View Full Version : Help! Magnesium overdose?

04-21-2014, 11:29 PM
I took a tablet of magnesium yesterday morning (it's 6.20 am now) and i feel really shaky and my head is swimming. Can magnesium cause this? I took one tabelt when you're meant to take two. It's worth 187mg.

Can't sleep, feel gross. I DID start my period last night before bed, and the night before I only got about two hours sleep. I have no idea what's going on.

04-22-2014, 12:12 AM
I've taken 5x what you've taken before, and had no problems. It's not really something you can overdose on, or take too much of if you stay within the guidelines.

A good way to tell is usually to check your stomach. If it hasn't been badly unsettled, you haven't taken too much.

You've taken a low dose of it. People take around 3x more than that as the average dose (Mag Citrate)

I wouldn't say it was the magnesium personally.

If you wanna stay away from supps, that's fine. I did too for a while. Sometimes it's easy to attribute anxiety to them, or the act of taking something new can be unsettling.

Hope you feel better soon.

04-22-2014, 12:15 AM
Thank you! I'm guessing it's either my periods being a bitch again or some nasty virus.

04-22-2014, 08:25 AM
Not the magnesium. You're anxious. The menses is a great time for feelings to arise, and even a time when women can become very awakened, or go into their pan body. Either way watch the feelings thoughts, and do not engage them, just watch. Once you become aware and watching these things, you have stepped out of the pain, the more present you can be the less these times of the month will affect you. Now keep in mind, I'm a dude, I don't think I even have a right to speak about such things, but I'm also very sensitive to women who are going thru this time. It's a beautiful wonderful natural process, and women have been slammed over years for this part of their life. They have a collective negative memory of there pain as well. Let it be and allow the pain but avoid a story attachment, you are not this, you are the divine feminine. Now after writing this I think hmmm? Where the hell did this come from. LOL :D


04-22-2014, 09:25 AM
I take a minimum of 400-500mg per day, definitely not the magnesium :)

Hope you feel better soon

04-22-2014, 11:26 AM
Willing to bet hormone imbalance has more to do with it than the mag. Give it another day or so, you will likely feel much better and then try the mag again.

Good luck

04-22-2014, 01:22 PM
I get really shakey with my period when I'm having a bad time to the point I fee really weak and can't walk but I'm ok after day or 2 it's surprising how all this can affect a woman's period.