View Full Version : My story.... The more you know about anxiety, the worse it becomes...???

04-25-2014, 06:09 AM
Hey all

Am going to share my anxiety story and then i will need your suggestions and support.

I was a happy girl, full of life and colors. When I was about to turn 20 I experienced my first panic symptoms. I was in college and it was one fine day when my heart started feeling strange and I started feeling light headed and also had other anxiety symptoms. I didn't know what it was and rushed back to home and I became fine. Same happened to me again and again that month. I went to different doctors and all my tests came normal. They said its nothing to worry about and I admitted it. Considering it was something temporary I didn't search anything much about it and forgot it. At that time, I was not aware that it was anxiety and it didnt interrupt my daily routine or functions. So, I became busy in life again and those symptoms disappeared and never came back.

After about 6 years while searching on net i came to know that what i experienced many times 6 years ago was a PANIC ATTACK . After a while i actually experienced a horrible panic attack. The worst ever which really made me anxious. It's been over a month and I am still fearing that attack. I searched a lot on internet about how to control my anxiety and how to deal with it and now i know it is anxiety. I went to docs too. They said the same its anxiety and now am even more sure. They tried to control it with vitamins but no use. It was better but then became even worse. Finally i started the anti depressant prescribed by my doc.

Knowing the fact that I have anxiety, my anxiety has become worse. 6 years back when i didn't know anything about it. I was able to forget about it easily, but now i know and i cant seem to control it. I cant seem to stop the panic attacks now, like I could when i didn't know about my anxiety. Do u agree that the more u know about anxiety the worse it becomes..??

I now worry for no reason..panic and remain afraid of future that how will i live with such bad panic in me. Because this month was horrible for me because of anxiety and panic attacks. I have stopped everything...i just cant do anything. I just hope my medicine starts working and i can carry on with my life how it was. Need ur support and experiences

Wish u all the best...


04-25-2014, 06:53 AM
Sometimes knowledge about something can be a bit of a double edge sword lol
I do think tho this fourm is a good place tho Google I would not do as that comes up with so many wrong diagnosis to what people have and don't have
What medication you on ?

04-25-2014, 07:06 AM
Thanks em1 for the reply.. Am on remeron (Mirtazapine) 15 mg.. started last week. It is the first time I have taken any anti dep....hoping for good results...but cant see alot of difference yet

04-25-2014, 07:13 AM
Thanks em1 for the reply.. Am on remeron (Mirtazapine) 15 mg.. started last week

Give the medication a few weeks to kick in Hun
There's do much Scope to up the dose or change it if it's not the one for you
We all get our down times with anxiety BUT this will not always be the case
I've had panic attacks four years on and off some bad some not.yes they are scary frightening and horrible but hey I'm still here and please remember no matter how bad they make you feel they won't harm you EVER :)

You will win this :)

04-25-2014, 10:15 AM
Hi Hun,

You are really correct. Sometimes the more you know the worse it can be.

One thing I am going to suggest to you is work on living in the "now". This can be quite difficult to learn but can be so beneficial. What happened in the past is over and done. There is nothing you can do about now. You have yourself in a "what if" cycle. What if this happens, what if that happens. It is a mind trap that keeps you playing the game. REFUSE TO PLAY. Worry about today and nothing more. The future will take care of itself.

You probably could benefit from some CBT training, this will help you recognize unhelpful thought patterns. Meditation will also help you learn to live in the moment.

Good luck

04-26-2014, 02:20 AM
Thanks em1 and Pam...

em1 were you able to go out and deal with daily life when u had panic attacks.. I have sort of developed this unknown fear now and am not going out and continuing with my life ...This is the worst thing :(

Pam I agree with u, but the present itself is not good. So it makes me anxious, even for today and for future. I want to live in NOW, but am already panicking and am not in a good state right now... :(

04-26-2014, 03:57 AM
Thanks em1 and Pam... em1 were you able to go out and deal with daily life when u had panic attacks.. I have sort of developed this unknown fear now and am not going out and continuing with my life ...This is the worst thing :( Pam I agree with u, but the present itself is not good. So it makes me anxious, even for today and for future. I want to live in NOW, but am already panicking and am not in a good state right now... :(

I got like that for about two weeks once tho the saving grace for me was doing the school runs etc as I had to go out,it's scary when you feel like that I know,it's a scary place sometimes when you feel like that,I can fully understand how your feeling right now believe me I've been there and back again lol,but I will say you will not always feel like this,it will pass,you will feel better again,no one is perfect even if they don't have anxiety or anxious thoughts,if medication helps you take it,if taking vitamins works for you take
Them,what I'm saying is everyone has a different way that will help them and that way may not help others,

Take everyday as it comes because that good day is coming x