View Full Version : stupid way to cure?

05-06-2008, 01:19 PM
i used to do drugs alot.. my favorite one was coke and i remember that when i was doing it that was all my mind would be on 24/7. i dont remember thinking of anything bad at all.. do you think this would be a stupid way to stop my mind from anxiety or will it just be stupid?

im desperate for it to end that i would do anything!

The Melody of Rain
05-06-2008, 02:17 PM
Hello :)

I cant stress enough how ridiculous the implementation of this idea would be. I'll presume you're addicted. How long have you been using? I've tried it occasionally in the past, and of course, like cannabis it temporarily masked the symptoms, but they always come back stronger as I'm sure you're horribly aware.

You see, by using narcotics (especially cocaine) you're polluting your body and mind with foreign chemicals. In terms of the effects of cocaine, you feel fine after its out of your system (3-4 days depending on your metabolism) but your mind has been put under extreme stress, and if its being used regularly your brain 'goes to sleep'. Basically, it goes into a defensive condition where it attempts to repair whatever damage may have occurred, and anxiety is prone to occur in this stage.

DON'T DO IT. If you do, you may aswell sign up to the dppd forums instead, because anxiety will be the least of your worries. Do the cold turkey and get the fuck off drugs. If you want to rid yourself of anxiety you may have to think yourself out of it, and how are you going to do that when you cant think because the top of your brain has been burned away because you're snorting that crap? Very few folk will give you any sympathy if drugs are mentioned.

The Melody of Rain
05-06-2008, 02:19 PM
Well, I obviously didn't read that post correctly :roll:
Do you use any narcotics these days?

05-06-2008, 05:10 PM
no i stopped doing them for almost a year now. except i tried e a couple of months ago i dont do drugs at all anymore. i am terrified of them now! and terrified of my anxiety so i wasnt sure what i should do.
but thanks for the advice.. i am going to stay clean!
i just need some ways to really get rid of my anxiety!

The Melody of Rain
05-06-2008, 06:20 PM
The first step you'll have to take is to promise yourself to never touch an illegal substance as long as you live. Anxiety and narcotics simply don't mix. Ecstasy will reap havoc on your system; its utter dirt. Its 5% pure at best; and thats rare. Stimulants in general will. I mean, even nicotine and sugar will be detrimental to your ability to remain calm. After this, begin to be honest with people (if you aren't already, although you seem relatively open in terms of what you confess). It doesn't mean you have you tell people your business, but don't lie. If you can achieve these two steps you are guaranteed to begin feeling clearer in terms of "thinking" because these are two of the major stress factors. This will afford you a clear head, and you can begin focusing on positive thinking.

I mean, I just beat my own six year long anxiety/agoraphobia/depression disorder about two weeks ago. I stopped smoking hash in January and as soon as the THC left my system (which took roughly four months) it was as if a veil had been lifted. I could speak and think quicker. This in itself was thrilling; but with my new found mental clarity I was able to reflect upon my past and I picked out exactly what was wrong with me: over focusing on the negative and paying very little if any at all attention to the positive. Of course when your mind is clouded with chemicals you cannot. You do not have the mental capacity; you are not capable. That is something I definitely understand.

Your main focus now should be blocking out the negative thoughts for the moment, but not forever. You can either block them out in a bid to calm yourself down for a few weeks so that mental clarity comes to you, and then you'll be in a calm state. This must be maintained, though. This is what I'm currently doing with myself. I've now successfully calmed myself down, and found the root cause of it all: negative thinking.

Its like when you're involved in an accident. You don't get physically hurt, but you're still in shock; stunned; traumatised for an hour or so afterwards because the event is still in focus. After awhile of relaxation, you begin to calm down and your mind allows the positive back in. The reason behind the involuntary negative focus could be the brains way of making you reflect upon the situation and work out what went wrong so that it doesn't happen again. Could be. I'm unsure. That sums up the recovery process.

Just find out exactly what it is thats making you stressed to the point where you become anxious. Anxiety manifests itself as a result of high stress levels. I can tell you out straight that you will not be able to do this if drugs cloud your ability to form decent judgments.

05-06-2008, 07:40 PM
thank you so much for your advice im glad you helped your anxiety go away. i do alot of negative thinking because i have been through alot of bad things in the past year that most teenagers do not experience :(

but hopefully i become a better person one day from having to go through all of this:)

05-06-2008, 08:38 PM
The reason behind the involuntary negative focus could be the brains way of making you reflect upon the situation and work out what went wrong so that it doesn't happen again. Could be. I'm unsure.

That is possibly part of the reason for the negative focus. The other part of it involved preparedness. Anxiety is meant to prepare you for a dangerous situation (whether it is actually imminent or, in the case of anxiety disorder, not imminent). If you feel all 'peace and love', then your focus is certainly not going to be on the possibility of something dangerous happening that could possibly cost you your life.