View Full Version : These damn eye issues!

Irish Sammie
04-23-2014, 02:36 PM
Hi guys,

I'm just writing this more so out of frustration, but I guess It would be nice to hear new advice if there's any going around. On a day to day basis, atleast for the last 3 weeks, I've not really been feeling that anxious. I'm keeping myself busy and planning to move to Canada in the next 3 months (that in itself creates quite a bit of anxiety due to the fact I'm going there alone).

It's just my eyes. Every morning I wake up and they feel strained. My head feels heavy. There's always this tight sensation behind my eyes and by the end of the evening, I get headaches due to it. The last 12 days I've got them every evening and seems to emit from behind my eyes. I still can't rest my eyes. I feel like I'm taking in a lot of visual information and makes me feel uncomfortable, especially when moving fast in a car, that can be very uncomfortable. My vision has also narrowed, I just KNOW that a few months ago my field of immediate vision was larger, a feeling that my peripheral vision has closed inwards. Oh, and don't get me started on the photosensitivity. I'm so tired of squinting during the day, not being able to look up too high as the glare hurts and feels overbearing. The only change I've noticed in the last 14 days is that my vision goes out of focus much less. To top it off, I think I always had some level of Tinitus for the past few years, but that too has seemed to increase, sounding more noticeable.

I was searching around the other night, and stumbled across a condition called " Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension " . It actually has very similar symptoms to what I'm experiencing at the moment, which did get me worried. ( I didn't purposely go looking for a problem to relate to, it just happened by chance). I'm trying not to think about this too much, as I'm not in a good financial situation at the moment, and I don't think I could afford any specialists. However, the lovely Matt on the forums, suggested I start taking "Holy Basil" Supplements and Vitamin D for my eyes. I've since ordered a good quality brand and it's on it's way. To get the Vitamin D, I've opted for a slightly expensive Cod Liver oil. It's fermented Cod Liver oil that it's much better than the heat processed oils. It maintains the full concentration of the vitamins over those that get depleted during the heating process. It contains high levels of Vitamin A and D which are both important for the eyes.

If you got this far, I'll give you a pat on the back. I apologize for the rant, I guess I just needed to get it off my chest. It's hard when those around you don't really understand what you're going through.


04-23-2014, 03:38 PM
Hey Irish!!!

My eyes go blurry often. I find it more so when I'm on the computer and I work on the computer for a living. And the pressure behind your eyes that you talk about, I have had that since I had an anxiety attack on Sunday.

I feel like if I open my eyes is wide as I can, it relieves the pressure. However, I look like a moron if I walk around like that. LOL

I also feel like if I try to look at something up close or even far away, I just can't seem to focus. Almost like I'm unable to focus on tiny details without my vision seeming blurry. I even darkened my computer screen a little bit because I feel like the bright computer screen only adds to the weird flashy blurriness I have when I'm looking at it at times..