View Full Version : health scares again
04-23-2014, 12:22 PM
Ive been having really bad stomach issues since november.. indigestion.. bloating.. gas..
Naturally im thinking its stomach or bowel cancer.. im too scared to go to the doctor and ask..
Is it possible to have cancer and not know about it until its reached terminal stages??
Having a major hypochondriac episode. And I really dont wanna google anything.
04-23-2014, 12:40 PM
I highly doubt that what you are experiencing is symptoms from cancer .. I know going to the doctor can be very scary but would you want to continue to live in that fear or train of that? What is this is simply just an allergy or anxiety related symptom? All of the 'what ifs, and worries can be helped by seeing your doc.. When I truly fear going to the doc for symptoms I am experiencing, I bring a friend or family member.. Certainly doesn't stop the fear but helps quite a bit to have someone to talk with along the way
04-23-2014, 01:20 PM
You should definitely see the doctor, just try to get some sort of cause established for it just so that even if you don't ask directly if it's a form of cancer then you have alternatives to what it can be.
Definitely don't google it though, I always make that mistake!
04-23-2014, 02:06 PM
Hey Vonn, Google is not your friend just yet.... Because you are so hypersensitive, to much info will be an overload. Going to the doctor is going to be the best validation you can get. Remember Anxiety can cause all kinds of random health problems like digestion issues. So I highly doubt that its cancer or anything just stress probably. But I am no doctor so get a doctors opinion. Im sure the good results back from the doctor will ease your mind!
Hang in there, Vonn take it day by day and challenge yourself. Think of it this way.... remember before you had any anxiety, you use to have gas and digestion problems before? What did you do then? Take some antiacids or eat an apple and then it would be gone. You didnt think twice about it then. There is is no need to think twice about it now =)
04-23-2014, 03:08 PM
As has already been mentioned stay away from Google or any medical information what so ever.
Go to your doctor and explain the symptoms you are experiencing and just say that you feel it would be beneficial for them to conduct a blood test to make sure that your white blood cell count is normal (showing no signs of infection)
They will also be able to offer you medication such as lansoprazole (indigestion) or mebeverine (IBS symptoms)
But what I would say is that the symptoms you are experiencing are common in people with anxiety, they can also be caused by other non terminal things like diet etc. I have had similar problems and my bloodwork came back perfect :)
So go to the doctor so that they can make sure it is nothing you have to worry about, I can appreciate you not wanting to go in case you get bad news but even if that was the case which I think is very unlikely to be it is better to know then not know.
But I honestly think it is a flare up of anxiety, but let the professionals do their job and take it from there.
Keep us posted :)
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