View Full Version : numb...

05-05-2008, 08:01 PM
occasionally i feel like my body goes numb. it feels warm and numb and its so scary!

does this happen to anyone?

The Melody of Rain
05-06-2008, 10:55 AM
This used to happen to me in situations of high anxiety (stress). Basically I couldn't move. It appeared as if my muscles had lost their elasticity. This issue was briskly resolved by doing a series of muscle stretches in a warm shower. In fact, I awoke the next morning in complete agony. My muscles had been tense from anxiety for so long that they were constricted to the point where they were barely being used.

05-09-2008, 07:07 PM
You have to accept that anxiety causes several physiological changes in your body - it is essential for equipping you to deal with potential danger.

Some of these physiological changes can result in - or contribute to - areas of your body feelign numb.

First of all, anxiety is linked to imbalances of neurotransmitter chemicals such as 5-HTP (serotonin) that carry signals to and from the brain.

Secondly, areas of your body react differently to adrenalin. Your skin receives less blood when exposed to adrenalin and, as you know if you sit on your hand, areas that receive less blood tend to go numb.

Thirdly (is that a word) your muscles adopt a semi-tensed state which also restricts blood-flow.

As melody hinted - you can help the situation by doing some light exercise and restoring the blood-flow.
