View Full Version : Guided Meditation

04-24-2014, 09:09 AM
Somehow I can not find the thread by Forwells about meditation, so maybe it is time to start my own. It will be appreciated to get some insights :))
I will post the links to it
hundred or so (http://www.fragrantheart.com/cms/free-audio-meditations)

Jon Kabat-Zinn
watch me, please (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nwwKbM_vJc)
it is about him (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Kabat-Zinn)
info (http://www.mindfullivingprograms.com/whatMBSR.php)

guided meditation with Jon
put your headphones on (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=jon+kabat+zinn+guided+mindful ness+meditation)

His books are awesome read...:)
I hope everyone has a peaceful day

04-24-2014, 10:43 AM
Thanks for posting this Dahila.

I'm also looking into Genes brainsync program.


04-24-2014, 11:57 AM
brainsync (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N23wXUKnIKs)
tons of that on youtube Pam:)

It is interesting
take a look (http://www.mindfulmuscle.com/5-top-guided-meditations/)

04-27-2014, 06:27 PM
Shortness of breath? Go and learn
breathing (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvtx62lUho0)

04-27-2014, 07:56 PM
Hi Dahlia,

I've been practicing mindfulness meditation - especially body-scan meditation - for 2 years and can share a few insights I've acquired in that time.

1) Mindfulness meditation is not a substitute for a lack of sleep. If you have a sleep deficit, you will likely be catching up on sleep during the meditation. It's imperative to sort out that issue, if it is an issue.

2) During the meditation, all kinds of creative thoughts, ideas, solutions, etc. will pop into your head. It's advisable to follow through on them.

3) Do not allow the perceived success or failure of any single meditation affect you. It's important to continue the practice without too much focus on how it manifests day to day.

4) Always. Be. Meditating. Mindfulness isn't just something you do for 30-40 min. per day. The same basic process should be followed during wakefulness: if an undesirable thought comes into your head, you can shift focus to something else, like a goal or an object of sensation. Remember that the biggest lesson from meditation is that at your core you are not your thoughts, feelings or fears. They may come and go, but you can learn control over whether you identify with them and allow your attention to get "sucked in" to them.

If you have any other questions, please holler.

04-27-2014, 08:14 PM
Hi welcome to the forum Haumea.
I am meditating on and off probably like 15 years. Without the definitions I had practice mindfulness meditation for years, I just did not call it the name:))
Body scan meditation I am practicing for over ten weeks. I have to admit that I like it. Helps with the pains:))
You do not know my secret............... I will let you in..............
without the meditation I would be dead for over ten years................does it make sense?
Thank you for posting, and insights :)) I hope you will like being on this forum:)

04-27-2014, 08:44 PM
Tomorrow night when I get home from work I am going to start hitting some of those links and teach myself this meditation. Why am I having such a hard time with just setting apart some quite time? Crap, is there quite time with three kids in the house? That's my biggest stumbling block right now.

04-27-2014, 09:41 PM
Hi welcome to the forum Haumea.
I am meditating on and off probably like 15 years. Without the definitions I had practice mindfulness meditation for years, I just did not call it the name:))
Body scan meditation I am practicing for over ten weeks. I have to admit that I like it. Helps with the pains:))
You do not know my secret............... I will let you in..............
without the meditation I would be dead for over ten years................does it make sense?
Thank you for posting, and insights :)) I hope you will like being on this forum:)

Thank you, Dahlia!

Haha, sure it does. Do you have chronic pains?

Tomorrow night when I get home from work I am going to start hitting some of those links and teach myself this meditation. Why am I having such a hard time with just setting apart some quite time? Crap, is there quite time with three kids in the house? That's my biggest stumbling block right now.

Guided meditation is great because it allows you to introduce yourself to meditation very quickly - just follow directions! I began with the CD insert from Mindfulness for Dummies from my local library.

04-28-2014, 06:55 AM
Thanks Haumea, I love the guided meditation. is was such struggling without it. Right now body scan without headphones is easy. Very easy, and really help for my screwed up back:)) There is so many benefits of that.
JohnC find the time, even 5 minutes a day is more than none. Chose the easiest one. I have it on my mp3 player, so I can do it anywhere. I leave early for work and do meditate on parking lot in my car then go to work:)
Haumea I appreciate the insights, and please post some more.

04-28-2014, 09:14 AM
Hey Dahlia,

I think the most important insight is, as I said earlier, you're getting guidance from your higher self when you do the meditation, and it's important to follow whatever guidance you do receive, because it puts you on the right track in your life. It goes beyond the mess of conflicts and doubts that is the personality and right to the source.

04-29-2014, 01:27 AM
Hi Dahlia,

I've been practicing mindfulness meditation - especially body-scan meditation - for 2 years and can share a few insights I've acquired in that time.

1) Mindfulness meditation is not a substitute for a lack of sleep. If you have a sleep deficit, you will likely be catching up on sleep during the meditation. It's imperative to sort out that issue, if it is an issue.

2) During the meditation, all kinds of creative thoughts, ideas, solutions, etc. will pop into your head. It's advisable to follow through on them.

3) Do not allow the perceived success or failure of any single meditation affect you. It's important to continue the practice without too much focus on how it manifests day to day.

4) Always. Be. Meditating. Mindfulness isn't just something you do for 30-40 min. per day. The same basic process should be followed during wakefulness: if an undesirable thought comes into your head, you can shift focus to something else, like a goal or an object of sensation. Remember that the biggest lesson from meditation is that at your core you are not your thoughts, feelings or fears. They may come and go, but you can learn control over whether you identify with them and allow your attention to get "sucked in" to them.

If you have any other questions, please holler.

Good points, that is for sure!

04-29-2014, 01:34 AM
Tomorrow night when I get home from work I am going to start hitting some of those links and teach myself this meditation. Why am I having such a hard time with just setting apart some quite time? Crap, is there quite time with three kids in the house? That's my biggest stumbling block right now.
well I think you can find at least 30 minutes a day to devote them to practice, that can make you much happier and healthier. Happiness and health are very important things, so 30 minutes will not be a big deal. Right?

It becomes hard to stay in quite state for at least 15 minutes because you are driven by the inner tension, which prevents you from relax. It tells you: "do something, go somewhere, receive new information, use the internet, watch TV". But meditation helps you to remove this tension and finally bring your mind to the relaxed state.

04-29-2014, 01:44 AM
I am not a big fan of guided meditations. I think mind needs quietness. That's why I stopped using mantras in my meditation practice, they distract me from watching my inner world. The voice in guided meditation can distract people from observing and add some excess information. But I think the less information you get during practice, the better effect it has! The voice is information too.

The words: "Relax, feel you breathing etc." can put you inside relaxed state, but meditation is not only a relaxation technique, it is about awareness and observation! Secondly mind can be drowned in these words, start thinking of them, but the aim of meditating is to get rid of judgments and interpretations towards anything what happens inside you. Words can also distract people from watching their fears and feelings which come from inside during meditation. Watching these fears is essential for those who want to resolve inner problems and get rid of depression or panic.

Guided meditation can be good for beginners, but if you start doing "usual" meditation with observing your breath or even reciting mantra, you will get more benefit from meditation more soon.

PS. Meditation helped me to get rid of depression and panic attacks. And I never used guided meditations =))

04-29-2014, 02:10 AM
I am not a big fan of guided meditations. I think mind needs quietness. That's why I stopped using mantras in my meditation practice, they distract me from watching my inner world. The voice in guided meditation can distract people from observing and add some excess information. But I think the less information you get during practice, the better effect it has! The voice is information too.

The words: "Relax, feel you breathing etc." can put you inside relaxed state, but meditation is not only a relaxation technique, it is about awareness and observation! Secondly mind can be drowned in these words, start thinking of them, but the aim of meditating is to get rid of judgments and interpretations towards anything what happens inside you. Words can also distract people from watching their fears and feelings which come from inside during meditation. Watching these fears is essential for those who want to resolve inner problems and get rid of depression or panic.

Guided meditation can be good for beginners, but if you start doing "usual" meditation with observing your breath or even reciting mantra, you will get more benefit from meditation more soon.

PS. Meditation helped me to get rid of depression and panic attacks. And I never used guided meditations =))

I can get that. I prefer quiet meditation so much more. I've had pretty bad OCD in the past, especially related to bodily sensations (breathing, swallowing etc) so I've had to rely on mantra and guided meditations much more just to make sure my wandering mind doesn't go and gets itself all tangled up again. I do enjoy the times I can use silence to meditate though.

Guided meditation has always been amazingly relaxing for me. Yoga Nidra, stuff like that. Halves my anxiety levels at times.

The good stuff has come when meditating alone though, with no help. I like to do guided just once a week, as a relaxation exercise.

04-29-2014, 04:46 AM
Hey guy's,
All this stuff is alien for me right now, i am just learning. I have know idea what mantra is and not even reall sure what guided meditation is for sure. I just watch my first video last night. Not sure is you guys have kids or not but 3 kids from 13, 9, 8, but I have a hard time finding a half hour for myself. By the time they go to bed I go to bed

04-29-2014, 07:13 AM
I am not a big fan of guided meditations. I think mind needs quietness. That's why I stopped using mantras in my meditation practice, they distract me from watching my inner world. The voice in guided meditation can distract people from observing and add some excess information. But I think the less information you get during practice, the better effect it has! The voice is information too.

The words: "Relax, feel you breathing etc." can put you inside relaxed state, but meditation is not only a relaxation technique, it is about awareness and observation! Secondly mind can be drowned in these words, start thinking of them, but the aim of meditating is to get rid of judgments and interpretations towards anything what happens inside you. Words can also distract people from watching their fears and feelings which come from inside during meditation. Watching these fears is essential for those who want to resolve inner problems and get rid of depression or panic.

Guided meditation can be good for beginners, but if you start doing "usual" meditation with observing your breath or even reciting mantra, you will get more benefit from meditation more soon.

PS. Meditation helped me to get rid of depression and panic attacks. And I never used guided meditations =))

Fantastic post. I do both the quiet one and the guided one. I found both are equally therapeutic. I find mantra is the difficult , always was for me, it get me sidetracked, The one which works, every time and I find the easiest is Following your breath.

John the thing is, it will help you. starting meditation is the road to recovery, however recovery is not the goal of meditation. There is not goal in it...

04-29-2014, 07:40 AM
Hey guy's,
All this stuff is alien for me right now, i am just learning. I have know idea what mantra is and not even reall sure what guided meditation is for sure. I just watch my first video last night. Not sure is you guys have kids or not but 3 kids from 13, 9, 8, but I have a hard time finding a half hour for myself. By the time they go to bed I go to bed

Hi John I'm the same!
I'm definitely going to give it a try though. My ten year old goes to bed at nine and I'm usually exhausted by then I follow him up. I can't imagine what having three is like.

Dahlia this an amazing thread and something I'm definitely giving a go anything to help deal with stress and anxiety. I've just downloaded an app and Luke will be going up to bed a little earlier tonight so I can give it a go.
I will let you no how I get on :-)


04-29-2014, 08:10 AM
Hannah it literally saved my life in more than one occasion. Meditation is the only way to deal with my suicide thoughts. They were always with me, and look my children are grown up, :)) try and you are going to love it. The key is not to fall asleep, but it happened to me and the others and it means that you need your sleep. Next time you will finish it. I like sitting meditation, is difficult to go to sleep siting. However Body scan helps me with my sore back (some bulging disks for years)

04-29-2014, 02:54 PM
Oooh sore backs are the the worst. I've downloaded an app called sleep away. Which has a programme on it called sleep away anxiety on. It's guided meditation.
I'm off to bed soon so going to give it a try.
Thanks again Dahlia :-)

04-29-2014, 05:40 PM
I did mantra for many years, and while mentally refreshing I find it not as effective overall as a guided body scan.

The guided aspect isn't really a problem for me, because you're not supposed to get very wrapped up in your thoughts/feelings/fears anyway but allow them to pass and refocus on breathing or body part. So I don't find that much of an issue. The guided part leaves you enough time to deal with anything that comes up. (I use the Mindfulness for Dummies CD body scan, ~ 32 min. long.)

04-29-2014, 06:17 PM
Mine is Jon Kabat Zinn 47 minutes; body scan. he give you the instruction then keep quiet , I like that long silence between switching to other parts of body. The other one is breathscaping with maybe 4 sentences at all then the silence, 22 minutes. You should try him, he is so even , his voice so calming....
I am big fun of his:))
I use the Follow your breath without any quidence in the car, not driving of course, when I wait somewhere, when I am upset ...

04-30-2014, 12:25 AM
Hey guys, those who want start meditating. Meditation isn't that alien. It's quite simple to understand what to do. Confusing is caused by the great variety of techniques in internet. In my opinion there is probably only one meditation, all other are just varieties of it. So it is much more simple and less alien than you think. I will try to explain basic instructions.

1. Sit with your spine straight (you can put it on some vertical surface, chair back if if is hard for you to keep it straight)

2. Close your eyes

3. Focus on your breath (or on mantra, if you like. If you don't believe in "mantra magic" (I don't believe too - I used it only for concentrating. I don't think anyone need his "special" mantra) you can use any Buddhist, Hindu mantra, simply find any you like in the Internet. You can use short Christian prayer. Just recite it in your mind, don't pay attention to the words (that's why it is better to use words on the language you don't know - Sanskrit). When you notice that your attention will go away from breath or mantra, gently (yes GENTLY and CALMLY) direct it back to mantra or breathing. Do it as many time as it happens. You distract on thoughts 10 times during meditation - thats ok. You distract 100 times - that's ok. You don't distract - that's ok. Everything which happens during meditation just happens. Don't judge it, just be. You aim is not to get rid of thoughts. They will come, they will distract you - that's ok. Just put your attention back when you notice it.

If you focus on breath (I prefer focus on breath now too) don't try to control it, just watch. Don't try to control anything except you attention. But even this attention control must be gentle, made without much effort.

4. Sit like 15-20 minutes, twice a day. Morning and evening (not directly before slip. Minimum 2 hours before it). Do it every day. Don't except quick result. If you suffer from anxiety and depression your condition may become worsen for a while (like as if you take some antidepressants, they can make this effect too). You can feel more sad, or emotionally detached. It's ok, this is how your brain changes it's work. This will pass.

5. Use the skills that you get from meditation in real life. Try to put your attention away from negative emotions like you do in meditation. Watch your emotions like an observer like you do in meditation. Accept your feelings, sadness, don't react to it, like you do in meditation.

That is all! It is not as difficult as it seems.

04-30-2014, 12:51 AM
Well I'm not going to lie it took me a while to get used to it was very strange.
But I slept 10 hours last night and I've woke up feeling ok!
I did forget to put my mouth guard in so my jaw is a little sore as hubby tells me I was grinding but I can cope with that lol.
I'm definitely going to give it another go tonight :-)

04-30-2014, 03:06 AM
Gee I wish I could sleep 10 hours.

Keep at it , at first it doesn't feel natural but is becomes second nature after a bit.

Glad you woke up feeling well.
Have a good day Hannah.


04-30-2014, 04:21 AM
I would be most grateful for a straight 8 hours sleep. Good for you.
I am going to download some meditation stuff and do it while lying in bed ( meditation that is ). It's the only time it's quite in the house. Hopefully I wont fall asleep.

04-30-2014, 05:01 AM
I would be most grateful for a straight 8 hours sleep. Good for you.
I am going to download some meditation stuff and do it while lying in bed ( meditation that is ). It's the only time it's quite in the house. Hopefully I wont fall asleep.
I don't advice to use lying meditation. Keeping back straight and vertical boosts your awareness. As I mentioned before, meditation is not only about relaxation. It is a thin balance between relaxation and work. Lying down is only relaxation.

However, you are welcomed to do as you like.

04-30-2014, 07:57 AM
Hey guys, those who want start meditating. Meditation isn't that alien. It's quite simple to understand what to do. Confusing is caused by the great variety of techniques in internet. In my opinion there is probably only one meditation, all other are just varieties of it. So it is much more simple and less alien than you think. I will try to explain basic instructions.

1. Sit with your spine straight (you can put it on some vertical surface, chair back if if is hard for you to keep it straight)

2. Close your eyes

3. Focus on your breath (or on mantra, if you like. If you don't believe in "mantra magic" (I don't believe too - I used it only for concentrating. I don't think anyone need his "special" mantra) you can use any Buddhist, Hindu mantra, simply find any you like in the Internet. You can use short Christian prayer. Just recite it in your mind, don't pay attention to the words (that's why it is better to use words on the language you don't know - Sanskrit). When you notice that your attention will go away from breath or mantra, gently (yes GENTLY and CALMLY) direct it back to mantra or breathing. Do it as many time as it happens. You distract on thoughts 10 times during meditation - thats ok. You distract 100 times - that's ok. You don't distract - that's ok. Everything which happens during meditation just happens. Don't judge it, just be. You aim is not to get rid of thoughts. They will come, they will distract you - that's ok. Just put your attention back when you notice it.

If you focus on breath (I prefer focus on breath now too) don't try to control it, just watch. Don't try to control anything except you attention. But even this attention control must be gentle, made without much effort.

4. Sit like 15-20 minutes, twice a day. Morning and evening (not directly before slip. Minimum 2 hours before it). Do it every day. Don't except quick result. If you suffer from anxiety and depression your condition may become worsen for a while (like as if you take some antidepressants, they can make this effect too). You can feel more sad, or emotionally detached. It's ok, this is how your brain changes it's work. This will pass.

5. Use the skills that you get from meditation in real life. Try to put your attention away from negative emotions like you do in meditation. Watch your emotions like an observer like you do in meditation. Accept your feelings, sadness, don't react to it, like you do in meditation.

That is all! It is not as difficult as it seems.

I'd like this post if there was a button to.

For ages as a teen I'd try and meditate, and get confused, then study it, read about it, procrastinate over it. It seemed like such a mystical thing you needed to be taught by a specialist to learn, or spend hours practicing until one day you 'mastered it'.

Then I just followed a guideline similar to the one you've mentioned, for just 5 minutes at first.... And it was SO simple.

I woke up thinking, holy shit, I've just meditated! Why did I make such a fuss over it!

04-30-2014, 08:09 AM
Try_repeat thank you for very informative post, damn we do not have like button ;))

04-30-2014, 05:40 PM
Sitting straight in a chair for any length of time is almost impossible for me. Lower back problems keep me shifting all the time and getting up etc etc. What now?

04-30-2014, 05:59 PM
Ok all mediators, Here is something to think about. Do you think that at some point in our childhood we go from living in the now to the mind racing living in the future and or past? I got to thinking about that this morning. I feel like when I was a child and had no cares and I was just concerned with what was going on in the now and at some point I lost it for whatever reason and or event. Random thought I guess or overload of meditation info in last few day's.

04-30-2014, 06:16 PM
Well John, I got chronic pain, a few bulging disks and i can do it, so can you. When you meditate you focus on present. No future no past, just this moment ;))

04-30-2014, 07:24 PM
OK, I though that it would be to much of a distraction but I will give it a go but why does that Jon fella say you can lay down? Do most mediators prefer the sitting position?

04-30-2014, 08:24 PM
for the body scan lying down is perfect :))
Most people have an expierence in meditating, and there is as many school of meditation as stars on the sky. I had listen Dalai Lama explanation and I found it mind blowing..;)
I still believe in intuition and only some instruction.

05-03-2014, 03:57 AM
Sitting straight in a chair for any length of time is almost impossible for me. Lower back problems keep me shifting all the time and getting up etc etc. What now?

That is because your spine muscles didn't get used to sitting straight. Here is my advise:

First sit on a chair with your spine straight, don't lean it on the back on the chair. You will feel discomfort within several minutes. While the tension in your spine is light, tolerate it for some time, try not to think of it much, don't identify yourself with discomfort, do with this feeling the same thing you do with all thoughts and feelings during meditation: don't let your mind to be drowned in it, just focus on breathing/mantra.

While the discomfort grows gently pull yourself towards the back of the chair and lean your spine on it. First you will do it after several minutes. But when your muscles will strengthen, while you meditate, the time you hold your back straight will grow.

But if you wish you can lean your spine on the back of the chair in very beginning, if you don't want discomfort. It is also ok, especially if you are a beginner.

05-03-2014, 05:53 AM
I am still doing a lot of reading on meditation ( i always feel the need to get as much info as possible ) I am currently going through and reading the info on the Dali lama official site. As for my spine. From the time i was 12 years old until I was about 36 I worked outside always on the go. Traveled all over the U.S. and even lived in Alaska, the upper peninsula of Michigan and the Appalachian mountains. I worked hard physical work but I felt great when I got off work. For the last 12 years I have had a soft desk type job and it has ruined me. I slump forward and shift side to side at my desk etc, etc. I feel like crap when I get home. Funny, I always looked at a desk job as a promotion but now not so much.

05-03-2014, 06:33 AM
I am still doing a lot of reading on meditation ( i always feel the need to get as much info as possible ) I am currently going through and reading the info on the Dali lama official site.
Yes you do a good thing. But the best way to know about meditation is to do meditation. )

05-03-2014, 09:23 AM
Yes you do a good thing. But the best way to know about meditation is to do meditation. )

So right:)........

05-06-2014, 09:53 AM
bum, bum...........

05-06-2014, 04:54 PM
OK, The wife says I can use her headphones and I am going to try and stop my racing mind long enough to start TRYING to meditate. Maybe just a few min. every day but I want to make sure it's every day or close to it. I am going to try it in the mornings first and will let kids know to keep quite ( ya right ). Just not sure what method to start with. There is so dam much out there, who knew.
Give me best thought on a 3-5 min audio that I can start with.

05-06-2014, 05:16 PM
John try Jon Kabat Zinn breathscape guided meditation which is like 20 minutes the shortest I know. Would be perfect start with the body scan by this guy, but it is 47 minutes and can be done in bed:)) I like it most:)
You do not have to do anything but to listen him and do what he says to do When you get what it is about it, you will do it without the tape or Jon. I like him the most, his voice is so level, nice but level, it calms me down.
There is another thing, when you are ready, you are ready, not other waythe best shot is following your breath; watch it when it comes to your nose, through your lungs and then goes out through the nose IN and Out, or you could just watch your abdomen raising and deflating

I hope I did not make a lot of grammar mistakes, I am at work and hell here is not spell checker :(

05-06-2014, 05:28 PM
Hi Dahila,
I have been trying the breathing thing and I did watch a lot of Jon Kabat Zinn videos ( there is a lot of them ). I think that I need to start with the head phones and listening. It seems that I am easily distracted by the slightest noise. Maybe the headphones will block that out for me?

05-06-2014, 06:02 PM
I hope I can get this down to a routine and I realize that it is not a overnight thing but I have been in a dam pissy mood. Its sunny and nice but instead i tap away at the laptop even when I know I have chores to do. I have 8 apple trees and two black cherry trees that need pruned and trimmed and i am sitting in the house on my ass. Ever since I quit smoking I feel like I am missing a part of my life?????? weird.

05-06-2014, 07:02 PM
Hi Dahila,
I have been trying the breathing thing and I did watch a lot of Jon Kabat Zinn videos ( there is a lot of them ). I think that I need to start with the head phones and listening. It seems that I am easily distracted by the slightest noise. Maybe the headphones will block that out for me?

good decision, John I am easily distracted too;)) I had listen to Jon for so long that as soon as I hear his voice my body relax by itself :)) I think practicing every night pays off

05-06-2014, 07:41 PM
Dahila, have you ever went to like a 3 or 4 day meditation retreat? I noticed that some places I have read suggest this for a new beginner but I do not see myself being able to that.

05-06-2014, 08:33 PM
No no, I had never opportunity to go to place like that, and I am too much set in my own ways to fit into places like that. Generally I stopped socializing maybe 8 years ago. People wanted to much from me. I found my shelter, my safe inside myself:)) There was a time when I wanted to go to Ashram, when Sai Baba was alive, but he is dead and going to ashram is not my dream anymore.
John you must realize that they want money, your money. It is not for free, it is kind of expensive. You are going to be ok meditating yourself, you could join a group and learn meditation. I would think your doc would have good idea when to look for it:)

05-07-2014, 12:31 AM
I haven't go to retreat, but I never will recommend it for beginner. Especially for beginner with anxiety and depression. Meditation is powerful practice, and for many beginners 40 minutes a day is much! And you are speaking about 8 hours meditation a day without preparation. No! No! No!

I see you have problems with starting. But just sit and do it is not so hard. Stop choosing meditation method, just sit and meditate. Whats wrong in method, which I provided? It isn't my invention. Just type in Google "how to meditate properly" and get the same instruction (almost the same) from any article. People have been meditating like this for several thousands years. Guided meditation is an invention only of last decades.

05-07-2014, 03:33 AM
Hey John, glad to see you want to try this. It takes practice but it will be so worth it.

You mentioned mornings, any chance you can get up half an hour before the kids do and take that quiet time for yourself? The headphones are a great idea, I love mine.

I found that bed time works best for me but mornings might be good for you because of the kids. One thing that I learned, as I am quite scatter brained and thoughts keep pushing in, is when I find myself thinking about something I simply focus on the breathing in and out. Really focus on that, the mind can only concentrate on one thing at a time.

All I can say is just start, any program, Dahila has given you a really good one for 20 minutes. Don't worry that you may not get through the whole thing, you will eventually. Just keep trying. It gets easier.

You may even surprise yourself and the time will go by faster than you think.


05-07-2014, 04:30 AM
You all make good points. Dahila, There aint no way I would ever go to do a week long retreat. I just wanted to make sure it was not a mandatory thing where you have to be taught. I am very anti social, always have been. ( not that I don't like people ) and I love going places as long as it's not with a lot of people.
Pam, I think I would rather meditate in the evening before bed because all I can think about in the morning is getting some caffeine in me but I have read a lot of stuff that recommend the morning. I guess it really does not matter to me, i'll try both and see what works.
Thanks to all.

05-07-2014, 04:48 AM
Good luck John, you will find what works best for you!

Have a good day!

05-07-2014, 08:57 AM
Hm John I do not see any problem with coffee in the morning... I take my time, drink coffee , and when I am satisfying that world is going to last , I do my things and meditate.

Try repeat I recommended the guided meditation cause is easy for beginners. I have two very close friends who spend and are still live with monks, in Tibet, Birma and a few others places. Their life is about meditation, the guys are really easy going and open. The one I know for 40 years he is already teaching the groups of people, when he is back home in England. He is from the same city as I am.

He has pretty good opinion about guided meditation and the program which teach people to meditate. You quit on it as soon as you feel comfortable meditating.
The guys meditates like 5 hours a day and 8 to 12 when he goes to Monastery............

Starting meditation by yourself can be done, I had done it and I was struggling for years to get my body relax so my mind would follow. Or the other way around. People with depression or anxiety have extreme difficulties in achieving the relaxation state, not to talk about the next one the meditation....

I took my husband to hospital, he has a major blockage in his veins in the leg. It is serious it is clot or clots .....I worry. Do you think I would be able to calm myself enough to meditate? Try_repeat? Do you?
I do not, but I think maybe I could do one with the headphones on.....

In my long life I had many people who were giving the advice and treating the meditation lightly, like eating an icecream. To calm crazy mind, which jumps like monkey, is not that easy.........

05-08-2014, 01:04 AM
Hm John I do not see any problem with coffee in the morning... I take my time, drink coffee , and when I am satisfying that world is going to last , I do my things and meditate.

Try repeat I recommended the guided meditation cause is easy for beginners. I have two very close friends who spend and are still live with monks, in Tibet, Birma and a few others places. Their life is about meditation, the guys are really easy going and open. The one I know for 40 years he is already teaching the groups of people, when he is back home in England. He is from the same city as I am.

He has pretty good opinion about guided meditation and the program which teach people to meditate. You quit on it as soon as you feel comfortable meditating.
The guys meditates like 5 hours a day and 8 to 12 when he goes to Monastery............

Starting meditation by yourself can be done, I had done it and I was struggling for years to get my body relax so my mind would follow. Or the other way around. People with depression or anxiety have extreme difficulties in achieving the relaxation state, not to talk about the next one the meditation....

I took my husband to hospital, he has a major blockage in his veins in the leg. It is serious it is clot or clots .....I worry. Do you think I would be able to calm myself enough to meditate? Try_repeat? Do you?
I do not, but I think maybe I could do one with the headphones on.....

In my long life I had many people who were giving the advice and treating the meditation lightly, like eating an icecream. To calm crazy mind, which jumps like monkey, is not that easy.........

Well, maybe yes, I can't disagree with you:)

But I still have my opinion. Maybe it is good to start with guided meditation. But I think, that quite meditation shall be the next step after person will be able to relax and will not be so afraid of meditative state (many people afraid). Maybe guided meditation is a good way to get used to it. But then, after it, it will be good to face your fears, to observe them, not to react to them, to know them better. Quiet meditation is a good thing for this. But maybe you are right. Not everybody is able to do it from the very beginning. Guided meditation is ok, I think.:)

05-08-2014, 04:47 AM
I honestly Know what you mean about relaxing. I can not remember the last time that i was truely relaxed. I am always tense and my mind is always like a mouse on a wheel, go's and go's but never really get's any place. Come to think about it I can remember the last time I was relaxed now that I think about it. When I was younger my parents had a cabin that was on a island and the only way to get there was buy a boat. I spent a lot of time there and I would just sit and listen to the waves hit the rocks. I loved that place.

05-08-2014, 05:45 AM
I honestly Know what you mean about relaxing. I can not remember the last time that i was truely relaxed. I am always tense and my mind is always like a mouse on a wheel, go's and go's but never really get's any place. Come to think about it I can remember the last time I was relaxed now that I think about it. When I was younger my parents had a cabin that was on a island and the only way to get there was buy a boat. I spent a lot of time there and I would just sit and listen to the waves hit the rocks. I loved that place.
Then meditation is really what you need:)

05-08-2014, 06:58 AM
Yesterday was very difficult day but I did meditate , without the headphones of course, worry that they call and I do not hear it. Today he will have bypass , vein bypass surgery and I am scared very scared. Guys please tell me that he will be ok. I get upset when people post that they are scared of clots. They have no idea what they are talking about. Still we get that new Threads..

Try repeat I agree with you 100% meditation is what I need now. I think guided M is good for beginners, later on, you do not need it:)

John I find that being in my garden, or in the woods I calm down so much, it is sometimes unbelievable. Birds singing must have some hypnotic influence over me. The world disappears when I am in woods:)) Perfect place to practice for a few minutes.

05-08-2014, 07:50 AM
Good luck Dahila, for you and your husband.

I have a good friend who had that surgery a couple of years ago, it was such a blessing, she can walk again!

Hope all goes well.
I'm certain it will

05-08-2014, 09:43 AM
Good luck Dahlia, I too had a friend get the bypass in his leg. They took a vein from elsewhere in his body and did the bypass. That was a long time ago and he is still kicking. He is gotta be about 69 or 70 now. I will be thinking about you and your hubby.

05-08-2014, 10:20 AM
The specialist came and he is trying to do it without bypass, he feels that bypass is the last option. When the meds do not help they will do it. He is going to stay in hospital through the weekend, hell the parkings are expensive as pure gold:) Thank you guys for the support. You are the best !!!:)

05-08-2014, 01:15 PM
Hi dahlia I have just caught up with this thread.
I'm sorry you and your husband are going through this right now. I wish you both all the luck in the world.

Are you not able to get a permit through the hospital for free parking to help you out? The parking is expensive here too and when my hubby was in for a couple of weeks the hospital gave me a permit so I could park for free.

Hope you are ok


05-08-2014, 02:23 PM
I will be praying for you, please keep us updated

05-08-2014, 03:12 PM
Hi Hannah they are not so generous in here. Ab thank you sweetheart. Hopefully they will manage it. The scary side is that it repeats from time to time. it is 5 years from the last one, but we knew immiediately what is going on. He seems to be under really good care. They monitor his heart, lungs and I hope he is going to come out of it. Thank you for the kind responses, it is the first time I am saying anything what we go through:))

05-08-2014, 03:37 PM
Huggs Dahila! Hang in there and do as you feel you need to. Your friends are here to listen if that's what you need.

You know I'm thinking of you and your husband, and hoping for the best possible outcome. Pm me if you need a shoulder to lean on.


05-08-2014, 03:45 PM
Sending all my love and please keep us updated. I hope he gets better after this and you both have the best possible outcome.

05-08-2014, 04:48 PM
Thank you girls , and boys John:) will keep it updated, I hope it is going to be good

05-09-2014, 12:38 AM
Good luck=)

05-10-2014, 03:56 PM
He is a bit better, not much just a bit...........

05-10-2014, 04:05 PM

A bit better is good. Small steps, positive progress. My thoughts are with you both. Hope you got to spend some time today outside, it has been just lovely here.

Pam. :)

05-10-2014, 05:00 PM
Hi dahlia

Like Pam said a little progress is good.
It's very encouraging and thank you for keeping us updated.
Look after yourself and I hope he gets better and better.


05-10-2014, 06:17 PM
Yes , I had to cut the grass, maybe tomorrow I will be able to put some fertilizer on it:)

I am pretty successful today with starting up the lawnmower, it was a first time for me. I probably will pay with the pain in my shoulders, tomorrow, but well the grass is nice :) Looks so green

It feels weird to be alone in this huge house (huge for me only). Thanks girls and boys

05-11-2014, 06:37 AM
Hi Dahila,
Glad to see that your hubby is making progress. I be laughing at the lawn mowing because i sit here in pain because I mowed yesterday. I have 14 acres that I call my escape and there is a river that runs on one end and I have paths that I mow so I can walk around the place. The paths are bumpy and in and around trees ( sore every time i mow it ).
ANYHOW, I sent a new member to this thread I hope she comes her name is Denise ( neescee ). She really needs to talk to you and Pam and Hannah. ( a womans thoughts are needed I feel )

05-11-2014, 06:49 AM
Hey John,

Your place sounds like an oasis. Too bad they haven't invented the remote control mower! I know I would buy one in a flash. I have one nasty hill in my back yard which leaves me sore every time I cut it.

Will keep my eyes open for a post from your friend and will do all I can to assist her.

Have a great day, I will after 3, I'm at work until then.


05-11-2014, 07:45 AM
Guys do not tell me that you use the push lawnmover? I got self propelled and the problem is with the starting it. Thanks heaven gas was in it, He told about red container but I can not find it. I am suppose to add to lawnmover.
I am cutting grass for almost 6 years, from the moment he had his accident, and it looks like I will continue.............John do you have John Deere mover? The one you can sit on it?

Awesome we will welcome everyone here. It does not matter what we talk; lawmovers or meditation............

05-11-2014, 08:37 AM
Hi everyone

John I agree your place sounds beautiful, I bet it takes a lot of looking after though it will be well worth it.
I've just spotted Denise's post so I will reply in a moment, I'm in between painting at the minute and really should get moving again but finding it hard now I have sat down haha.

Pam I hope work passed quickly for you.
Is it Mother's Day where you are?

Dahlia just to let you no I used body sync last night on the link you posted. I was really struggling to unwind after work. It was just taking me an age to switch off.
I definitely have to agree with you though, he has the most calming, relaxing voice. I did fall asleep during it so going to try again tonight as its my night off and I will have more time to focus properly.
Hope you are all well

05-11-2014, 09:01 AM
yeah I took me five minutes to fall asleep with headphones on :)) sometimes it is not so easy. I am glad you tried it:)

05-12-2014, 06:47 AM
Hey, everyone. My counselor told me last week to start guided meditation and buy lavender oil or some other pleasant scent. She said after I was in a relaxed state, to smell the oil. She said smell is closely related to memory & after practicing this several times, when I found myself becoming anxious, to just pick up the oil & smell. According to her, my brain will remember my relaxed state & automatically go there.
Anyone ever try this & did it work for you? My success with meditation is lacking. Also I'm concerned because someone mentioned feeling worse before feeling better? I really don't want to feel worse...

05-12-2014, 07:39 AM
Jgirl lavender is very good to anxiety sufferers. Be careful not to put it on skin undiluted in other oil. I use essential oils, in my creams and lotions, soaps and detergents... It calms me down thats for sure. I can smell it all the time on my hands , body or clothes. It helps I am sure it does. However it will not help to the point you get out of the situation....Guided meditation helps a lot, a lot. Use at least one link and try it. There is tons of guided meditation on web but I love Jon Kabat Zinn :)
No Jon but good too a lot of meditations (http://www.fragrantheart.com/cms/free-audio-meditations)

Good luck Jgirl, click on the blue text

05-12-2014, 09:58 AM
Guys do not tell me that you use the push lawnmover? I got self propelled and the problem is with the starting it. Thanks heaven gas was in it, He told about red container but I can not find it. I am suppose to add to lawnmover.
I am cutting grass for almost 6 years, from the moment he had his accident, and it looks like I will continue.............John do you have John Deere mover? The one you can sit on it?

Awesome we will welcome everyone here. It does not matter what we talk; lawmovers or meditation............

Oh Dahila, If i had to use a push mower these day's one of two things would happen. One I would be in great shape or two the most likely would be that I would of had a massive heart attack by now. I have a commercial mower left over from my landscaping days. ( 20 years of mowing push and ride ).
To answers to some of the thoughts on having an oasis. Well it's a bitter sweet sorta thing. Lots of time and money go along with property maint. I love the outdoors with a passion. My wife........... one flying insect and she gone!!!! Some day I will tell my whole story and how my anxiety/ depression got so bad.

05-12-2014, 10:04 AM
On a meditative note. I CAN not stop random thoughts from entering my mind while trying to meditate, what the hell? I get about three breaths and I am thinking about some stupid crap!!!!! It's starting to aggravate me. I need those headphones but all I have is that dam laptop which does not fit to well in my quite area for meditating. I will try and rearrange a few things ( gotta check with the wife first on any rearranging ) and then try headphones again.
Yes that Jon guy is a soft spoken fella.

05-12-2014, 10:13 AM
John, it takes time to stop the random thoughts from popping up. Don't get discouraged. I still have it happen all the time.

Just acknowledge the thought and them focus back on breathing. Be kind to yourself, you are new to this and it is going to take practice.

The headphones will help, and I'm sure your wife will let you rearrange anything you need to in order to try something that will get you the relief you need. :)

05-12-2014, 10:50 AM
I learned a lot about meditation from Dan Harris, a prominent ABC news correspondent and one of the anchors on Nightline (airs on ABC at 12:35am). He has written a book about how he learned meditation to help with his on-air panic attacks. He says you WILL have random thoughts pop into your head, that's fine. he does. But the key is to keep coming back to concentrating on your breathing. He says while he's meditating, he's thinking about his work or other things but he just keeps coming back to the breathing over and over. He says meditation has helped him tremendously. His book has a funny name, something like How to be 10% happier. He might be on youtube too.

05-12-2014, 11:21 AM
Very sound advice; acknowledge the thought and go back to breathing. When you concentrate on not having thoughts they come like crazy, I imagine that I am sitting beside the desk , cleared of all clatter, then when the thought comes is like a cup or something which not belong, I swipe my hand and get rid of that, I push it out of my mind vision.
John I got a small mp3 player for 35 dollars in walmart. I got also small headphones and I can do this everywhere....maybe it would be better idea than suffering with the laptop.....:)
there were some of mp3 players with 4 giga memory for less than 20 dollars. Cheaper in your country:)

I used twice push lawnmover and refused :)

05-12-2014, 12:00 PM
Very good idea on that mp3 player. That laptop just was not going to work for an every day thing.
That Dan Harris, you can actually watch him have a anxiety attack on TV ( you tube ). Why watch though I have first hand experience myself almost daily.

05-13-2014, 06:59 AM
This thread is really great. I just downloaded Jon kabat Zinn audio books and will put them on my phone and listen with headphones later tonight. I'm going to try and use this in conjunction with Yoga.

Thanks Dahila for the links.

05-13-2014, 08:55 AM
This thread is really great. I just downloaded Jon kabat Zinn audio books and will put them on my phone and listen with headphones later tonight. I'm going to try and use this in conjunction with Yoga.

Thanks Dahila for the links.
So did I Mist, I have it on my mp3 player and take it to bed, my favorite is of course body scan. Did you get his other books, oh you probably did. He is fantastic, you will see:))
I am in very bad moment in my life now. I have no idea how would i survive without my precious Jon:)

05-14-2014, 11:45 AM
I have to be a nurse again, and give the injections to my hubby i hate it!!!

05-23-2014, 09:20 AM
Ok it is my thread so I post what i want, \

I am going to go like so many others. The forum is flooded by religious frigging idiots. No place for normal people anymore....what a waste. I will check the pm but i do not think i will post. The threads just turned me off...

the bulged somethin, the poop, the other gross shit, It is disgusting what people post. Instead of going to doctor they post every sign of disease here. What That? Kindergarten?

05-23-2014, 04:29 PM
You are so right Dahila, we had a really good thing going, but it has gone sideways.

I'm so glad I have you as a FB friend, we can stay in touch.

Have had a really rough couple of days, tried the bioidentical hormones the doctor gave me. WHAT A MISTAKE!!!! I've been so sick for 2 days, stomach hurts, nausea...thank god for kefir , it's the only thing settling my stomach. Anxiety out of control off and on, thank god for my meditation programs .now if I could only sleep for more than 45 minutes at a time I might recover. Going to work tomorrow is questionable right now. I feel so out of whack.

I too have backed off coming here , I do however like to catch up with Hannah and John and Cully and of course you, thank you so much for your friendship.

Cheers my friend.

05-23-2014, 06:24 PM
Thanks Pam, I am coming here for a few people only the ones as you. Hormones. I had never any trust in it. I refused straith in her face , which made my GP furious. She actually yelled at me hehehehe. I hope you feel better tomorrow. Pam even if I do not post here I will still be on Fb:)) we will not lose contact:)

I want to continue to read 14 posts :)

06-01-2014, 06:11 PM
OK Dahila and other meditators,
My wife say's she found me an old ipod, what can i download on that so i can listen to a "starter version of how i can give this meditation a go " I will be doing this at night with headphones, i have no other time when its even close to quite. I need to give this a try as i need some inner peace. My mom called me today and i thought my dad died or something because she never calls me because she is almost deaf from birth so we text and email, anyhow i started to have a panic attack before i even picked up the phone. She just wanted to try a new kind of hearing aid she got to see if she could here me. I gotta stop always thinking the worst.

06-01-2014, 06:18 PM
Good luck John, I think with practice you will find it a wonderful tool.

That's so nice your mom called, sorry it gave you a bit of a fright. Did her new hearing aids work out ok?

If nothing else, you might get a decent night sleep from the meditation.

Cheers my friend.

06-01-2014, 06:42 PM
I am brand new here and actually struggling to navigate this site. I'm 50 , year old(young).lady. now faced with the hormone replacement dilemma, natural replacement, ANXIETY while driving.X ,,,30 utteryears. On rx Vistaril for anxiety and sleep. I am recovering so I will not take any controlled substances. Looking for others with the driving issues, menopausal issues, and I prefer herbs for relief! Thanks all !

06-01-2014, 07:23 PM
Hi mother,

Welcome to the forum. I'm 49 and travelling down the perimenopaussal road. Not fun at all!

The best thing I did after I reacted very badly to HRT from my GP, was to go to a naturopath. Am on some great herbs and vitamins that seem to tame the many menopausal issues and as a bonus my anxiety issues are really lower.

Just a suggestion, but if you don't want the meds a naturopath may be a good way to go.


06-02-2014, 09:04 AM
Need To Get Well, you are a blessing! Thank you for the much needed feedback. I'm googling the natural info plus I have a long history of utilizing herbs. What herbs are working for you and decreasing anxiety? My IRRITABILITY is off the hook :(

06-02-2014, 10:19 AM

Well I'm on is many right now but the essential ones are B-complex , magnesium/calcium, D3, there is another one which my naturopath gave me which is a mixture of lots of stuff and I know he has it made for him.

I think the magnesium/ calcium is probably what is helping so much with the anxiety as the magnesium portion is very relaxing and calming to the body.

Before I saw him I was taking one of each the mag/cal and b complex and was told it wasn't enough. Now I take 2 bcomplex and 4 mag/calcium a day.

Oh, I almost forgot, omega 3, 2 a day.

Good luck, but I really think if you are inclined to use herbs a visit to a naturopath is well worth the expense.

Good luck

06-02-2014, 10:22 AM
Oh, one thing you should look up is estrogen dominance. See if any of thoses things make sense to you. If you are estrogen dominant you may want to stay away from soy and black cohosh. When estrogen is in ratio higher than progesterone, anxiety can be a result.

Look it up for yourself.


06-02-2014, 10:44 AM
Actually mangnesium is not as important as Vitamin B complex. Welcome to the forum Motherofbees, ;)
Black cohosh is one which helps with hot flashes.
In my situation I just tried to survived without the hormones (gp got so upset when I straight refused it) I switched to eat a lot of green leaves veggies. Gardening probably calmed me down too. Coffee seems to cause a lot of hot flashes, but green or white (I love white tea) helped.
Chinese natural medicine seems to work the best:)
Lemon balm aka Melisa has calming properties twice more than camomile. Valerian root is another one. :)

06-02-2014, 10:56 AM

Dahila is our resident expert on all things herbal. She knows her stuff and her suggestions are always terrific. Any of her suggestions will likely be helpful.


06-02-2014, 06:58 PM
Pam I blushed, I am not expert, I just had to learn due to my allergies to medication. I feel a strong resistance, to hormone therapy, I believe that we have the cure for every disease in our reach. :)

06-02-2014, 08:29 PM
For depression, anxiety, trouble sleeping, irritability, hot flashes, I have begun Natural Calm calcium/magnesium vit d3 liquid supplement. And k2. I'm hoping to wean off of Prozac haha. Maybe I should bust open my Valerian Root bottle instead of Vistaril. I'm adding black cohosh, dong quai, soy, flax oil, and all the b vits are in the natural calm. Wheww

06-02-2014, 09:03 PM
Hope it all works for you. Let us know how it goes.

06-21-2014, 07:42 AM
Bum bum bumm :)

06-21-2014, 01:36 PM
Thank you! It is $250 to see the naturopath and insurance doesn't cover. But I'm now NOT willing to go on bio identical bc of the great comments here. So I better come up with the money!

06-21-2014, 01:38 PM
Dahlia Thank you thank you!!

06-21-2014, 03:18 PM
With regards to falling asleep - for me I don't see it as a problem. I believe I have even heard Kabat over my many cycles of listening say that if sleep comes, then it comes. I give my own insights regarding this. I get that it is important for some, however I think the more one thinks on such a thing, the more one becomes hung up on not trying to sleep whilst meditating. "Let it come, Let it go" Same as the cloud theory.

I don't propose to know anything other than what I have experienced. Back to share that a little later. Time to go on the Nod - I am at least mindful of that. hehehehe. :P

06-21-2014, 04:57 PM
Ponder you are kind, still I can not manage to the end of body scan, so I switched to do first breathscaping it is about 21 minutes, then I do body scan with much gusto;))) usually at the pelvic area I am sound asleep:))

06-21-2014, 08:34 PM
I will make a 10 minute video in the bush on Stillness. I think it would be a good project for me. I need to practice some subtle changes in focusing and panning. I think done at the right times - it would make for a relaxing focus point to experience the state of being without loosing consciousness. I have to learn a few more things with the video and sound editing ... but I know you will appreciated it anyways - so I try not to get hung up on it, but simply DO it. :)

Hope you have a good morning.

06-22-2014, 03:18 AM
Hi dahlia any advice.

Lately when I have been trying the body scan I've been getting myself in a panic when I start to relax. I kind of feel out of control being that relaxed and it really freaks me and I have to switch it off. I no when I get relaxed my blood pressure usually drops and I wonder if that is what is scaring me. I usually feel light headed and sickly.
Have you any tips or ideas on how I can push through it because I really feel I would benefit from meditation.


06-22-2014, 09:21 AM
Hannah I hope you lie down and focus on what he saying. Just listen the voice, do what he says as good as you can. Any state is good. I think you freak out when he tells to focus on the breathing, I always feel lightheaded and have problem with the breath, is to deep, too fast too light. It is what it is. Just continue.
When we focus on our abdomen it is the awareness, you are here and now,
tricks; mp3 player, good headphones, and very comfortable position. I think body scan is the best to learn how to relax the body then it is like second nature.
Is the rhythmic and even heart beat scaring you? If it is it will pass, I am in awe when I listen it. We do not put any attention on our heart, it is incredible when you hear it and feel the work of that. It is good feeling even if the heart flatters a bit;))) yOu are going to be ok.
Hannah when you start do it everyday please. Find that few minutes for yourself only...

06-23-2014, 06:50 AM

I agree with Dahila. Do however much you can manage each day. Try to go a little further each time, even if it is only a few seconds. You will eventually get to the end of it.

Baby steps my dear, you will get to the finish line!

06-23-2014, 08:27 AM
When I think about it, it was weird on the beginning, Hannah I was lying in bed and thinking about you.
I feel, you get relaxed your body and mind and you feel like you lose control............while you gaining control of you of right now, of everything. I really would like if you start doing something.
You have a young son, and you do not want to pass your anxiety on him..... I did pass mine on my children and it is the worst regret I have. I see them struggling and I can not help them. I realize I should not give up to anxiety and depression. Maybe I should go and smell my flowers:))

06-23-2014, 10:09 AM
I passed mine on to my oldest daughter to, Dahlia. It gives me more anxiety because now she is always asking me stuff about her health and tornado's and throwing up in public. It's sad and i wish i would have been more silent about it around her.

06-23-2014, 10:30 AM
John we do it unconsciously, they copy us. This is why I think parents who have small children should do everything to be calm. I mean everything even the meds. Later in life they pay a high price because we were weak and did not do anything about it. Yours are still small you big daddy try to uncover their fears and explained what it is. My grandchild is scared of sleeping with open windows cause blinds move. It is getting better though, she can laugh about it. No fear in grandma house :))

06-23-2014, 10:48 AM
Oh, oh, oh!!!! I was just going to start a thread about this and my struggle with guided meditation. I try it every day, 3-4 times a day. Some sessions are decent, some sessions leave me feeling more anxious because I can't allow myself to relax. Gah!!!!! I've yet to have a great session, or even a really good session. When its decent, I am able to get to place where my body is relaxed and my mind is 85% quiet and easily redirected. But then I get this pressure in my head...I am able to sit with it for about 30 seconds and then I have a thought of tumors and encephalitis. I know that this pressure is part of the meditation process. If I could just keep sitting with it I know that I will find comfort beyond that. I'm comfortable in the body vibrations I get from meditating, but for some reason I so super struggle to get past that head pressure. When its bad, I just can't relax at all. I'm thinking I'm relaxed but my shoulders are up by my ears and my legs are tensed. I am considering finding somewhere for a 1:1 guided meditation. Expensive, but I know it would be money well spent. I'm going to read this thread now and then go to sleep. Was a long night at work.

06-23-2014, 11:38 AM
John Kabat Zinn is the one I use. Please , go to first page of this thread and you will find the links to his guided meditation. He helped me so much, the guy has such soothing voice and you focus on what he says :) It is easy to relax when someone is guiding you.

My hubby who never meditate, he did not even know exactly what meditation is, he thought it like hobby or something to kill time. He went through so many operation after his auto accident, he was and is in pain. I got him a small Mp3 player 8 giga hipstreet, for 38 dollars at Walmart; very cheap and good. He started to do body scan, oh man on the beginning he moved so much. After practicing it for two weeks, he completely relaxed and his pain dissapeared for the moment.
He became a fan of John Kabat Zinn and he like to listen his audiobooks and do another meditation. You will find him on Youtube. I believe it can be downloaded for free:)) Check him out Niki:)

06-23-2014, 12:16 PM
Hi everyone

I had a rubbish sleep last night having awful dreams about falling and being high up. It has given me the motivation to try again. Fingers crossed I don't freak out again.
My son is already beginning to pick traits up from me. He is very concious about his health and we struggle to give him reassurance as he just doesn't believe us. I can get it on my phone so i'm going to put my headphones in after a nice relaxing bath.

Dahlia it is when i start to concentrate on my breathing It makes me feel like I'm about to faint and scares me. I tonight am going to do as you suggested and just go with it.

Thanks for your advice everyone. I will let you all no how I get on.


06-23-2014, 12:35 PM
Yes it does it to me too, then it passes when I concentrate on different parts of body, later one when you go back to watching your abdomen it does not happen, you are relaxed then :)) Good luck sweetheart:))

06-23-2014, 12:38 PM
Thank you :-)

06-23-2014, 06:14 PM
Right dahlia I got as far as when I had to concentrate on my heart beating I tried my best to keep going but I got a little scared and kind of lost concentration. Also concentrating on my head was a little scary too. I don't no If that's because of the sinus infection I've got though.
Take two tomorrow night but I thought I would let you no how I did.

Do you think it will get easier?

06-23-2014, 06:20 PM
If I may say - I think we all pass anxiety on to all around us. I believe it is even somehow encoded into our DNA as too the imbalance of residual pain that Eckhart Tolle (The Power Of Now) speaks so well of. I also believe it is not some kind of disease that requires a "Cure" as so commonly misconstrued. Yes to an imbalance in an extremely unbalanced world. If we can so easily destabilize those around how much more easily can we ourselves become burdened in a Time driven world. Catch the Bus on Time, Get to work on Time, Be in Class on Time, Wake up on Time, Eat on Time, Watch a movie on Time, Take your pill on Time and so much more based on Time.

It's not enough that humanity has learned how to move mountains and in that process destabilized much of the natural world, not to discount through that process -> the wiping out of numerous species; but we also had to take the nature of Time and alter that as well. In doing so, we have lost touch with nature and our ourselves - imo Time and Nature are inseparable that when we alter one from the other, that this is where humanity spawned today's sickness of the mind and destructive wake in both mans existence and natural world.

For me - understanding that is key in being able to reconnect with myself on a level that can never be obtained with a concreted fiber optic mentality as is currently what stands. (deceptively strong but quite damaging) It's not so much the material, although much of which we create is poison, so too have our minds become. For me - the most important connection that comes about from any meditation I embark on ... is based very much on Pams new diet. (please excuse the comparison Pam) We think we have evolved as a species, but I always so in order to go forward, we actually need to go backwards.

We fill our heads up with tooooo much garbage - unnecessary pain - If I may Say, Dahila and I often talk about such things and whilst it is Sad to talk about, I think it is good to see the world for what it really is - For instance, I was only just saying to John - A bush loving man himself - how it is that in these days, it is such a Hard Task to enter into the wilderness and go so deep as NOT to hear the presence of humanity. So strong is the residual effect that Tolle talks about - So sick our species has become, that it spreads into the most isolated places on earth that there is virtually no where one can go and remain untouched. In our conquest to attain and seek in order to have and own - we are nothing but takers to this world. Our personal quests have become nothing more than an aggressive cancer taking all that is good and leaving all that is dead ... in our wake.

Don't get me wrong though - Going Bush for me is my number one way to rid myself of such a disease. If you can not see mans impact like so, then I mean no disrespect - but I would have to say, that is why one struggle so hard with hearing ones own breath. The ticking of mans clock still reigns supreme - tick tock tick tock tick tock TICK TOCK TICK TOCK TICK TOCK TICK TOCK -> Such is now like waiting in the medical clinics looking to be healed, but instead the constant noise, hustle and bustle only serves to increase the strain, regardless of pill given.

So whats my answer - Acceptance that the disease in not the Anxiety itself - Accept that only con-artists want you to see it that way. Accept that mans glorified consciousness has beaten his own ears to a point in which he can no longer hear himself breath -

Find a place in which mans sickening vibes are not so intense - find that position in which one is so commonly recommended in which to lay - let the whole process be sleep if that is what you need - do not analyse anything - The very first step is simply to hear your own breath and attune yourself to some kind of preferable beat - to find sync with your breath and nothing more.

I can only say for myself - Any attempt do do this kind of thing, whilst filling yourself up with crap and continual exposure to hustle and bustle in no more than a Fad Diet. This is where I feel people come up with "Oh this and Oh that...I just can't do it" John Kabat Zin speaks much on this ... Meditation is the only act in which we Do something in order to gain nothing! His exact quote goes like this:

“Meditation is the only intentional, systematic human activity which at bottom is about not trying to improve yourself or get anywhere else, but simply to realize where you already are.”
― Jon Kabat-Zinn, BOOK -> Wherever You Go, There You Are

Forgive me as I always go over the same things - bit like breathing I guess. BUT - I felt like I needed to say this stuff for my own good as well - That above quote of his, kind of helps me in dealing with what I must - with so many outside display screen imprinting as they do - > to which I have no remote. Reminding myself of how to switch off and focus on only what matters - is like allowing myself to catch a birds cry in a way which seem to come natural for me when I'm sitting under the trees. If not a bird when surrounded by concrete and optical fiber then I practice embracing the fatigue that so commonly plagues me in such places.

The Breath - then to my pulse - then to thoughts of one step after the other ... whilst a focused thought the trick is to let it be without thinking at all ... that one then makes contact with the thinker as in only to of observed the thinking then going one more to experience feeling that experience no matter how fleeting. With a little more practice to which just comes without effort of even trying to chase such experiences, as to seek will only inhibit such connections - The observer experience is nothing more than detaching on a deep level from the sickness of which I speak - a place in which one can drift and find total peace. "Just let it come" now comes to my mind - Kelly Howell (Brain Sync Series) in one of her Guided Meditations (Titles - Guided Relaxation & Guided Meditation) who says that so well - that I just now get goosebumps as I mostly do - when poised with headphones and that line blissfully stimulates my ears - WOW ... I need to write more on just that experience as to Letting Go ... and what takes place in a good session of doing just that ... (I must stop these edits and start digging - hehe such is the compulsion to share true healing vibes as I know many of you already know)

RIGHTO - that's my morning post done - Perhaps not so relevant to tuning in to the voice of another - for a guided experience, however in saying that - In order to hear ones breath and go on to FEEL it as one should - if you can't hear yourself then your not going to have much luck hearing another. Whilst the TONE of another can be a big deal with me --- so many people now doing guided meditations - I find some too strung themselves ... like a new age Naturopath with a face book page full of guiding angels - for you that might work - but I use more so as a comparison to someone who's off beat from the subject of Natural medicine. John Kabat Zin is on the mark with much of what he says ...

In regards to that - I highly recommend you read his book "Everywhere you go there you are." to assist in better making a connection with selfless time - and more so Echrat Tolle's Book "The Power of Now" I embrace those moments that I lose track of thought and have to ask what was that I was thinking. I normally only as what it was, for the benefit of another - I actually embrace those moments in which I can not think! I truly believe whilst others see such as being mute, dimwitted and so on - I seek to be with others who understand such things as I see them be.

That's why Dahilia and me get along so well .... hehe ... srry Dahila --- perhaps did not come out right - just wanted to see if I could make you smile.

Is what it is - a long winded post ... I like taking such breaths.

I go play with the dirt now.

Later all. :)

06-23-2014, 07:34 PM
Yes Dave, I am smiling and happy cause you posted everything should be said in this thread. Unfortunately I have my limitation, everyone knows why.
Dave I found that sync with your breath is the most difficult, When we do not think about it, it does function perfectly....When I start meditating I am usually very tense, it takes a lot of time *why I am even using the word time* it is unessary, it takes as long as it take to relax and start following my breath, I observe my nostrils when the air moves in, then see it going right into my lungs then and my abdomen moves, on the beginning like crazy, the heart bum, bum bum, then slowly it calms down and it is incredible....
How can you not be happy, and satisfied when your are so much within yourself and In the moment.....
People complaain of that and this, and they waste the time (I am guilty as sin, also) Time , limited time we have, should we watch the animals, they do not waste it, so when comes the time to pass away they do not try to run they just die............

Life right now is so hectic, it is such chaos we forgot what we are, we forgot how to laugh, how to enjoy what we have, how to simply stop and look around.....it is worth it:))

06-24-2014, 04:58 AM
I tried my first go at John Kabot Zinn and i fell asleep in 5 min. IT'S 40 min long! mindful meditation off of ipod download my wife got off the app store

06-24-2014, 05:30 AM
Congratulations John, falling asleep is not a bad thing. You got 5 minutes in, next time 6 minutes.

Keep it up!

06-24-2014, 05:59 AM
Hi Pam ... :)

It's quality rest - that is for sure!!!

06-24-2014, 09:26 AM
John you relaxed that fast; good, you fall asleep because your body needs it. Keep doing it:)

06-24-2014, 12:41 PM
Well Dahlia and Pam, I do not think i should do it at night. I am so dam tired by the time i lay down i am out. I have never had a problem going to sleep but around 3 or 4 in the morning i am up and once my eye's open my mind starts racing. gotta do this today or that today etc, etc.

06-24-2014, 03:52 PM
Hi everyone

Dave and dahlia I truly think I have been looking at this the wrong way. I have really been seeing this a challenge to overcome instead of just seeing it for what it is. I've been really over thinking it instead if just letting it be what it is. I'm hoping this mindset is going to help me.

Pam I agree any rest is good :-)

John do you have a link to the i tunes download? I've just been using you tube on my phone.

I'm the total opposite I lie awake worrying and then fall asleep and can barely open my eyes the next morning for the school run.

06-24-2014, 04:11 PM
Hannah ,

What type of phone do you have? If it is an iphone just search in the aps. Search meditation or self hypnosis for anxiety and you will come up with lots of options.

I use the self hypnosis ones by Glen Howard or another I can't rember the name of the guy but it is called anxiety free. I love them all.

If they are free downloads, you have nothing to lose by trying several until you find what you like and works best for you.

06-24-2014, 04:15 PM
Yeah I've got an iPhone I will have a look now :-)

06-24-2014, 04:23 PM
Hannah -

I sent PM -


06-24-2014, 04:38 PM
Just replied thanks again Dave :-)

06-24-2014, 05:06 PM
I share a little more - honestly if I go on - I mean not to as it really is just me hitting out the words in an untimely fashion.

Dahila - I reread your reply to me and think it amazing how your able to relate it like that. The Breath, Time and Animals. "Indeed" is all I can really say to what you have written there. You know I have listen to John Kabat Zin SO many times - like yourself and also in my car - I just can't get enough of the message he spreads with his book "Everywhere you go there you are" - I can here him as clear as a bell whilst sitting here now and my headphones playing Nature Sky FM - "THE TIME IS NOW" echos from his book -

When you say "is it worth it" I think if I stop and take a good look around at all the buildings, cars, and things - ... Well you know my answer to that.
__________________________________________________ ______

My Hints and Tips to meditation:

Dispel the notion of sitting cross legged dressed, singing bowls, candles and burning incense.

Whilst some of these can assist, meditation is more about what is inside us, not outside. We have been so conditioned to look outside ourselves, that we require such aids before we can even sleep at night. Especially the addiction and reliance on headphone and mobile devices. WHAT IS MEDITATION - I'm just going to repeat myself here -> John Kabat-Zin Book "Wherever you go there you are" - and then Eckhart Tolle "The Power of Now" UNLEARN all that other crap that is depicted and sold off as New Age Nonsense -

In saying that though - I do believe a spiritual element grounded on your own personal experience plays a vital role. Perhaps this connection is the most important factor in that act of "looking within" - Whilst John and Eckhart (Echart does seem to paste the word Jesus a little thick/but not in the Biblical sense "Tolles is hated by many Christians and seen as the anti-Christ - I lol @ that)) - may use spiritual words (John less likely) - both lay no claim to seeking any answers outside ones self, moreover they show how the answers lay within. They reveal the key to disconnecting from this hell hole of a life style we have created (imo -Tolle does so, more effectively, however takes more rewinding) - John relates many things to the Buddhists but empathizes non religious content in his own teachings. (John is better for the meditations while Tolle helps us disconnect from the sickness of the mind) Tolle is kind of sold off like a prophet with a touch of Oprah sensationalism - BUT - if you can just accept that as is - then there is a huge amount to be gleaned from him.

Have to go back later ;)

06-24-2014, 05:18 PM
Hi Hanna, i asked my wife to look at the app store for ipod and found a John Kabbit Zinn for $9.00 U.S. mindful meditation but it's 40 mins long.

Dahlia are they all that long????

06-24-2014, 05:31 PM
Not all , body scan, yoga, sitting meditation, and something else I had not done yet is 40 min long, the second disk is 20 meditation for twenty minutes each:))

06-24-2014, 05:40 PM
I might try and go to bed a little earlier and try to listen more of it. The last thing i remember was he was asking for a show of hands to see if any one had ever tried meditation. Are all his tapes with an audience?

06-24-2014, 07:28 PM
Your brain still takes in the words when you are asleep. Despite there being no accreditation to "sleep learning" - I can tell you that for me there is a link to "recalling" words after I have slept numerous times books that teach. I think some form of neuroplasticity can take place which is why some Guided Meditations/affirmation - are recommended to be listening to over a 6 week period. Some people this works easier for than others. Some people are naturally more open and others closed. No doubt those who have grown up living under a dogma, regimented and or indoctrinated lifestyle - I see they would struggle with such opening - whereas others whom are less prone to "the only way is through .... bla bla bla" are more like to reap benefit from such opening up.

No easy way to say that --- it applies to all the self hypnosis vids that abound as well.

Be careful of desensitizing yourself with too much as well ...

Pick your times well ...

I like finding practitioners that can breath properly --- so many seem to be good with the words (some) but suck big time when it comes to breathing ... :)

06-24-2014, 07:58 PM
John , I practice Jon more than three months so with or without it I do the same now:)) before you feel familiar with it give yourself at least 3 weeks they spend 8 weeks on four of them
1 body scan
2 windrul yoga
3 Sitting meditation
4Mindful yoga
in 8 weeks of program they alternate yoga with meditation, till the time your are familiar with it. His book "whereever you go you are' is explantaion of it. It is fantastic book, I listened audio book and I had listened at least 4 times if not more

06-25-2014, 04:44 AM
Too funny, when i went to bed last night and put the headphones on i guess i had listened to more than i though because it came back to me as i listened. I got about a good half hour on it. Finally he got to the actual breathing/ meditating.

I will give it a go for awhile

06-25-2014, 07:18 AM
John you do, you will see the benefits soon, even there is no goal in it;)) . Sometimes when we tried to hard we tense more and it is not working. Try to treat it lightly with open mind and you will feel so good. The benefits are immediate. Just few minutes for our self to be with myself to listen myself. How often we do this? Probably never getting entangled in life, work , family life
Time set aside only for you, it is such luxury now:))

07-02-2014, 10:40 AM
bum bum bum
meditation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aS5QpPRFdbg)

07-10-2014, 05:54 PM
bang bang, it is anoying to post the links all the time , so this is the reason why I am trying to bring it on the first page, :)
I think it deserves to be seen. Editing for this reason:) we have many new people here

10-18-2014, 08:05 AM
I am banging it again, sorry guys. :))

03-23-2015, 09:04 AM
bum, bum for people who are new here and new to meditation, guided meditation is a key

06-10-2015, 09:23 AM
I am trying to bump it for a new people, it has a tons of good links

06-10-2015, 09:33 AM
Good bump Dahila, it is very useful. Took me some time to learn but now I couldn't do as well as I do without it.

06-10-2015, 09:36 AM
it is what works pretty well with my meds, Not very often I have sleepless night. it takes some time to go to sleep and meditation helps a lot. when I am very tense I use guided meditation, when relaxed I just do it myself :))

06-10-2015, 10:02 AM
I was just thinking about this thread today, and now Dahila's bumped it. We've got some telekinesis going on here, Dahls.

06-10-2015, 10:32 AM
That's an Aussie or Kiwi accent on the meditations on Fragrant Heart LOL.

06-10-2015, 12:37 PM
Jesse I know you remember it, it is awesome to learn meditation. I do a lot of other not only JON:))
It is telepathy:))

06-19-2015, 08:57 AM

Been listening to this woman's guided meditations. She's quite good: http://www.tarabrach.com/audioarchives-guided-meditations.html

02-21-2016, 06:45 AM
Bumping it for Salvator:))

02-21-2016, 10:46 AM
Unguided meditation is what helped me the most, I think. It did open up a lot of scary places within myself, but it was opening up those places that allowed me to heal.

Plus, it eventually evolved into deep meditation practice where I have had a lot of cool experiences.

Guided meditation is awesome too though. It's like having a partner to explore yourself with.
I just don't like be told where to look. :)

02-21-2016, 12:51 PM
Yes but for beginners who are struggling with on the beginning it helps to develop certain routine. I do meditate for so many years I do not dare to count it, and strongly believe it is what keeps me going:))

02-21-2016, 12:57 PM
since have come to understand meditation not being about the seeking and or experience, only then can I truly say that I have discovered what deep meditation means for me. The more clinging to the experience = more purification that's in need.
I also love Guided Meditation. ... and "I don't mind saying" is all about the images and thus the experience. :)

I think it important to note the differences. Each practice aims for opossing differences, yet both can be as rewarding as other.

It's completely up to us; where each of us looks.

02-21-2016, 01:02 PM
I always treat guided meditation as a beginning, as a learning tool. What can I say, nothing helps me to calm as Jon Kabat zinn voice, then I take the headphones off and do my own:))
It does not matter what kind of meditation we do, It matters that we do it. I like also mantras too.

02-22-2016, 10:40 AM
I agree, Ponder. Though that does not mean you can't have an experience, but if you are actively searching for one you risk skewing it. That is a big component of why I could never really get on board with guided meditation - I didn't like someone else influencing the experience.

But! As Dahila said, it definitely is a great tool for beginners and can work wonders for people that aid from the extra sense of focus it offers.

salvator here
02-23-2016, 04:42 AM
Bumping it for Salvator:))Thanks Dahila! I just read your entire thread, and parts of it are quite funny; very helpful too! I guess this forum had quite a history at one time, but its too bad people aren't using it as much these days. I wonder if people are using other forms of social media now instead. I don't use FB anymore, but I am aware there are some good self help groups - I'm just such a big fan of self help. Actually I also won't be around much myself over the upcoming months. I have to try and put some form of a real life together so I don't wind up a bum forever. I've been down for a long time and worry I'll never get on my feet again.

Anyway, thanks again and best wishes to you :)

02-23-2016, 01:40 PM
Salvator you will get up and it does not matter how many times you fall. Get up and never give up. I am old woman and the dilemma, you have now, is my company for the last 50 years or so. We will survive:))

02-23-2016, 06:29 PM
That's it Goomba. Comes into the context of simply "being".
With regard to influence, I've opened myself up to the strategy of self hypnosis. NLP. I hope to combine my own imagery, and take from those "dare I say - "experiences" (lol) via my medtitaion practices and influence myself in areas I feel that will benifit me.

It takes a bit for others to guide me, but not when I am of like mind with the aims of the practitioner to which I then give myself permission to open up and receive. When I can do that - I find a host of online guided meditations make the act of a quick fix a breeze. :) just have to be careful not to become too dependant like how I was with pills. Although, from my experience - such is less damaging than what the later was for me.

07-21-2016, 12:38 PM
Bumping the thread, I think the links are needed here...............for youngsters

07-22-2016, 01:28 AM
phần đ*t sao lộn xộn quá trời

12-09-2016, 12:00 PM
Le bump

Here's my fav meditation joke:

Woman 1: So has your son got a new job yet?
Woman 2: No, but he's started meditating.
Woman 1: Well, at least he's not sitting around doing nothing...

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSyCGfipTorRHgT3x3Bo2ANQOt0lyg_a 9w5TCaW9R_NWi0-Ed_R