View Full Version : Advice???? Stomach problem

04-25-2014, 06:42 AM
So I've been having pain in m stomach in the upper middle.... It'll come and go and I will have really bad pain when I have to poop I'll either have diarriah or I'll have little like almost bunny pellets... Sometimes after I eat I'll get the pain.... Also I fart an burp more then normal I have gotten blood work that's normal and a full abdominal ultrasound which looks at pancris gallbladder kidneys spleen liver the artires appendix and it was normal so it's obviously my stomach ....... Does anyone have advice on what it could be

04-25-2014, 08:15 AM
Has the doctor not given you any insight into what could be causing it? have they ordered any more tests or are they happy with what they have already done?

If the ultrasound was clear and bloodwork didn't show anything like elevated white blood cells I would hazard a guess that you are experiencing symptoms of IBS possible caused anxiety. I would advise that you steer away from anything that could potentially upset your stomach (fizzy pop etc). I'm sure a lot of us here have experienced similar symptoms I know I have, if the doctors are happy with the tests they have done I would go with anxiety/IBS. I was prescribed a medication called mebeverine which helped.


04-25-2014, 09:55 AM
Hi mkgirl,

Gosh, you sound like me. Only added to that I have unrelenting nausea.

I know my issue is hormone related, plus for added benefit anxiety.

If all those GI tests come back ok then really try to pinpoint what areas of your life are stressing you out. Resolution of external stressors can often help gastrointestinal issues.

Have you tried any meditation? This can help too. Dahila has started a really good thread with links to sites that have free meditations. They are really good.

Good luck

04-25-2014, 11:09 AM
He really hasn't said he said an ulcer maybe ibs but I don't know if Ibs actually hurts in the stomach area like up I the middle where stomach is........

He said if pai doesn't go away ill new scope but I also had acid reflex

04-25-2014, 11:38 AM
If it is acid reflux, which definitely can cause the pain up higher like you feel, can definitely give you pain.

Did he give you any medication for it? I take Nexium and it works great for acid reflux.

04-30-2014, 11:31 AM
I have stomach ulcers. This sounds more like IBS x