View Full Version : MY head is exploding

04-24-2014, 11:24 PM
Hi guys,

OK. My Pure O is gone, anxiety gone, I wont let it come back. I have some down days, but I'm doing very well, which is why I haven't posted in a while.

For some reason, I FEEL LIKE CRAP the last few days (physically) which is one thing that my anxiety never made me feel. My ears plug up, I get dizzy spells, tension head aches through the roof, aches in my back sometimes shoulders.. Anyhow, none of that stuff worries me too much, what does is this; I sometimes get this weird stabbing pain at the top of my head, comes and goes in a few seconds.. Happens once, maybe twice a day? Some days (or most) doesn't happen at all. Is this like chemical rebalancing, do you actually feel it lol? IF not, I'm going to get a brain scan to make sure I don't have a tumor. I forgot to add, my legs/arms sometimes twitch unintentionally while I'm laying down or sitting relatively still.

04-25-2014, 08:29 AM
Hi guys,

OK. My Pure O is gone, anxiety gone, I wont let it come back. I have some down days, but I'm doing very well, which is why I haven't posted in a while.

For some reason, I FEEL LIKE CRAP the last few days (physically) which is one thing that my anxiety never made me feel. My ears plug up, I get dizzy spells, tension head aches through the roof, aches in my back sometimes shoulders.. Anyhow, none of that stuff worries me too much, what does is this; I sometimes get this weird stabbing pain at the top of my head, comes and goes in a few seconds.. Happens once, maybe twice a day? Some days (or most) doesn't happen at all. Is this like chemical rebalancing, do you actually feel it lol? IF not, I'm going to get a brain scan to make sure I don't have a tumor. I forgot to add, my legs/arms sometimes twitch unintentionally while I'm laying down or sitting relatively still.

Those symptoms which you describe, especially the headaches and the stabbing pain in the head I have struggled with a lot recently. The headaches are so severe then I get either a sharp stabbing pain on the left side of my head or what feels like a muscle contraction. Also muscle twitching is also a symptom that is reported often here, before I came here I wasn't aware anxiety could cause such a symptom

I have had an Mri of my head and it was reported that there was no brain abnormality whatsoever. I'm no doctor so I can't rule anything in or out but I hope it is just your anxiety manifesting itself in a new way and upping it's game a little.

The thing we both have in common is anxiety so that is where my money would be. I don't know if you have read it before but here is a list of symptoms that have been reported by anxiety sufferers and people have also posted their own symptoms below http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?1200-Anxiety-Symptoms-The-List

I hope that by reading the list and seeing what people have experienced that it will hopefully help you relax.

04-25-2014, 11:47 PM
Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it.

I do believe it's nothing serious now. I went all day with out any of the above symptoms, if it were something serious I don't think I'd have a full 24 hours of relief.

04-26-2014, 05:15 PM
I have just read my post back and the grammar/spelling was so bad. That is the last time I post when I am half asleep, I hope you feel better soon