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04-20-2014, 05:35 PM
I had a quite a bit of alcohol yesterday and hardly any sleep and now I feel tired but panicky. Anyone experienced this please comment quick

04-20-2014, 05:50 PM
I had a quite a bit of alcohol yesterday and hardly any sleep and now I feel tired but panicky. Anyone experienced this please comment quick

This is the sole reason I can no longer drink, it gave me really bad episodes of anxiety.

04-20-2014, 05:51 PM
What did you experience please

04-20-2014, 05:56 PM
What did you experience please

It was a feeling of dread mainly, almost as if something terrible was about to happen, and I couldn't control it, normally resulted in a panic attack, plus hangover on top, shaking, nausea, headache, racing heart, sweating....and so on.

Plenty of water (sips not bucket loads all at once) and steady, deep and slow breathing (the same as controlling a panic attack).

I got worse each time I got drunk, in the end I opted to become the designated driver instead.

04-20-2014, 06:32 PM
I have felt much as 14 has when I would drink. I too have given up alcohol and feel better. I'm now the designated driver too.

04-20-2014, 08:12 PM
It was a feeling of dread mainly, almost as if something terrible was about to happen, and I couldn't control it, normally resulted in a panic attack, plus hangover on top, shaking, nausea, headache, racing heart, sweating....and so on.

Plenty of water (sips not bucket loads all at once) and steady, deep and slow breathing (the same as controlling a panic attack).

I got worse each time I got drunk, in the end I opted to become the designated driver instead.

Same here, I had not touched any alcohol for 8 years, mainly for this reason, the other one; cause I was a single mother for years. Right now I can have one beer or one drink , which is not very often.

04-20-2014, 08:57 PM
It was a feeling of dread mainly, almost as if something terrible was about to happen, and I couldn't control it, normally resulted in a panic attack, plus hangover on top, shaking, nausea, headache, racing heart, sweating....and so on. Plenty of water (sips not bucket loads all at once) and steady, deep and slow breathing (the same as controlling a panic attack). I got worse each time I got drunk, in the end I opted to become the designated driver instead.

I do go out about once a week with friends .....but I try not to get to the point of a hangover state or being drunk per se. Moderation has worked pretty well for me and I am thankful for that.


04-20-2014, 09:28 PM
Last time I drank I felt like I was on the edge of a panic attack all day, felt like something was going to just go off in my brain and something really bad would happen to my body. I slept it off, but I was in rough shape for about a week. Ever since then, 0 alcohol for me.

04-20-2014, 09:43 PM
As you can see.....it truly depends on the individual. You can only expose yourself and see what happens and react accordingly is the wise way to handle it.

04-21-2014, 12:00 AM
Alcohol works great... Temporarily. Some of my worst days are days after nights spent drinking.