View Full Version : Ups and downs

04-25-2014, 06:49 AM
Hey everyone. I'm finishing my second week starting Zoloft. This is actually day 4 on 50 mg's. My concern is, I'm having a lot of ups and downs. I felt great during the day yesterday and the day before but mornings I'm very nervous and things feel "off". It's the off feeling that usually causes me to panic but so far I'm holding it together. Is it normal, you think, to have ups and downs? I'd call my pdoc but she's not in today and I hate bothering her on her cell. Thanks to anyone who replies.

04-25-2014, 07:15 AM
This is a very good medication
Give it time to adjust,it will take a few weeks to kick in :)

04-25-2014, 07:28 AM
Be patient with yourself. You are aware of the ups and downs, so you know something about what you prefer, and it's the ups right? You are aware of the downs too, and you are aware this is what you do not prefer right? See it's a lesson, now what will get you to what you prefer on a regular basis? Is that a question you might ask? If so I would say allow the downs, look into them as to what they are teaching you, are you angry? Are you jealous, resentful? Do you expect yourself to just straighten up NOW?

You're on the exact track you need to be, you're the awareness of all this emotion. YOU ARE NOT THAT EMOTION, THOUGHT. You are the awareness of it, always watching the coming and going of feelings, moods, aches and pains. When you can see this you will be in for a major shift, and onto balance.
