View Full Version : What could this be?

04-18-2014, 06:46 PM
Just recently I've been starting to feel weird and uncomfortable. It's an odd feeling like I'm trapped inside of my own body, like I need to stretch but no matter how much I stretch its not enough, like I need to go for a run or do something highly active. My hands and arms feel numb, and I just want to cry my eyes out. If someone asks me to do something or even just talks to me I get frustrated and upset with them and myself. Also everything seems distant and I feel dizzy/lightheaded at times.

I don't know whats going on, but it's such an uncomfortable feeling and I'm not sure how to get it to go away. I just want to scream.

Could this be anxiety? Or related to something else? Has anyone else ever felt this way?

04-18-2014, 08:01 PM
Just recently I've been starting to feel weird and uncomfortable. It's an odd feeling like I'm trapped inside of my own body, like I need to stretch but no matter how much I stretch its not enough, like I need to go for a run or do something highly active. My hands and arms feel numb, and I just want to cry my eyes out. If someone asks me to do something or even just talks to me I get frustrated and upset with them and myself. Also everything seems distant and I feel dizzy/lightheaded at times. I don't know whats going on, but it's such an uncomfortable feeling and I'm not sure how to get it to go away. I just want to scream. Could this be anxiety? Or related to something else? Has anyone else ever felt this way?. Many of us could relate to what you are feeling, you are not alone when it comes to those experiences and I am not saying that to make you feel like it isn't a big deal. Do you have a good support system of people to talk about these things with? Have you been to a doc to talk about the issues you have been experiencing ? I kept my own issues quiet for quite a bit of time before I realized I was not helping myself or anyone else around me remaining in the rut I was in .. For me personally, the symptoms you described had pretty much everything to do with stress and anxiety .. My best advice would be speak to a medical professional .. If they run tests and all come back normal then you at least will have less worry and can work on making your self free of those symptoms wether it be with or with out meds .. I tried some natural things like lots of calming teas and GABA .. Didn't work for me. Went to the doc m now am on an ssri

04-18-2014, 08:03 PM
Hopefully.. Since you say it has been recent.. If you can get it managed sooner then later .. Maybe you can get back to your normal self sooner :)

04-18-2014, 08:52 PM
. Many of us could relate to what you are feeling, you are not alone when it comes to those experiences and I am not saying that to make you feel like it isn't a big deal. Do you have a good support system of people to talk about these things with? Have you been to a doc to talk about the issues you have been experiencing ? I kept my own issues quiet for quite a bit of time before I realized I was not helping myself or anyone else around me remaining in the rut I was in .. For me personally, the symptoms you described had pretty much everything to do with stress and anxiety .. My best advice would be speak to a medical professional .. If they run tests and all come back normal then you at least will have less worry and can work on making your self free of those symptoms wether it be with or with out meds .. I tried some natural things like lots of calming teas and GABA .. Didn't work for me. Went to the doc m now am on an ssri

Sadly, no, I don't have much support. There's a lot of family issues and so I tend to keep these things to myself, I isolate myself at school as well, so I don't really have any friends that I'm close enough with to talk about these things. Although, I was talking to a counselor for awhile. She would come to my school once a week and we would talk, but she hasn't shown up for over a month and I never heard anything. About 2 years ago I went to the doctors and explained how I was feeling and was put on something for depression and anxiety, also something else for sleeping and eating. I stopped taking them before I should have as I don't like taking pills and they cause me to worry more, for some reason. I'll definitely think about making an appointment with my doctor. Thank you!