View Full Version : Dreams

04-23-2014, 01:18 PM

Just wondering if anybody else seems to dream a lot more when their anxiety flares up?

I've always been quite an active dreamer but I do notice that when my anxiety is bad I do dream a lot more, and they increasingly get weirder too.

At the really bad points of my anxiety I have awful nightmares, usually I'm trapped or being chased, a lot of the time I've woken up crying or still scared etc, was just wondering if it's just me or if anybody else finds this happens when their anxiety gets worse too?

04-23-2014, 02:10 PM
Funny you mention this! I was just thinking about this and noticed I have been dreaming more lately. I have not been an active dream, I sleep like a rock. But during my bad Anxiety weeks and even on the medication change I was dreaming like crazy. I couldnt tell if the was good or bad but I did notice I was dreaming and aware that I was dreaming more than I have ever.


Irish Sammie
04-23-2014, 02:15 PM
Hey Riley,

I don't think I dream more when my anxiety flares up, but I have interesting dreams that do re-occur. You should look into dream analysis. There's lots of sites online that elaborate on why you're having various dreams.

The one I seem to have most of, is that in my dream, I've just been informed that I have an exam that I need to take, that I never knew about thus never studied for. I freak out in the dream, and then wake genuinely thinking that the situation is going on, but maybe for only a minute, then I realize I'm awake and things are normal. Dreams are just a manifestation of unsorted emotions.I have similarly veined dreams that are based around similar concepts. The analysis for that is that you're merely anxious over something in real life that won't shift.

Advice over the potential of not dreaming at all, would be don't eat atleast 4 hours before you sleep. Avoid anything with sugar or dairy in them before you sleep too. They only aggrevate adrenaline in your body and makes your brain work harder than it should.
