View Full Version : Hey, health concious need not read. Confession here, and need help with my anxiety.

04-23-2014, 09:56 PM
Now I know half of you opened this when you shouldn't have and let me tell you none of you need to worry about what I have...

Since my POTS diagnosis I saw a neurologist yesterday, who believes I have a rare form of Gullian-Barre Syndrome, or as he called it (acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy, or panautonomic neuropathy) Thinking its basically an auto immune disease attacking my autonomic nervous system...which explains why I can't stand up without a crazy heart rate, and my digestion, blood pressure and dizziness issues. ANYWAYS!!! I had a lumbar puncture today, WORST EXPERIENCE IN MY LIFE. I reacted to the lidocaine while the needle was in my back drawing out my spinal fluid.. My whole body started to tremor, my heart rate went out of control..he ended up hitting a nerve... for 30 minutes after the procedure it was pure terror with that reaction.. which of course because of my anxiety history was looked at as anxiety. but I know different. so, I have another test tomorrow. a cortisol stimulation test. where they inject me with something and test my hormone levels. and I know this is very irrational because they are completely different drugs and what are the chances of another reaction... but i'm terrified beyond belief. Unfortunately I need some reassurance here and thought I would update my kind friends who have been so good to me. on a good note... I am still fighting and I will kick this things ass!!!!

04-23-2014, 11:22 PM
Darn Alaina.

I messaged you on Facebook asking what that was, but you don't really have to reply now I've read this. Makes sense.

Autoimmune? Yeah, I can see that has potential as a diagnosis for you. Given your allergies, possible hormone issues, POTS. That could make sense. Quite a few on here recently discovering that. Interesting.

What's the turnaround time for the test. Was the test valid?

I'm glad you're updating us man. It's becoming like an episode of Columbo with you :)... When's the answer gonna come out.

The cortisol test will be a breeze in comparison. You know when you face a really nasty phobia, and it ruffles you up so bad, then afterwards you feel bullet proof, cos you know nothing can hit you that hard again that day. Yeah, this will be like that. You went through the rough one, you can go to this and just say 'gimme what you've fucking got'... Easy.

Good luck! Hope you can put the bad experience out of your mind, so it doesn't stress you going forward with anymore tests you might need. I know that's easy for me to say having not had a needle in my back!

04-23-2014, 11:39 PM
Lol Jesse, you always know how to make me laugh. The needle in the back wasn't even scary! That's the dumb part. Getting my adrenals tested is importsnt . but now I never wanna be injected with anything ever again. I hope I get an answer soon!!!

04-24-2014, 12:25 PM
Not going to do the second test today. I dont consider it vital to my health and i need to recover from yesterday physically and emotionally. Im in a lot of pain both emotionally and physically and am not going to be doing anything other than blood tests for a while.

04-25-2014, 08:09 AM
Alaina take the weekend off the tests, and recover. I admire your fight and I am thinking of you my pretty friend. I know it does not make a lot of difference, but maybe you need some good energy send your way:))

04-25-2014, 10:18 AM
Hey Alaina,

Thinking of you. Glad you didn't do the second test, maybe another time. Sometimes enough is simply enough.

Good luck

04-25-2014, 03:05 PM
Thanks guys!!i dont have some crazy neurological condition, my neurologist called me, i have perfect spinal fluid . :) still have no answers though and i have a horrible post spinal tap headache thanks for being so supportive ladies.

04-25-2014, 04:56 PM
Hang in there girly.
