View Full Version : Needing someone's help.

04-23-2014, 07:03 AM

I'm really new at this so I am not sure if this is where I am supposed to post. I've been dealing with anxiety for a year to a year and a half now and I only recently got help. I was speaking to a CBT those have now stopped as I have reached my limit. I am on citalopram which I don't feel like are making any difference.

I am currently signed off work as it was due to that my panic attacks got worse. I received a letter from my company today asking me to state when I am going to return to work. Are they allowed to do this? As I don't know when I can as I have never felt so low in my life. The doctors say my anxiety is turning into depression.

I am shaking all the time and thinking the worst of every situation and this has made it 100x worse than it was before. They have generally made me feel so insecure and panicky I just don't know what to do at the moment. I am so scared and alone.

04-23-2014, 07:18 AM
Hello, I'm really new at this so I am not sure if this is where I am supposed to post. I've been dealing with anxiety for a year to a year and a half now and I only recently got help. I was speaking to a CBT those have now stopped as I have reached my limit. I am on citalopram which I don't feel like are making any difference. I am currently signed off work as it was due to that my panic attacks got worse. I received a letter from my company today asking me to state when I am going to return to work. Are they allowed to do this? As I don't know when I can as I have never felt so low in my life. The doctors say my anxiety is turning into depression. I am shaking all the time and thinking the worst of every situation and this has made it 100x worse than it was before. They have generally made me feel so insecure and panicky I just don't know what to do at the moment. I am so scared and alone.

Hi Danielle

Are you in the UK?

If your GP has signed you off work, your company are entitled to refer to occupational health to determine the length of time you are expected to be off. This is pretty standard procedure (nothing to worry about). My advise would be, to either ring and speak with occ health or speak with your GP (who may write to them on your behalf).

Employment law is tricky around long term sick these days for both employer and employee.

If you are having little result from citalopram, again speak to your GP about the possibility of either fluoxetine (more effective for depression) or sertraline (more effective for anxiety). They may also consider combining the SSRI with another type of medication.

Citalopram is a good SSRI in that the side effects are thought to be less prominent, but in my own personal experience it's not suitable for everyone.

Don't give up hope, medication is a case of trial and error, if the CBT hasn't been effective, then I would be revisiting your medication. (Only under your doctors strict advise though).

Wishing you well.

04-23-2014, 07:24 AM

Yes I am in the UK.

I have been signed off for a while now and I really don't feel ready to go back to a place where I feel like everyone Is looking at me judging me. Part of me just wants to give it all up and the other part is saying stick it out.

All they have stated is that because my phone is cut off I cannot contact them and I sent an email stating I am signed off they said in the letter it was by text. They want me to call them to discuss my situation but I don't want to inform them of what's going on at the moment cause I don't even know. They weren't happy that I texted them when I didn't I emailed them. Stating my phone had been cut off and this is not a good enough excuse. And due to the bank holiday I haven't been able to get the note to them. I mean I haven't even left my house in 2 weeks and when I have it's been to the doctor. I feel like they are trying to force me. Or is this just the thoughts going through my head.

Thank you for your response

04-23-2014, 07:31 AM

Again this is also common especially with larger companies (the whole "phone don't text") issue is likely more to do with their "policy" rather than anything else.

I would stick to what you feel you are ABLE to do, otherwise you will make yourself feel worse.

My best friend is going through a complex tribunal with her ex employer at the moment due to bad practice on their behalf whilst she was off sick.

Don't resign, that's way too easy for your employer, let them jump through hoops instead :)

From what you have said, I would definitely book an appointment with your GP, discuss your meds and explain what's happening with work (ask them to write to them, if they don't offer).

Just keep your own records of all contact between you and your employer.