View Full Version : just a question

04-23-2014, 02:04 PM
Hi, I would just like to know, how many meds does it take to OD? Lately I've been popping pills like threy're fucking candy. Today I didn't took as much. I'm going through some shit again so so far I took 2 antipsychotics ,2 valium and a tylenol today. That's not that much right? A doc haven't seen me in two weeks and I'm not even supposed to take these meds now. But they make me feel fine so I do.I felt so strange today, I slept 4 hours at night so I was tired as fuck but yet when I sat at school I just had the urge to get up and run somwhere or just move. I was completely restless the entire day. I still am. It's like I feel it in my hands, they just want to move. I can't even describe it. So could that be from too much mdication or is it something else?

Irish Sammie
04-23-2014, 02:53 PM
Hi Olivia,

The first thing I'll say, is that I'm not a doctor, and most of us here are not. Only take what you were prescribed and nothing more. There's a reason why you're given exact dosages for medication as it's fitted for you and your needs. Increasing the dosages could have untold effects and I'm sure you don't want to be in that situation. Try to be a little bit more disciplined over what you take. If you're not feeling the desired effects, the answer is not to take more of them. Go see your doctor if you're unsure. That's part of the reason he's there.

Look after yourself Olivia :)

04-23-2014, 03:15 PM
It would depend on the individual, the drug and dosage etc for somebody to overdose.

My advice would be to go to the doctor and explain that you are struggling, regardless of how recently you saw them. The medications you are taking need to be supervised and on a regime providing by a doctor. Taking one tablet of this here and a tablet of something else there could potentially cause more problems than they are solving in the short term. I would also get rid of any medication you are not supposed to be on to remove the temptation (keep benzo's if you have them but only use in an emergency)

04-23-2014, 03:35 PM
I can't stop taking them cause I feel terrible. I dig myself out of one shit and here comes the other. I can't deal with it alone no more. But I'll try someday I guess. Maybe I'll check in to the doc but he's the worst fucking doctor ever. He can't help me. Maybe no one can at this point. sorry for all the complaining btw :(

04-23-2014, 03:43 PM
I don't know how it is where you are but have you considered a new doctor if this one is truly not a good one?

04-23-2014, 04:21 PM
well yeah, I just never really got the chance to go to her but if things will go worse I'll visit her.. thanks btw for the replies :)