View Full Version : Need some help guys

04-19-2014, 01:35 PM
Hey guys

I'm dealing with my anxiety really good. But recently, a new problem popped up and I really hope it's normal part of my recovery.

Depression. Not really depression, kind of like Bipolar? Sometimes I'm really happy, then at night BOM, I get all depressed.

I've heard that people commit suicide and other sh*t. I have a fear that I one day kill myself. I love life, I love my family, I love everything and I have a fear of commiting a suicide. I'm not tired of life. The last thing I want is to commit suicide.

But people say it can get worse? Maybe, I'm talking non-sense? Maybe I don't have a sh*t?

Sh*t.. I'm going crazy lol...

04-19-2014, 01:41 PM
Hey guys I'm dealing with my anxiety really good. But recently, a new problem popped up and I really hope it's normal part of my recovery. Depression. Not really depression, kind of like Bipolar? Sometimes I'm really happy, then at night BOM, I get all depressed. I've heard that people commit suicide and other sh*t. I have a fear that I one day kill myself. I love life, I love my family, I love everything and I have a fear of commiting a suicide. I'm not tired of life. The last thing I want is to commit suicide. But people say it can get worse? Maybe, I'm talking non-sense? Maybe I don't have a sh*t? Sh*t.. I'm going crazy lol...

I'm with you!!!!

I've thought about taking hella xanax to make the sadness go away but not to kill myself. I don't want to die either. I just want the sadness to go away.

04-19-2014, 01:49 PM
I'm with you!!!!

I've thought about taking hella xanax to make the sadness go away but not to kill myself. I don't want to die either. I just want the sadness to go away.

Exactly - it's all just sadness, not having suicidal thoughts or anything like that. But I'm scared it might develop into something else, like bipolar. I don't know.

What the hell is this??

04-19-2014, 02:46 PM
Anyone who has a way or something to deal with this? Cause it seems like I do have bipolar. Symptoms fits me perfectly. I'm happy all day, like really f*ckin' happy. Then at night, I get so depressive. It's like that every day. How do I know if it's bipolar or not?

04-19-2014, 03:02 PM
I found this happened to me about 3 month after I started my meds.
I was almost hyper through the day my house was spotless I just had a hell of a lot of energy and was so happy and cheery all day.
But as soon as it was night time it was like a switch was flicked and I was so down and I thought the world hated me!
I think it mainly happened at night because that's when I was alone with my thoughts and night time can be a lonely place.

I still struggle with this but not every night and day now.

The only person who could diagnose you with bipolar would be a doctor I think.

But I'm sure bipolar is more when you have days and days of happiness and energy and then wham the opposite happens. I could be wrong but I'm sure that's what tends to happen.
If you are really worried get checked with your doctor


04-19-2014, 03:10 PM
I'm going to get it checked by my doc for sure. So it's normal? I really don't want to hear that I have bipolar. Can a thing like this, being happy all day and then at night feeling depressed lead or develop into some mental illness like bipolar?

04-19-2014, 03:39 PM
I'm going to get it checked by my doc for sure. So it's normal? I really don't want to hear that I have bipolar. Can a thing like this, being happy all day and then at night feeling depressed lead or develop into some mental illness like bipolar?

I would say it sounds fairly normal.
I wouldn't like to say that your never going to develop bipolar as who would of thought they were going to develop depression or anxiety.

But I wouldn't think it would be likely to happen.

You really sound like me in the way you seem to over think things. It's got to be one of the worst things about anxiety, always thinking the worst.

But try and relax and I hope you have a fab Easter :-)

04-19-2014, 03:44 PM
A lot of people think Bipolar is sad/happy sad/happy,I have experienced similar to this and it was viewed as being emotionally unstable. one of my diagnosis is borderline personality disorder traits.

According to my psychiatric nurse who has the condition, Bipolar is actually diagnosed when there are episodes of mania not happiness. I have seen happy people and I have also seen a very manic gentleman in the hospital..... two very different things so I wouldn't worry about it :)

04-19-2014, 03:56 PM
A lot of people think Bipolar is sad/happy sad/happy,I have experienced similar to this and it was viewed as being emotionally unstable. one of my diagnosis is borderline personality disorder traits.

According to my psychiatric nurse who has the condition, Bipolar is actually diagnosed when there are episodes of mania not happiness. I have seen happy people and I have also seen a very manic gentleman in the hospital..... two very different things so I wouldn't worry about it :)

What's the difference? Isn't mania extreme happiness and depression extreme sadness?

04-19-2014, 04:00 PM
I would say it sounds fairly normal.
I wouldn't like to say that your never going to develop bipolar as who would of thought they were going to develop depression or anxiety.

But I wouldn't think it would be likely to happen.

You really sound like me in the way you seem to over think things. It's got to be one of the worst things about anxiety, always thinking the worst.

But try and relax and I hope you have a fab Easter :-)

I over think things, yes, very true. Not everything tho. Only things like, when I read the symptoms, they fit perfectly on me. That can make me go crazy.

Thanks Hannah! :)

04-19-2014, 04:09 PM
I over think things, yes, very true. Not everything tho. Only things like, when I read the symptoms, they fit perfectly on me. That can make me go crazy.

Thanks Hannah! :)

I totally get that, I read about a tropical disease the other day and I swear I gave myself every symptom haha. Anxiety is crazy lol.

Your more than welcome :-)

04-19-2014, 04:50 PM
What's the difference? Isn't mania extreme happiness and depression extreme sadness?


That's an example of mania :)

here's more


Key point

"These symptoms on their own are things anyone may experience from time to time, but for most people they will not be severe enough to cause problems. Whether you are diagnosed with hypomania or mania, or whether you receive a diagnosis at all, depends on how severe the symptoms are, how long they last, and how much they prevent you living your life as you wish"

so the mania would affect your life, just as much as the depressive episode

04-19-2014, 05:00 PM

That's an example of mania :)

here's more


Key point

"These symptoms on their own are things anyone may experience from time to time, but for most people they will not be severe enough to cause problems. Whether you are diagnosed with hypomania or mania, or whether you receive a diagnosis at all, depends on how severe the symptoms are, how long they last, and how much they prevent you living your life as you wish"

so the mania would affect your life, just as much as the depressive episode

That's great information. I understand the difference now and I guess I'm not even near mania or depression lol.

However, every other month or so, I could have an episode like that, like intense happiness, full of ideas and so happy I get motivation for everything.

Thanks Ritch! :)

04-19-2014, 05:00 PM

That's an example of mania :)

here's more


Thanks Ritch :-)

04-19-2014, 05:02 PM
Anyone who has a way or something to deal with this? Cause it seems like I do have bipolar. Symptoms fits me perfectly. I'm happy all day, like really f*ckin' happy. Then at night, I get so depressive. It's like that every day. How do I know if it's bipolar or not?

I'm the same way. I mentioned it at my outpatient group one day, and EVERYONE agreed that it happens to them too. The therapist said it's very common. It's probably because there are so many other things (usually) going on during the day, and it distracts us. Then at night... there's often a lull, we're not often doing something "productive", and we get to thinking and ruminating - and the anxiety/depression hit. I've never been diagnosed bipolar, though I've wondered about it myself. But I've been to so many psychiatrists and therapists, and not one has mentioned it as a possibility. Just anxiety/depression. It's awful, I know. I'm moving my bedtime up earlier to lessen the rumination time, and in the meantime I occupy myself with online games all evening (best case scenario - I've gone down darker roads before). Maybe games are lazy and addictive, but better than the alternative.

04-19-2014, 05:17 PM
That's great information. I understand the difference now and I guess I'm not even near mania or depression lol.

However, every other month or so, I could have an episode like that, like intense happiness, full of ideas and so happy I get motivation for everything.

Thanks Ritch! :)

"However, every other month or so, I could have an episode like that, like intense happiness, full of ideas and so happy I get motivation for everything" me too.... then I cry that night lol :)

04-19-2014, 06:54 PM
Damn. It's crazy what just anxiety can do. I feel better now that I'm not alone with this feeling. I've never seen anyone bring this up before, that's why I was a little worried.

I play games whenever I feel depressed, kind of makes me forget about the problem. It's good for the moment, but it could be bad in the long-term. idk

04-19-2014, 07:51 PM
Damn. It's crazy what just anxiety can do. I feel better now that I'm not alone with this feeling. I've never seen anyone bring this up before, that's why I was a little worried.

I play games whenever I feel depressed, kind of makes me forget about the problem. It's good for the moment, but it could be bad in the long-term. idk

gaming/reading/movies are all perfect forms of escapism and let's be honest everybody (even those without anxiety) need to escape sometimes. If it offers you some relief from your thoughts/symptoms and is not harming your health(drugs etc) then it is a positive thing.

04-20-2014, 01:35 PM
The thing with anxiety is that it feeds on your worst fears and then adds some... It dupes you into making your fears feel real through a series of emotional and physical responses. Instaed of listening to the rational side of your brain you choose to listen to the unreliable emotional/physical response. Googling the symptoms of different conditions feeds your anxiety furher -so i dont do it anymore. I have thought all the things that you have mentioned over the years and I am a sane as the next person!!! but in honesty if you were going mad would you really be asking yourself if it was happening!!Celebrate the fact that you are making progress -dont invest any more time worrying about this. Good luck

04-20-2014, 02:02 PM
I'd say that if you love life and are afraid that you're going to commit suicide, you probably won't. It's like me and my anxiety; it's turning more and more agoraphobic. But I tell myself that I DO NOT WANT TO BECOME a person who can't go outside without having a major panic attack - just by thinking in these terms, I think you're kind of blocking away the things you're afraid of, such as committing suicide - since you really don't want to, you're probably not going due to mentally blocking it out. You know what I mean?

04-20-2014, 03:54 PM
The thing with anxiety is that it feeds on your worst fears and then adds some... It dupes you into making your fears feel real through a series of emotional and physical responses. Instaed of listening to the rational side of your brain you choose to listen to the unreliable emotional/physical response. Googling the symptoms of different conditions feeds your anxiety furher -so i dont do it anymore. I have thought all the things that you have mentioned over the years and I am a sane as the next person!!! but in honesty if you were going mad would you really be asking yourself if it was happening!!Celebrate the fact that you are making progress -dont invest any more time worrying about this. Good luck

Thanks conpol! :)

Yea, it's as if I have two different "sides" of myself. One rational and the other completly irrational. The rational is fed by knowledge and experience, while the irrational is fed by fear. "but in honesty if you were going mad would you really be asking yourself if it was happening!!" I use this as an argument against my irrational thoughts everytime lol.

I'd say that if you love life and are afraid that you're going to commit suicide, you probably won't. It's like me and my anxiety; it's turning more and more agoraphobic. But I tell myself that I DO NOT WANT TO BECOME a person who can't go outside without having a major panic attack - just by thinking in these terms, I think you're kind of blocking away the things you're afraid of, such as committing suicide - since you really don't want to, you're probably not going due to mentally blocking it out. You know what I mean?

Yea, true. Sometimes my mind just "locks out" and I go full-"tunnel vision mode". I see nothing else, I get all pessimistic and I can't see it from a diffrent perspective. My irrational side takes over lol.

04-21-2014, 03:19 PM
That's what happens to me as well. I get very irrational and oversensitive.

(Har en pågående panikattack just nu faktiskt, haha)

04-21-2014, 04:57 PM
That's what happens to me as well. I get very irrational and oversensitive.

(Har en pågående panikattack just nu faktiskt, haha)

Haha so you're swedish :D

Lugn, du hanterar det :) Luta dig tillbaks och ha ett glas vatten brevid dig. Chilla! :D

04-21-2014, 04:58 PM
It's like I constantly feel ashamed of something, or like I want to crawl out of myself. (Ömsa skinn?)

04-21-2014, 05:03 PM
Hey Alias, I think posted in another thread but this is the series that we run into.......

Panic attack out of no where, scares us. Then Anxiety develops due to the fear of the Panic attack. Then we google our selves crazy with info about panic and anxiety. We then fall in to a small pitfall of depression as we never dealt with this before. We adjust our lives to live around the panic and anxiety and this changes things that we do causing depression.

This is the thing, as in my own thread I am on prozac now because of the depression but I am not using it to "Treat the symptom" but to help me get past the symptom so that I can go back to how I was prior to the attacks. Depression is a normal phase with all that we are going through. What we need to do is remember that its a phase and that it will take time to fight through it. We have been dealing with it for a little while so of course it will take some time to heal from it. but everyday you have to try and stay positive! You have to deprogram what we have been programming since our first indecent!

Hang in there Alias you can do it!

04-21-2014, 05:06 PM
But if you have the ability to rationalize it, that's a good thing. My psychiatrist tells me that my ability to intellectualize my feelings is what's stopping me from going insane. ;)