View Full Version : Really Nervous After Smoking A Cigar

04-21-2014, 05:39 AM
Hey everyone.

So I've been interested in cigars for about 8 months now ,but lately I've been kinda growing out of the hobby. Last year the neighborhood had a city wide clean up and at the time I had just had back surgery so I wasn't able to go to the gym. I had I think 5 cigars over the course of Thursday-Saturday. On Saturday night after I had I think my 5th cigar I was in the house playing an online video game and I noticed all of a sudden I started feeling nervous and had that panic type feeling. It slowly subsided and after that I didn't have any cigars for about a month. I was scared to touch one.

Ever since that incident my enjoyment of cigars has severely declined. I always find myself thinking about getting nervous and all the symptoms that go along. So the plan has been to just finish the cigars that are in the humidor and stop the hobby.

I had 1 cigar left that had been aging for a while. So I decided to go ahead and smoke it. I only smoked about 1/4 of it, and its not a large cigar to start with. I kinda had in the back of my head the whole time the uneasy feeling but I was trying to just enjoy myself and relax. But about 20 minutes or so into the cigar I definitely started to feel a rush of nicotine I think and I definitely started getting nervous. So I put the cigar out and went into the house and was sitting on the couch. All of a sudden, I start feeling panic and start sweating and am very un easy. This feeling comes and goes for the remainder of the day. I made sure to drink a bunch of water and Crystal Lite also, thinking it would help the nicotine leave faster.

So I wake up this morning and am still feeling un easy. I walk outside and start feeling panic and a niacin type flush, then I start talking to myself about it and it kind of subsides. But I notice today I am still feeling nervous and uncomfortable. I can definitely tell you that I don't want to be in the hobby anymore. Its just not worth it.

So here I am typing this definitely feeling my anxiety levels elevated. I'm supposed to go to the gym this morning so I'm hoping that will help, but I also hope that I am able to make myself get to the gym. I feel really stupid today, and ashamed that I caused this panic feeling.

Any suggestions how to make this feeling stop?

I have this fear that anytime I get a panic attack feeling that I'm gonna have to go to the emergency room and be forced to sit in a packed waiting room.

I apologize for the length but I just wanted to try and cover everything.


04-21-2014, 01:54 PM
Can't beat a good Cigar.

I hope you can get back into them eventually, even if it's just occassionally, like birthday or Christmas.

Sounds like you have some anxious association attached to the cigars, which is perfectly normal, we've all had that. Stopping for a bit will probably helpful, just to allow things to settle.

I don't know how much the nicotine is affecting your anxiety. If you believe it is, then that's another good reason to take a break.

When you get a bad bout of anxiety, similar to the one you had, it can linger. Things can take a short time before they settle. It's. to surprising that you're still a little uneasy. Just be very comforting to yourself. Great self talk. No aggravating substances. If you do work out, try not to go overboard - unless you know a good workout does help.

Unless you have benzos, it's hard to stop an increase in anxiety sensations, but as long as you don't add to them, and freak yourself out, that adrenaline will burn away, and you'll go back to normal.

Have you ever had any anxiety/panic symptoms before the cigar incident?

04-21-2014, 05:18 PM
Hey turbo,

If you are still experiencing anxiety I don't think it is because of the cigars. I say that because if you have never previously had a problem with smoking cigars up until the incident that it may just have been a coincidence. But after having the panic attack you will have sat there trying to identify the reason behind the attack (sometimes there isn't one) and you will have come to the conclusion that it was the cigar. So now your brain is associating panic with the cigars, so now every time you have one because you associate it with the previous panic attack you are anticipating that you will panic and then actually panicking when having the cigar. if it was the cigar the effects of it would have disappeared by now, but it is still here.

You have also said you have an underlying anxiety/bordering on panic problem which to me is separate and not associated with the cigars. I know from our previous encounters elsewhere that you enjoy powerlifting, make sure that go to the gym. 1) it gives you a sense of achievement and also a challenge to focus on with setting new PR's 2) It will help relieve stress/tension and give you the feel good feeling from the endorphins etc.

As I have said previously I would recommend that you consider some medication to help reduce the severity of the symptoms, get some therapy to help you understand what is happening and also help you address the reasons behind the anxiety/panic.

In the meantime when you feel the panic coming on try do the following

try to do this a couple of times a day, it may offer some symptom relief. if you are a little calmer i you will a lot better for it

"Breathe in through your nose and out of your mouth. Lay down and put your hands on either side of your stomach but make sure your fingers tips touch each other. When breathing in make sure that your stomach goes out words and not inwards ( e.g. when some people show others their stomach they pull their stomach in or breathe in as some people call it, that is the wrong way to breathe in.) When breathing in your finger tips should no longer touch because your stomach has gone out and allowed your diaphragm to expand, then slowly release the breath and repeat. start with in 4 and out 4. don't just pull air in and push it out control it.

When doing this focus on the breathing and nothing else, feel it come into your nose down your throat and into your lungs. Then feel it leave. If you lose your concentration and begin to think about something else that is okay. But as soon as you realize you have wandered bring your thoughts back to your breathing. Perform this exercise for a minimum of 3-5 minutes, if you practice it enough it will help".

Turbo just try to remember this when you are having a panic attack, They are very uncomfortable and can feel so horrible that words do not do them justice but they cannot hurt you and they are transient.... they will come and go.

The last thing, never feel ashamed about feeling anxious or panicking. It is an illness that everybody here has encountered and we didn't ask nor do we want to have anxiety in our lives. You shouldn't feel ashamed for something you cannot help.

It is good to see you as always mate


04-21-2014, 06:21 PM
Jon Kabat Zinn teaches how to use breath how to meditate, he even made some quided meditation tapes. It is very easy to meditate with him. Even my hubby who was laughing his head off when I told him about meditation (I have been off meds for years , meditating every day) tried and he loves it.
I found that keeping your attention on breath helps immiediately, calming very calming. It is not easy though, to follow your breath. Our mind is like young monkey always jumping on different branch. :)

04-22-2014, 07:23 AM
Wow thanks for the replies everyone.

Just like you guys said, the first time I had too many cigars I felt nervous and after that each time I would have a cigar I would anticipate that panic feeling.

I think I'm definitely taking a break from cigars.

Yesterday I could seriously feel the effects of I think the nicotine because at the gym yesterday morning I was sweating ridiculously and had chill bumps.

Also, mentioned above makes complete sense. Even when the cigar wears off I'm still anticipating that feeling.

I am currently on 30 mg of Cymbalta. Unfortunately I can't tolerate high doses of medication because I get too many side effects.

I've been in and out of therapy over the past 10 years. A problem I have is that once I start therapy it seems to help for a bit, but then it stops being as effective. I need to go to about 100 miles away because they have an anxiety clinic but the hard part for me is making the drive.

Thanks for the replies everyone. Nice to meet everyone.

04-22-2014, 07:25 AM
Hey turbo,

If you are still experiencing anxiety I don't think it is because of the cigars. I say that because if you have never previously had a problem with smoking cigars up until the incident that it may just have been a coincidence. But after having the panic attack you will have sat there trying to identify the reason behind the attack (sometimes there isn't one) and you will have come to the conclusion that it was the cigar. So now your brain is associating panic with the cigars, so now every time you have one because you associate it with the previous panic attack you are anticipating that you will panic and then actually panicking when having the cigar. if it was the cigar the effects of it would have disappeared by now, but it is still here.

You have also said you have an underlying anxiety/bordering on panic problem which to me is separate and not associated with the cigars. I know from our previous encounters elsewhere that you enjoy powerlifting, make sure that go to the gym. 1) it gives you a sense of achievement and also a challenge to focus on with setting new PR's 2) It will help relieve stress/tension and give you the feel good feeling from the endorphins etc.

As I have said previously I would recommend that you consider some medication to help reduce the severity of the symptoms, get some therapy to help you understand what is happening and also help you address the reasons behind the anxiety/panic.

In the meantime when you feel the panic coming on try do the following

try to do this a couple of times a day, it may offer some symptom relief. if you are a little calmer i you will a lot better for it

"Breathe in through your nose and out of your mouth. Lay down and put your hands on either side of your stomach but make sure your fingers tips touch each other. When breathing in make sure that your stomach goes out words and not inwards ( e.g. when some people show others their stomach they pull their stomach in or breathe in as some people call it, that is the wrong way to breathe in.) When breathing in your finger tips should no longer touch because your stomach has gone out and allowed your diaphragm to expand, then slowly release the breath and repeat. start with in 4 and out 4. don't just pull air in and push it out control it.

When doing this focus on the breathing and nothing else, feel it come into your nose down your throat and into your lungs. Then feel it leave. If you lose your concentration and begin to think about something else that is okay. But as soon as you realize you have wandered bring your thoughts back to your breathing. Perform this exercise for a minimum of 3-5 minutes, if you practice it enough it will help".

Turbo just try to remember this when you are having a panic attack, They are very uncomfortable and can feel so horrible that words do not do them justice but they cannot hurt you and they are transient.... they will come and go.

The last thing, never feel ashamed about feeling anxious or panicking. It is an illness that everybody here has encountered and we didn't ask nor do we want to have anxiety in our lives. You shouldn't feel ashamed for something you cannot help.

It is good to see you as always mate


Hey man !! I have been wondering how you have been !!

I can't send any PM's yet because my post count isn't 10.

I'm glad to see you dude.