View Full Version : Brain Spasms!?

04-20-2014, 07:00 PM
Alright, I've dealt with anxiety my entire life and it seems like every other month or so, a new symptom appears.. Has anyone experienced what seem to be brain spasms?? I can't feel it during the day, so I'm not sure if it happens, but I only feel it when I am laying on a pillow on either the left or right side of my head. Sometimes both. It's painless but it is veryyyy annoying and frustrating. And it's causing to me lose sleep. The only was I can explain them is "spasms", like quick back and forth jolts, nonstop, just like an eye or leg muscle would do. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

04-20-2014, 08:05 PM
I had it a few times, and I believe it is caused by anxiety, ..

04-20-2014, 08:40 PM
Those typically come from the cessation of an SSRI. I'm on Zoloft, but my script ran out and I was kind of lazy about making a doctor appointment. I went 5 days without them and I started to get those types of shocks. Have you recently stopped taking meds?

04-20-2014, 08:55 PM
Alright, I've dealt with anxiety my entire life and it seems like every other month or so, a new symptom appears.. Has anyone experienced what seem to be brain spasms?? I can't feel it during the day, so I'm not sure if it happens, but I only feel it when I am laying on a pillow on either the left or right side of my head. Sometimes both. It's painless but it is veryyyy annoying and frustrating. And it's causing to me lose sleep. The only was I can explain them is "spasms", like quick back and forth jolts, nonstop, just like an eye or leg muscle would do. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Sounds like ssri withdrawal as another has stated. Thankfully I never experienced that when I got off the Paxil but I know others that have.


04-22-2014, 05:51 AM
Yes I've had them to coming off my Zoloft,they do go after a while tho and it's nothing to worry about tho yes I agree they are dam annoying