View Full Version : fear

04-23-2014, 01:10 PM
does anyone know how to deal with this, it seems a majority of my problems in life come down to this primal fear. When I was a kid I was shy and nervous all the time, and now as an adult all anxiety comes down to this undying fear, of loss or death. It's draining and causes a whole list of problems- like with relationships, or self image, and my mood in general. Im miserable a lot, and not too happy where my life is at the moment. I drink too much also. I know there is a lot I can do to improve things, but I feel like this fear is ingrained in my brain. Often il get this sensation of doom, like everything in the present moment and future is fucked, and il usually apply it to my current state in life, "What are you doing in life", "Everything is going to get bad real quick" etc. The catastrophic thinking has always been a major problem. Il have periods of happiness, or when I look back at the warm moments they seem like happiness but then I mess things up, and kick myself over it.