View Full Version : Anxiety after surgery

04-25-2014, 02:50 PM
Hello everyone I had a minor surgery yesterday and since that time my anxiety has been very elevated not sure if it's the fact of having surgery or the pain meds or what but I'm really scared. My heart rate is in the 80s I feel really jittery and unsure of myself. Will it take time for everything to calm down and is it normal to run a slight fever after surgery hate to be so paranoid I just don't know what else to do

04-25-2014, 03:18 PM
Hi blessed

Sorry you've been having a rough time and it's highly likely what you are going through is anxiety related.
Your body has just been through a trauma of sorts and it will take a little while to return to normal.
It's great your writing your fears down as I often find that helps me. I would just take it easy for a bit to let your body recover fully.


04-25-2014, 03:19 PM
Its more than likely because ur panickin about wht can go wrong after etc just try and relax u'll be fine :D

A fever isnt normal after surgery but that doesnt mean theres anything wrong with you either