came back normal ). And all my anxiety returned. I can't say that I ever slept for 30 hours but lord knows I have tried. It was going so well I got off the paxil I was taking for 12 years.
Are you on any meds or have you been seeing your doc?

04-26-2014, 01:18 PM
Thanks for your reply John!

Last year I was extremely depressed (to the point of suicide). I had an eating disorder as well, had no energy, and was insomniac, but would completely crash every 10 days and do these 24 hour sleeping spells.

After a lot of research and doctor's visits I was diagnosed with Estrogen dominance, which is hormonal imbalance which causes a plethora of some of the lovely symptoms I listed. I went on progesterone and most of my symptoms disappeared. However, when the depression left, I realised that it had been masking anxiety. THe anxiety had always been there, but I had been repressing it. So since last year I've been very conscious that a lot of things I was doing (afraid to go outside or to interact) were actually caused by anxiety.

On Thursday I exploded with anxiety. Last night I slept from 2am until nearly 4pm today. I'm currently still in bed because I'm too afraid to go out.

04-26-2014, 01:28 PM
I know what you are saying. Anxiety will wipe you out and I hate to see you stuck inside. Are you taking any meds for the anxiety? I spent the last 20 years of my life worrying about stuff that has never happened or at least not in the last 20 years. Wish I had those day's back.
Read through some of the really good stuff on this forum. Go back to older threads and search around, you will be pleased that you did.
If you are not talking to your doc about your anxiety then do it. Try not to let it keep you in ( yes i know, easier said than done ) good luck and let us know hoe it goes for you.

04-26-2014, 01:33 PM
Thank John :) What would you recommend reading on the forum? Do anxiety meds really help? Like what, Zanax?

04-26-2014, 02:03 PM
Hi violet,

Estrogen dominance is brutal! This too can contribute to the exhaustion and anxiety. I've recently done much research on this particular issue and can see that as part of the issue.

Hormonal imbalance simply plays havoc with so many of the body's systems.

Meds like Xanax can help, but they are best used infrequently. If a long term solution is required then ADs may be a better option. Or look further into the hormones and get them balanced.


04-26-2014, 02:36 PM
Thanks for your helpful reply Pam!

04-26-2014, 03:09 PM
Thanks for your reply John! Last year I was extremely depressed (to the point of suicide). I had an eating disorder as well, had no energy, and was insomniac, but would completely crash every 10 days and do these 24 hour sleeping spells. After a lot of research and doctor's visits I was diagnosed with Estrogen dominance, which is hormonal imbalance which causes a plethora of some of the lovely symptoms I listed. I went on progesterone and most of my symptoms disappeared. However, when the depression left, I realised that it had been masking anxiety. THe anxiety had always been there, but I had been repressing it. So since last year I've been very conscious that a lot of things I was doing (afraid to go outside or to interact) were actually caused by anxiety. On Thursday I exploded with anxiety. Last night I slept from 2am until nearly 4pm today. I'm currently still in bed because I'm too afraid to go out.

I just read this about the estrogen dominance. That's very interesting. My obgyn put me on birth control in January because of a never ending period and anxiety. By February I was worse...I got depressed and started waking at 2, 3, or 4 am and not being able to fall back to sleep. My pdoc thinks I have some kind of hormonal imbalance and wants me to be checked. I'm thinking I'll first have to get off the pill. Do you take all natural hormone replacement?
It sounds to be like you are really stressed and the long periods of sleep is your body's way of coping. I take Xanax as needed. Just started zoloft two weeks ago. Hoping this will help me.

04-26-2014, 03:49 PM
The Zoloft will help, but it is going to take a bit of time for it to be fully effective.

In terms of what I am doing for it, not much at the moment, mostly suffering.lol :) and taking a bit of Valium now and again. I also take baths with Epsom salts to help het my magnesium levels up. That seems to help a bit with the anxiety and nerves.

Going to try to get to doctor next week and get him to order the battery of hormone related tests to see exactly where I am.

I am thinking I may go to a naturopath to see what options I may have other than HRT.

I hope we both get this hormone thing under control, life is certainly tougher with this nonsense.
