View Full Version : just need someone to talk to and know i am not alone.

04-21-2014, 01:59 PM
Hi I've come here to just find someone to speak to. I feel as if I am looking my mind, my identity everything that made me, well me! I've been suffering with depression on and off for about 5 years however I started with anxiety attacked general anxiety in December last year. I went to docs got put on citalopram and propanolol. I was then told last week I would have to wait between 6_11 weeks to see a psychologist. I am better than I was but still every day is a constant battle with my own mind. I over analyse anything I think, do, say. The intrusive thoughts drive me mad. I feel confused fed up and just not me. So it all came to a halt today I woke up feeling very anxious and down and then just sorta lost the plot. The anxiety attack was nothing I have experienced before it was truly horrific. I had a complete meltdown so fed up with having to fight so much with my own head. Anyway I ended up at a and e with a crisis team and have been told I can see a psychologist this week at some point. I'm just so exhausted and feel so fragile tonight. I just basically want to know has anyone been at this point, with the racing thoughts and not feeling like you. Any tips or ideas to motivate myself? I don't know what to do anymore :(

04-21-2014, 02:05 PM
I'm not very good at giving advice, I just wanted to respond to let you know you are not alone.

I know what it is like to feel like you are constantly fighting with your own thoughts and to just want to give up that fight. I'm really sorry that things got so bad for you and you ended up at the hospital but at least you can see a psychiatrist a bit sooner.

Sorry I can't be more help but I'm sending a virtual hug to you xx

04-21-2014, 03:19 PM
Hi gothic,

Welcome and I'm sorry you have had a horrific day. Rest assured, many of us have been where you are.

If I may suggest a strategy to help with motivation. When I am severely unmotivated , which seems to be a lot lately I will write down 3 things I want to accomplish in a day. No more than 3 because endless lists are overwhelming and unproductive. I then break down each item (on a separate piece of paper) what I need to do to accomplish it. Then I just work through each step. Sometimes I actually get to #2 and 3, but if I don't it's ok, I did accomplish one thing and that's a win.

If you can have even the smallest success and celebrate it, it becomes easier to have another success. Small steps at a time and you will get to where you want to be.

The wins, however small are the important things. Also the most important thing of all is to be kind and forgiving to yourself. Not every day is going to be stellar, even if you don't have issues like we do.

Good luck, were here if you need us.

04-21-2014, 04:12 PM
Hi gothic,

If I may suggest a strategy to help with motivation. When I am severely unmotivated , which seems to be a lot lately I will write down 3 things I want to accomplish in a day. No more than 3 because endless lists are overwhelming and unproductive. I then break down each item (on a separate piece of paper) what I need to do to accomplish it. Then I just work through each step. Sometimes I actually get to #2 and 3, but if I don't it's ok, I did accomplish one thing and that's a win.

If you can have even the smallest success and celebrate it, it becomes easier to have another success. Small steps at a time and you will get to where you want to be.

I think that is a great thing to do and simple to do too, I'm going to try it on the 'bad' days.

You seem to still be panicking right now though and before you can be motivated to do things you need to try to calm yourself down first, one of the first important things I believe is to realise that you can't do everything and do everything to a perfect level (Despite my efforts of trying) so try to concentrate on one thing at a time. And Pam's idea is great, you could even start with small simple things like something that could take half an hour which you feel might be a distraction. If it proved to be a good distraction that's great but if not then you'll just try something else the next day.

Good luck and remember you're not alone, all of us are in very similar looking boats

04-21-2014, 04:13 PM
Follow pams advice for motivaton :)

try to do this a couple of times a day, it may offer some symptom relief. if you are a little calmer i you will a lot better for it

Breathe in through your nose and out of your mouth. Lay down and put your hands on either side of your stomach but make sure your fingers tips touch each other. When breathing in make sure that your stomach goes out words and not inwards ( e.g. when some people show others their stomach they pull their stomach in or breathe in as some people call it, that is the wrong way to breathe in.) When breathing in your finger tips should no longer touch because your stomach has gone out and allowed your diaphragm to expand, then slowly release the breath and repeat. start with in 4 and out 4. don't just pull air in and push it out control it.

When doing this focus on the breathing and nothing else, feel it come into your nose down your throat and into your lungs. Then feel it leave. If you lose your concentration and begin to think about something else that is okay. But as soon as you realize you have wandered bring your thoughts back to your breathing. Perform this exercise for a minimum of 3-5 minutes, if you practice it enough it will help.

Many of us have been there, some even to the point of suicide. But you are not alone, you see a psychologist this week and hopefully that will be the start of your recovery. If you are feeling alone come on here, I'm sure some of us will be around :)

04-21-2014, 04:31 PM
Definitely not alone! Many of us have hit those odd pitfalls. But rest assured, we are still here. Each of us struggle in many "different" ways. But oddly enough there is a common theme, we are the ones that have the thoughts. We are the ones that put those thoughts in our mind. So what do we do? We have to day by day deprogram, just like Pam stated. Find simple little things to accomplish. One of my buddies that has been struggling lately with anxiety game me funny but helpfull advice. He goes, you know when I wake up in the morning the first thing I do is find joy in "Shaving" Im like what???? He was like.... yeah shaving! He told me how relaxing it is and how he takes his time, uses different blades and creams, and likes that early morning clean feeling.

So find something simple like that to start your day. Brushing your teeth, if you take a shower in the morning using different shampoos etc. Something small, simple to accomplish but you can take pride and find a little joy it it. I am doing the shaving thing at its pretty fun!

04-21-2014, 05:11 PM
Hi, Just look at all this great advice already and you have just started. You most definitely are not alone and you can almost always count on someone being around to help you through a rough patch no matter the time of day. Stay strong try to practice some of this stuff but do not overwhelm yourself. I am still trying to learn meditation but a racing mind is tough to slow down but I keep trying.
P.S. The shaving thing won't work for me, I have beard. Be strong and visit this forum often, it helps.