View Full Version : LOG IN GUIDE - For civilized peeps who don't quote your every word.

04-20-2014, 06:59 PM
Logging in from a Mobile Device without having to use a procedure that continually has one Quoting others all the time - and also Stay Logged into Full Site

Replying with quotes is not only lazy but also unnecessary and disrespectful - especially when continually quoting a wall of text when only making reference to one small point within the discussion. It's also quite messy and adds to the chaos many of us long winded types cause ourselves.

So for all those who say it's because they on a mobile device, allow me to show you just how easy it it to avoid such poor etiquette and also remain logged in -> for those who think it so arduous to log in with the following approach. (It's why I set my to "remember me" The current system seems to be forcing people on mobile devices to simply just quote others - this need not be the case - as its easy to log as described:

Confusion can begin on the Index Forum Page whilst on a mobile device with full site displayed. The problem is the missing header Tabs with that most important Log In button: It's simply not there - but no worries we can just read a post and reply with quote to log in - That is not true - there is another way for those of use that don't like quoting others all the time.


On Mobile (Full Site) without the login option:


Step One:

So here we are - this is how most people think they have to log in on a mobile device - by continually quoting others.



We can debate Quoting Etiquette here as well if you wish. It's like going into someones thread and contradiction all thier dislikes by telling them how you think they a great things that you love. Doing that will only piss off the OP and destabilize their thread - not only for them but everyone else in it. (Ponder that - food for though - again I say "exclamations marks are just as poorly used") Hmmm Now the contradiction is to come on in and say how much you love them - BUZZZZZ - Kill - and now the boat starts to rock ... For now the context is to offer and dispel the excuse of being on a mobile as this being the only option to reply - Don't needlessly log in with that button, BUT simply scroll down the bottom of page and select the "forum skins tab" far bottom right hand side. It's as easy as that - Select Mobile Skin. SEE BELOW:


Post continued Below - just look for the pictures - Dave's Picture Bible to logging in.

04-20-2014, 07:00 PM
NOW Well I'll be fucked, this must be were we log in - Praise the Lord, pass me a donkey and lets take a ride further on shall we - lets see if we can find the Cross of an icon I keep talking about with regard to logging in: Just follow the red arrow below and she's all hail Marys from there!




BINGO: Please do be sure to click remember me & don't hit "Full Site" yet.



OH MY LORD JESUS, I can now see my name - Praise Be to thee ... OMG - I can see the log in and all those missing tabs. It's a miracle!!!!



I did miss one picture from above - to get the full features of the site, simply scroll down whilst in mobile mode and hit the button dead center bottom of the screen "Full Site"

Next time you keep quoting me to get in - I'll know that we are not going to get along - also ease up on the contradictions - when I say I don't like something and you come back with how much you love such a thing - The boat is going to rock and it shows me just how much you like conflict.

Blessings to all you Bible thumpers out there, that love quoting so hard - I know you guys just can't help yourselves - it's how you are raised. ! YELL ! YELL ! YELL - Oh MY oh MY ... Lordy Lordy righteous orgasm comes to mind.

Quote away you rude fuckers ...

04-20-2014, 07:50 PM
Yeaaaaaaaah hehehe ............

04-20-2014, 10:46 PM
Oh My, that'll have them flabbergasted. But john 3 16 says this and Romans 12 9-21 that ...

Thou-est shall quote before every reply! It's our only why to produce evidence and show off our intelligence. Contradicting each other and others is how we are raised - we know not else what to do.

Rudeness Begets Rudeness - and don't they know it ...

I Wonder how long it will take before the next donkey comes along and quotes the entire thread before making some witty one liner remark - one with no more than sense in it, than the blabbering of fools speaking in the tongues of angels. OOscabudisundi - behold I am blessed with many gifts ... quote - un-quote for I be the most intelligent being on this forum - quote and fuck it - how's about I quote that one too...

04-21-2014, 08:02 AM
I am guilty as sin:)).............. no quoting :))
I do not think anyone will comment on it..

04-21-2014, 09:43 AM
Guilty as charged but making an effort to be better. I still slip up with the exclamation marks but I think I am getting better.

Thank you for this Dave. Your efforts are appreciated.


04-21-2014, 01:44 PM
Hey Dave. Haven't spoken in a while. I'll have to come check in on the thread.

This type of post was so, so, so overdue.

In the past I've always just replied using the quote feature, then deleted the quote and wrote my stuff.

Makes it so much easier doing it this way. Love the remember me. Haven't had to log in again. Great stuff.

http://cache2.asset-cache.net/xc/160434188.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=B53F616F4B95E5534C28970B495C4B643CF65D6CE55E2905 7DA1F882EE367F2D

04-21-2014, 06:25 PM
Sh***t I am still quoting:(

04-23-2014, 03:01 AM
ohh! I just noticed this Forgive the new guy

04-23-2014, 06:33 AM
If it's unnecessary and disrespectful, then why is the option there in the first place?